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Riddle's POV

Being at Hogwarts ended up being everything I had hoped for, people looking away avoiding all eye contact with me, guys leaving the bathrooms in order to avoid my presence and fear running through their veins which made my cold soul enjoy every bit of it.

I kept to myself observing everyone at Hogwarts which included teachers, staff and students who were grieving and too depressed for my liking. Then there were some back to normal from not even being apart of the war at all. It was satisfying to see how many sad faces my father caused but it was annoying whenever people had finally enjoyed themselves.

Watching Hogwarts I realized there would be nothing here for me and nobody that would be as loyal to me like Lina is. Keeping an eye on her was bloody difficult since she had all these bastards already fawning over her.

There would be some girls that would talk to me but only in groups, scared of what I would do to them if they went up to me alone which was smart since I don't quite have a good record with women.

The last girl I slept with was a random wizard I didn't even fancy but I didn't care I mean women are just too desperate anyways and father always told me there is no such thing as love and I'm incapable of such a thing.

I was in the library observing everyone, also seeing Draco and Enzo fight for about two seconds before any fun could happen, Lina ruined my entertainment which I didn't appreciate. I decided to keep an eye on her the rest of the night to make sure she was still trying to figure out who was best for me and my army. Once I saw her and Enzo basically snogging I wanted to gauge my eyes out, it was disgusting. I saw how he handled her and anyone could realize she needed bruises on her before she went back to bed I mean the girl was practically begging for more.

Although Enzo seemed right for Lina he was too nice and soft for my liking so I wouldn't let her be with him when the time came, he's weak and would hold her back and if I had to use the kill him in order to get her mind in the right place then I will.

Even if I did already know the type of person he is.


She rolled over bed with a grin on her face ready to see Enzo today. They were taking things slow and she wasn't considered his girlfriend although she really wanted to be.

Lina got ready took a shower and changed into her clothes but this time wore knee high socks to compliment her skirt. She was proud of the woman she became and made sure to show everyone else how confident she really was every chance she got.

"You know if I weren't dating Zabini you might have had a shot with me" Pansy told her as she woke

"I'd be flattered and honored to have you" she giggled

"Who's the guy who made you all giddy and want to look hot for?" She let out a small smile

"Lorenzo the boy in Ravenclaw although I dress like this for you" she joked winking to Pansy.

"Oh he's so hot, I knew you would fall for him I mean he did stare at you so much it was obvious, does Draco know?"

"He knows, Enzo actually kissed me in front of him" Lina said. "That guy has balls when it comes to Draco let me tell you his dick has to be big" the two laughed

"Get changed we need to get breakfast Pansy" she nodded and got ready.

They made their way to get some food and as Lina walked many guys were eyeing her and how her body fit her clothes with perfection.

"Goodmorning dimwits" Lina said.

"Hey why am I a dimwit?" Blaise said "The fact that you have a little bit of drool just like every other guy in this bloody school because of Lina that's why" Pansy said slapping his head.

"Oh my love you know my dick only gets hard for you-I mean c'mon who else would be able to put up with me and handle my attitude?" Blaises said with sarcasm making us all laugh

So word is going around you're dating Enzo?" Blaise asked and Lina let out a cough

"We are not dating he's just someone I'm getting to know more, that's all he hasn't asked me out"

"Make sure he's worth it Lina we don't want you getting hurt by a guy in your first year here or else I will beat his ass" Theodore said and winked at Lina as she rolled her eyes and nodded

"Ha you wouldn't do shit everyone knows you can't fight Theodore" Draco said making everyone sit in silence until Pansy let out a laugh making everyone burst into laughter as well

"I'll have you know I hexed someone in my first year you arse" Theodore said

"Oh wow would you like a reward for doing the most basic thing?" Draco said "You're laughing at me now but looks who's making their way towards our table you better run Draco you know she misses you" Theodore said and they all looked who walked into the cafeteria and making their way towards them.

A beautiful girl with a strut that even looks annoying and eye catching towards all the guys, there she was and Lina was finally going to be able to meet her.

There was Astoria.

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