ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 33

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December 27th
Dear Lina,
Thank you for writing to me. I heard you came to visit me. Missed me already? The thought of seeing you once again brings light into this whole situation but don't feel too special since I've been bored in this manor since you've left. Mother misses you as well. Onto other things I feel a darkness coming once again, just like when Voldemort was alive. I fear Riddle is the cause of that darkness. I am unable to owl you anymore for your own safety. Bellatrix is my aunt if you didn't know already and she's staying here at the manor until further notice. She doesn't know who you are yet or whatever Riddle needs you for. Keep it that way. Im looking forward to seeing you again Lina.

Sincerely, Draco Malfoy

Lina's POV

The rest of the week Theo spent locked in his room. He would call to speak to everyone else in this stupid house except me. Avoiding me was definitely on the top of his list which outraged me more. I was supposed to be the mad one but he completely turned the tables.

We didn't say a word to each other ever since the night we slept together. Celeste and Maurice were ecstatic when they saw my hickeys the next morning. Adelie and Lisette were worried for me but trusted I could handle myself.

When I informed them about the mark it only made Lisette furious.

"That mark puts you in danger Lina why would you permit him to do so?" Lisette said with her arms crossed and eyes turned into more of a darker state.

"Oh don't be so hard on her Lisette! Obviously it was the sex right Lina!" Maurice smirked sending a wink towards me.

"She'll be fine you know Riddle won't let anything happen to her isn't that the whole point of the mark?" Celeste questioned.

"He wants me to be safe yes, on his own bloody terms but yes." I stated "That marks protects you from others but now you have the biggest target on your back when it comes to Bellatrix don't you think? It will obviously intrigue her" Adelie said.

"She doesn't know I even have the mark yet, it'll be fine Lisette" I said

"Everything is different now Lina, Riddle knows it that's why he empowered you with that mark. We all need to be careful especially you at Hogwarts. Choose your friends wisely" Lisette stated.


It was New Year's Eve today and I had been invited to Pansy's party at her parents. She sent an owl a few days after Theo's ball, worried about how I was doing since the news spread like rapid fire that me and Lorenzo broke up.

I knew going to her party would rile up Theo once he found out so it was a perfect opportunity to do something that he would hate. The others weren't allowed to come since Theo would obviously oppose and if we got caught I knew he wouldn't hurt me but I couldn't say the same for the others.

We all grew closer as the week went by. Both Maurice and Lisette's relationships with the twins were blooming like a beautiful flower in the springtime. I was like their little sister in a way as they all had a certain protection over me that I couldn't shake off no matter how hard I tried.

Lisette and Maurice taught me how to use wandless magic while the twins were teaching me how to enhance my ability. I was becoming a stronger seer each day, always seeing the past and small bits of the future that holds for the twins. I found out I am a gifted witch in Legillimency and Occlumency. They pushed me as hard as Theo did but then again it was probably his idea for them to teach me in the first place but they didn't want to admit it. They were family to me but Theo's orders always came first.

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