ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 40

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It's hard to realize the reality I live in now. My sister and I serve the son of the almighty deceased dark lord. We're good at heart just made all the wrong decisions in life, but somehow I still manage to be grateful for everything now.

I have my sister, Lina, Lisette, Maurice and even Riddle. Serving for him is a blessing in disguise. We each stand by him at all costs but whoever stands against us will face our story, we all became one with the darkness. Each of us took in the dark magic that Riddle taught and inhaled it like a puff of smoke. Consuming it more and more will eventually kill but we slowly became addicted to the source. We aren't like Riddle we don't harm for the pleasure or have a need for power but that doesn't mean we won't harm those responsible for mayhem and danger towards us.

Riddle is vile and cruel but this family is the one part of me that has something to live for. He saved us from an even darker path and because of that we all allow the darkness inside us to grow. To save us.

Maurice used to fight for Lisette, but fear still peaked inside, fear of death, but now there's no fear of death. Instead he welcomes death if it gives him the chance to save any of us.

Adelie fought by my side through it all, our magic weaving together giving no chance to those we go against but now she can fight alone, as can I with just as much strength using the advantages we each have in each other that the other doesn't hold. Riddle taught us to learn to fight alone, in order to fight that much better united. 

Lisette was a closed off person who would fight better off by herself than any one of us. She was independent, and was used to doing better as one but now she has us, and she learned to use that as a way to make herself stronger. Lisette is like Maurice, would die for each one of us but instead Lisette would kill the one who tried to harm us if it was her last dying wish.

After dinner I met up with them. Hogwarts had plenty of nice students that were welcoming to all of us but we still yearned the moment we had together the most.

Once we were heading back to our dorms and the halls were beginning to empty Maurice walked me back to the Hufflepuff common room. He brought out the best in me, bringing me happiness I didn't know was possible.

"Goodnight Maurice" I said

"Goodnight princess" he said and gave me a chaste kiss on the lips before walking back into the dark halls.

I opened the door and walked inside once he left and was startled when I saw Casimir waiting inside the common room. I pulled out my wand in an instant and pointed it towards him.

"How did you get in here?"

He chuckled "I have my ways- Celeste am I right?" I nodded "Well Celeste I need you to come with me"

"Like I'm going to go anywhere with you" I spat and shot a spell right at him but he was quick to block it.

"Careful there, if any of your fellow hufflepuff friends come out I will not hesitate to kill them, so would you like to settle this somewhere else?"

Adelie always reminded me to have patience, if your enemy is on the verge of striking then the best thing to do is have enough patience to win the battle not allowing them to even see it coming.

This is one of those times. He needed me for something but he wasn't there to hurt me or else he would've struck back with the first spell I shot. So I lowered my wand and decided patience was the best thing to have.

He walked me towards a dark hallway where I shot a spell at him right when he turned back around to face me.

"Stupefy!" I shouted, he used a counter curse immediately that shot the spell to the wall. We heard footsteps approach and that's when we saw an old man with a cat approach us.

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