ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 21

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Thank you so much for 1k reads! I'm so beyond grateful and this chapter is my longest yet so I hope you enjoy I love you all so much!!

Lina's POV

The month was slowly coming to an end and Christmas was just around the corner. The only thing is I only worried about the storm. The mandrake leaf was the main reason me and Lorenzo would keep our distance and as each day went by my body ached his touch.

"Don't worry love you'll do great there is supposed to be a storm tomorrow and you will soon be able to kiss these lips again" I threw a pillow towards Lorenzo.

"I think you missed my touch more than I missed yours" I teased as I went closer to him and sat on his lap as he was laying on my bed.

I saw how much he yearned for me. The look in his brown eyes said it all. He wanted me like I wanted him and teasing him was to my own amusement.

I got off his lap as he groaned "You're such a tease love" he said making me let out a small giggle.

"One more day Enzo" I said "One more day yes but Christmas break is coming in two days which means we can't make up for all the time we've lost this month" he said getting close to me as his hand travelled up my thigh.

"I can't wait to have every part of your body shake for me again, I miss the taste of you love" he whispered in my ear making me shudder.

I stood up before the temptation would be too much. He broke into laughter knowing exactly why I got up from the bed.

"And you say I'm a tease" I rolled my eyes. "Let's go to bed so this day can be over already" I told him. Pansy was sleeping with Blaise tonight so Lorenzo would sleep with me whenever she was gone which was a lot. Draco on the other hand would sleep around and Enzo said he's back together with Astoria but I never even saw them together.

Enzo wrapped his arms around me as my head fell onto his chest. He was everything I could ever ask for. We both fell asleep ready for tomorrow.

The next day

As much as I wanted the last day of my Animagus spell to go by slowly because of how nervous I was, it couldn't have gone by faster. I was excused by all of my classes because McGonagall wanted me to prepare for tonight's storm.

We grew closer ever since I started the assignment. She tried to help me as much as she could and before I knew it I was top of all my classes. I was even smarter than Hermione which she blamed Theodore for distracting her so much but she loved him either way.

I was relieved to see it looked like there would be a storm tonight. I got food quickly and left to my dorm to prepare for my transformation. McGonagall said I should have someone there to accompany me just in case since there was a chance I would be without any clothing when transforming back into myself but only someone I trusted. Usually the first time is too hard for people to transform back with clothes on so Enzo agreed to accompany me.

"Ready love?" He knocked on my dorm and as I was playing with my fingers nervously. "I think so it should be time soon"

We made our way into the forest hand in hand. My palms were sweating but the rain didn't even make it noticeable. "I'm nervous Enzo" I said as we stopped deep in the forest.

"I know but I'll be right here the whole time okay?" He said making me smile.

I waited for the storm and and started saying the incantation "Amato Animo Animato Animagus" repeatedly until I sensed my second heart like McGonagall said I would.

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