ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 27

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Lina's POV

"You want me to be your date to the ball?" I said

My throat felt dry as the words left his mouth. The time I spent with Draco was unbelievably good but I still had a boyfriend that I loved. The thought of going to the ball with Draco didn't sit right with me. Enzo would be heartbroken even though he didn't ask me to attend with him it would be unfair to show up with the guy he hates the most.

"Yes Lina I know Lorenzo is your boyfriend but this is just a dance we can go as friends if you'd feel more comfortable"

Hearing him made me realize I didn't even think about Enzo since I've gotten here. I should've written to him and stayed with him but here I am with Draco.

"I can't go with you Draco, that'll be unfair to Enzo" I sighed "Why did you come here Lina? You could've gone to any other place in the world, even a hotel for gods sake but you came here, why?" He asked.

"I-I don't know I just trusted you and knew where you lived" I said "You're lying to me" he walked closer to me as I took a step back beginning to feel nervous.

"I'm not lying Draco" I said "Lina you should hate this place because of my father, Enzo is your boyfriend and you haven't even written to him yet if there's something I should know tell me now" he said as he took another step forward. Our faces only inches away.

"I want to take you to the ball Lina I know you and I know there's more than what you're telling me, what's going on?"

"Draco don't" I said

"You don't need to be apart of this Draco, I'm not doing that to you" I said "I wanna know your truth Lina, why did you really come here?"

"You're just going to hate me if you know the truth" I sighed as I looked up into his eyes. "I could never hate you Lina, just please tell me" he said.

"I-I live with Riddle. I'm one of his followers because he got me out of the orphanage. It was our deal in order for me to have a better life but I came here because I couldn't stay there anymore. I knew you would understand more then Enzo."

No words, no reaction. He just pulled me into a hug. I felt his warm body and held tightly. It was still freezing but a hug was all I needed. We stood there for a few minutes as I fought back any tears. I didn't wanna tell Draco about my parents or me being a seer.

"I will always be here for you" he kissed my forehead and walked me back inside the house. We didn't say anything to each other as he took me back to my room.

"I understand why you're following him but I don't understand why you can't trust Lorenzo with this, yes he pisses me off but he would understand Lina." He said "You've been a death eater Draco, I just don't want him to judge me"

"If he does I'll be right there with you" he said.

"Thank you Draco" I said with a small smile. "If you're ever in trouble with Riddle don't hesitate to tell me, I don't trust him he can hurt you Lina"

"He won't hurt me I'll be fine" I said "How are you so sure, his father was the most evil wizard ever. Theo is just as manipulative and wants the power just as much as his father did, don't let him control you" Draco said. "I won't" I reassured.

"You don't have to be my date, forget I even asked" he sighed "Draco I can't be your date, you know that but I would love if you were to escort me" I smiled.

"It would be my honor sweetheart" I rolled my eyes as he was back to his joking self. "Now go shower your clothes are soaked" he said. "So are yours" I laughed

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