ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 4

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Throughout the few weeks Lina received nonstop training from Theo, she still couldn't handle the cruciatus curse, but she was getting better each day that passed.

When it came to magic she was horrible at first although was easily taught because she knew everything she needed to know and impressed him with the amount of knowledge she obtained.

She turned out to be a good wizard and able to defend herself exceptionally. Lina learned to cast a good amount of spells that she needed in order to fit into Hogwarts and be at the same level as other sixth years. Mattheo was tough on her everyday to the point where she didn't even think it could all be worth it.

There were moments he was caring in one second and hexed her in another. Overtime they developed a routine and she knew exactly how to talk to and what not to say.

The day had finally come where they needed to go to Hogwarts and she was quite excited to start her new journey and go to school.

They finally got to the platform and he looked at her sternly "Remember what you need to do, I'll be there the whole time, make sure you get all the information I need before Christmas" she nodded before she lost him in the crowd of students.

Lina made her way onto the train to look for an empty compartment. Although she never found it but instead locked eyes with a boy who seemed very familiar, but he quickly looked away once she was shoved by a girl

"Move out of my way!"

She looked up to see a rather pretty girl with dark hair up to her shoulders  "Maybe you should watch where you're going" Lina scoffed

"And who the hell are you?" The girl asked.

"I'm new, this is my first year here if you so desperately need to know my name it's Lina Madden" she responded

"My name is Pansy Parkinson, you know I have a feeling we're going to be great friends, after all no other girl would have the guts to talk back, you're definitely worth figuring out Lina come sit with me and my group" Lina smiled while she walked with Pansy.

What an odd girl to like the confidence she had to tell her off. Lina thought Hogwarts must be filled with extremely kind students if nobody usually talked back.

The two made their way into a compartment full of guys "Hey this is Lina Madden she's new and she's got a mouth on her so she's sitting with us don't fucking annoy her" Pansy says, but the guys were too busy looking at Lina taking in every inch of her.

"Hey I'm Lina nice to meet you" and she took a seat next to Pansy who was already sitting down next to a tall guy with short dark hair.

His features were sharp and pensive but he held a handsome demeanor.

Another boy caught her attention. "I'm Draco Malfoy" she turned to the blonde and held out her hand to shake.

"I'm Blaise Zabini, Pansy's boyfriend" she nodded and shook the hand of the serious one.

"I'm Theodore Nott and let me say we haven't had a girl like you in Hogwarts so it's a great pleasure" she laughed watching him take her hand and kiss the back of her palm.

"Alright stop drooling you idiots we have a long ride to Hogwarts and I don't need you guys to piss me off the whole ride there" Pansy said with annoyance

Lina smiled and enjoyed the company of them all but later on found herself wondering how she could talk about the war to them when they all seemed so glad it was finally over.

She knew she had time and would definitely be patient, after all it was only her first day. She had a few months before she needed to report to Theo.

The train made its way to a stop and it arrived at Hogwarts, Lina knew she had to be sorted and was ready for whatever house she was going to be placed in, but had no idea which one it would be since Theo hadn't really explained what the houses are.

Lina's POV

McGonagall was the Headmistress and gladly took me into Hogwarts with not many questions asked, but insisted I needed to take a test to see what year I was to be placed in.

I thought I would be in sixth year but they let the sixth years have an opportunity to move up a class if they were intelligent enough in order to make it fair for everyone since the war had just ended. I would take the test tomorrow and see what year I was to be placed in but tonight I had to be sorted immediately.

"Attention students it is my greatest pleasure to start this new year with welcoming a couple new students they will be sorted immediately! Lina Madden!"

This was it I finally would get to find out where the bloody hell I'm going to end up this year and I was so nervous while everyone eyed me down. I took a seat and the hat was placed upon my head.

"Ooo I see you are new, I've been waiting for you, yesss let's see you have the mind of a Gryffindor but your heart is telling me you need to be somewhere else. You have big things coming but only if you're placed correctly.... SLYTHERIN!"

I smiled seeing the cheers fill the room and made my way to the Slytherin table sitting on the edge next to Pansy who smirked and gave me a hug.

"Now if you may please silence yourselves there is one more student who is new this year and there will be nothing wrong with him attending this school year. I expect nothing bad to happen, this is a new year so please make sure to be welcoming to Riddle!" I can tell she was nervous to even say his name.

I smiled once I saw him walk down the room with a grin on his face knowing people would be terrified of him. The room containing shocked faces and gasps sounding from each table.

As he was making his way down he looked at me and winked which made me realize this was what he wanted, everyone's attention and fear in his hands.

He sat on the chair and without a doubt the Sorting Hat immediately shouted "SLYTHERIN!"

No claps no words just silence as he made his way to the table with eyes locked on him he sat across from me.

After a few moments McGonagall finally said "Very well then let the feast begin!"

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