ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 13

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Lina's POV


He died because of me and I didn't even feel sorry for him, I wanted him to die but seeing his body with no movement I realized how much I wanted to be the one dead instead.

I found myself helpless, my mind hopeless and my soul broken.

After a few minutes of crying in silence I stood up and made my way to get out of the place I never wanted to be in again. I examined the house before I left, it was beautiful but there was nothing in there that seemed to have life in it, almost as if it was a house but never a home for anyone. I wiped my tears before walking outside the house in spite of everything I didn't know how to even get back to Hogwarts or where I was. Suddenly I saw him apparate in front of me. Draco stood there and I felt no emotion, no relief no nothing I was in pain and even he couldn't take that away.

A part of me slowly melted away and I knew I was empty. Draco took a look at my clothes and didn't ask questions but decided to pull himself towards me

We didn't say a word as he apparated us back to Hogwarts he saw the bruises on my neck and face, my torn up clothes, and bloody nose but didn't see the scars in my heart. After we got to Hogwarts he picked me up bridal style seeing I didn't have the strength to get to my room myself. Draco made sure that nobody would see me and the condition I was in. I was grateful for it, the last thing I needed was people to assume the worst. We got to my dorm and Pansy was waiting there for me with tears and puffy eyes. "Lina! I was so worried what happened?" Pansy said while Draco laid me down on my bed gently making sure not to hurt me.

"We'll talk later but right now I need you both to go and get someone for me" I exclaimed "Anything for you Lina" Pansy said which made me smile but Draco didn't even look me in the eyes he didn't want to see the pain I was really holding.

"Get Riddle" I said and he hesitated, but nodded and both of them made their way out the door.

My hands were shaking uncontrollably, being left alone was probably the worst thing I could've done to myself. I could hear my heart beat each time, the owls outside, the wind blow through the trees and it comforted me listening to it. I didn't notice the tears rolling down my face and the taste of iron from the blood on my nose, it was all unreal to me almost as if it was just a bad dream and I needed to wake up.

I sat there on the bed holding my legs in my arms trying not to scream to myself for minutes that felt like a lifetime before he burst through the door with Draco and Pansy beside him.

He didn't even recognize me, how much blood I had and bruises all over, my confidence was gone and I was unrecognizable.

"Leave us now!" He told Draco and Pansy. They scurried out the room leaving us alone "Muffilato" he stated making sure nobody can hear our conversation. "Tell me everything" he said making his way up to me slowly. His steps were gentle and his face containing no emotion, but I knew he was angry. I spent enough time with him to know how much he hated not being there and letting someone do this to me.

I allowed him to sit on the bed with me as I told him what happened, "I went to Hogsmeade today with Pansy, we stopped by the Three Broomsticks to get butterbeer it was this man he came up to me trying to get me to go with him and when that didn't work he um" I paused as my shaking breathe didn't let me speak anymore but I knew I had to tell him or else it wouldn't end well.

"He apparated me to this house, I didn't know where I was or who he was, but he took me to this room and started to touch me. I was able to get away but he beat me after I tried, then I pulled out my wand and made him suffer" I stopped bringing my eyes to meet his. He could see my pain and that's all I needed.

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