ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 14

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Lina's POV

I laid in my bed with an intense feeling of loneliness. My memories of the events overflowed me and became so overwhelming I felt myself struggling to breathe. I started to hyperventilate so much I didn't even notice the figure that walked through the door.

They rushed towards me and put their arms around my waist trying to control my breathing it wasn't until I started to do so that I noticed it was Pansy. Her voice was soothing and settled me down enough to where I could finally hear what she was saying.

"I'm here Lina it's okay I won't let anyone hurt you" I heard everything she said and in her arms I felt free from any harm that would come my way. I didn't need any guy for me I just needed my best friend.

"Thank you Pansy" I said with a shaky voice still trying to keep myself together. I wasn't one to let my guard down but with Pansy it was natural, she was comforting. "Don't thank me I was worried sick, I don't know what I would do without you Lina you're my best friend and I can't lose you" she said "You won't lose me Pansy you're someone I will always need in my life" I said

"I love you Lina, but you look so bad right now you need some rest before the whore Astoria goes back to being the hottest girl in the school" I laughed at her comment, she always knows how to make me smile no matter what state I'm in and I'm glad she didn't lose the way she was towards me just because of everything. I didn't like the way Draco or Mattheo looked at me. They just saw a broken girl but Pansy still sees me.

"Oh we both know she'll be happy to get back to that" I said with a grin "Goodnight Lina" Pansy said as she kissed my forehead and was getting off the bed

"Wait" I instantly told her

"Please don't leave me I don't want to be alone right now" she smiled at me while nodding her head and made her way back to the bed. She laid next to me and held my hand in her palm. "Goodnight Pansy" I said as I drifted into a deep sleep.

"Please just leave me alone I don't want to kill you" I ran in the other direction away from Draco's father. "I'm already dead! You killed me and soon enough you'll be the death of everyone you love, you're just a waste of space you filthy orphan!" He said as he held my face and sliced the side of my cheek with his wand making me plead for him to stop. "Nobody else will die I won't allow it! But please stop!" He started to laugh "The only way nobody else will die is if you kill yourself first so I suggest you do so before all the blood will be on your hands!"


"Lina! Lina wake up! It's just a dream!" Pansy said shaking me to wake up out of my terrible nightmare.

"What happened?" I said "You had a nightmare Lina you were screaming in your sleep, and then you kept saying you'll die instead" Pansy said nervously

"I'm sorry for waking you" I said "Sorry for waking me? Lina I know what happened, Draco told me and I know Theo said not to say anything but I got it out of Draco" she said "I'm sorry I wasn't the one to tell you. Does Theodore and Blaise know?"

"No but I'm pretty sure Draco will tell them after all they're roommates and it's gonna be pretty strange seeing Draco look like someone beat the shit out of him" I nodded "It's almost sunrise try and get a little more rest since there aren't any classes. Draco said he would get you excused from class on Monday if you need it and I'll get your class work so you won't miss anything" I smiled and gave her a thank you before going back to sleep.

Riddle's POV

I left Lina's dorm and was outraged at what happened to her. I wanted to torture someone, no I needed to torture a life, any life, to calm my nerves. I remember the pain in her eyes and that's exactly how I was growing up as a kid. My father would torture and beat me, tell me I was incapable of love and if I enjoyed anything or anyone he would make me watch them as they screamed in pain at the torment my father would give them.

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