ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 6

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Lina's POV

Me and Lorenzo spent the rest of the day together, we talked about our lives and how different they ended up becoming and I was fortunate enough to even see Enzo again, I missed him more than anything.

"So how do you like it at Hogwarts I see you were put into Slytherin and ever since the war they've been more tolerable I hope they treat you well" he mumbled.

"Yeah they're actually really nice and funny I have a couple friends already Pansy, Draco, Blaise and Theodore" I said

"Malfoy? Why on Earth are you friends with that git Lina?" he scoffed

"What do you mean Draco is nice and he's my partner in Transfiguration" I shot back.

He balled his fists in frustration and I could sense a hint of jealousy "Just don't get too close to him Lina ever since the war he's got everyone thinking that it all wasn't a choice for him to become a Death Eater but he's bad news and when it comes to girls he sleeps with every person he fancies but throws them away the next day"

There was more to the story but I held my tongue, not pushing Enzo since I didn't think it was the right time to do so.

After being with Enzo he walked me to the common room and gave me a kiss on the cheek that made my stomach flutter at the action.

"It was good to see you again Lina I will talk to you soon" I nodded with a blush on my face and walked inside the common room.

"You know Lorenzo?" Draco said right when entering. He sat with his shirt unbuttoned and blonde hair messily done.

"Yeah he's an old friend, wait have you been waiting for me to get back?" I asked

"Of course not I have my own things to do I just saw you with Lorenzo and was concerned why someone like you would be with that foul excuse of a guy" he spat

"Don't talk about him like that! He's my friend and whatever reason you two hate each other I don't care, leave me out of it. I don't want either one of you to think you will control who I want to be friends with and that's final, goodnight Draco I'll see you tomorrow" I stormed off not giving him a chance to say anymore.

I laid in bed with my thoughts filled of Enzo and how happy I was to see him. I had never been this happy before and seeing him was breathtaking, he had perfect pink lips and his smile was impeccable I had butterflies just thinking about it.

In the back of my mind I also thought about Draco and why they both didn't like one another but ignored the thought and went to sleep.


It was another day that actually went quite well, I had Defense Against the Dark Arts with Lorenzo and Mattheo but never looked his way, careful to not disappoint him then I had Potions with Draco, Theodore and other Gryffindors such as Harry Potter and what the other students called the Golden Trio.

It was assigned seats and I sat next to Hermione who was surprisingly lovely. She knew Lorenzo and they were close friends so she already knew of me.

"It's nice to meet you Lina last night Enzo wouldn't stop talking about you it was extremely interesting he's not one to talk about girls really" she laughed while I tried to hide my blushing face

"I've known Enzo since I was a kid and I'm happy I finally got to see him again" I smiled

"If you need anything Lina I'll be here and so will Ron and Harry" she pointed to the two boys who looked my way and I smiled towards them earning a nod back.

The rest of the day went by swiftly and I decided to grab dinner before heading to the library to go study with Draco. I sat with Pansy and the guys like usual and saw Enzo in the other table and waved towards him with a smile. He waved back with a grin from ear to ear and I blushed just looking at his brown eyes.

"So you fancy Lorenzo huh?" Blaise and Theodore said in unison

"I don't like him I just know him, we're old friends" I laughed

"Well be careful with that one Draco doesn't take a liking to him and we don't wanna get caught in the middle of a fight again right Theodore?" Blaise nudged Nott who was stuffing his face with turkey.

"Indeed that was too much to handle and let's just say Enzo doesn't go down without a fight" he bit into his toast and received a mouthed fuck you from Draco which I pretended to ignore, hiding a laugh that escaped my lips and continued to eat.

"Are you ready to go Lina?" Draco asked

"Oh yes let's go" 

"Now where are you two lovebirds going?" Theodore teased winking at the two of us.

"He's my partner in Transfiguration we need to do the research essay about animagi" I told the group

"Don't have too much fun and be back by curfew or we'll send the first years to come fetch you" Blaise chuckled.

We made our way into the library and started working on our essay, the library was captivating. An appreciation I had for novels and knowledge was an understatement, making the library a field of heaven. "If you think this is great you should see the Astronomy Tower, the view is phenomenal" he grinned.

"This whole school is beautiful I can't even imagine what it was like attending here for six years" I said

"It looks great from an outsiders perspective but all the students on the inside are broken from the war and having another Riddle attend doesn't make it any better" I bit my tongue at the thought of Mattheo, nobody even knows his true intentions for this coming year.

"How do you feel about everything?" I questioned

"I feel free, you probably know by now that I was a death eater, but it was something I was forced into."he paused biting his cheek then continued.

"I never wanted it and because of my father I had to become something I'm not or else he would be disappointed if I didn't. I would go home and expect to get torment of living everyday and mentally I was completely drained of life"

I knew exactly how he felt I had that my whole life and felt nothing but sorrow for Draco. Without thinking I grabbed his hand and held rubbed the back of his palm with my thumbs.

"The war is over now so I hope you can finally live the life you wanted" I said continuing to rub my thumbs over his knuckles causing a subtle smile to form on his face.

"That's the thing the war is over but it's hard to just forget everything that happened, I've made enemies and they think I'm just this past Death Eater and that's it, nobody knows the real me" he shifted towards me, our eyes connected for the first time.

"I'm grateful you've came, call me selfish but it's great having someone different who didn't know what was going on before" I smiled as he spoke

"Lina get the fuck away from him now!" I heard the familiar voice and turned to look and see Enzo fuming in rage.

"Enzo what are you doing, what the hell is wrong with you?" 

"Don't trust him Lina it's all a sob story to sleep with you, come with me!" He reached for my hand but Draco moved it away.

"Lina is staying here with me Berkshire we have a project to do, don't get your panties in a twist just because you've been a scared little bitch ever since I took Astoria away from you" Draco said with a smirk

"Fuck you Draco you're just mad nobody fucking likes you so you think Lina will! Well guess what I'll make sure she stays the fuck away from you!" Enzo grabbed my waist pulling me towards him and just like that our lips connected.

Enzo kissed me and I didn't back away it felt like every part of me wanted this and it did, feeling the fire within my bones.

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