𝐁𝐨𝐧𝐮𝐬 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫

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3 years later

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3 years later


"No please just let me go! I'll do anything just let me live!" His screams filled the room. He was an utter mess, begging to be released as I slithered on his skin.

The cell Theo had made was sound proof, no scream or any piece of noise would be heard from the outside.

"You went after my fucking girl, now she gets to watch you die a slow and painful death, unless you agree to tell us who you work for" Theo warned taking out an abundance of weapons to set down on the table beside him. Removing his shirt he stood bare, and even as a snake I couldn't wait to transform and touch his body with my own hands.

"Staring darling? You can't possibly be turned on right now" he hissed in parseltongue, allowing only me to understand the words coming out his mouth.

"Can you blame me?" I hissed back and could see him hide the curl on his lips.

"I can't- I can't say they'll kill me" the man spit out. His hair in shambles and the sweat dripping down his forehead crease from the pure fear that drowned him.

"Don't you see that you're going to die right now if you don't open that fucking mouth and tell me?"

"Okay okay!" The man spoke and even after he gave us the answers we needed, I sunk my teeth into his neck and transformed back into my human form.

"You were eager to get that done"

"Can you blame me? He was an easy target, and convinced we would let him live, sometimes I wonder about these dark wizards" I said running my hands through his hair.

"I love how feisty you get" he smirked wrapping his hands around my waist to pull me into a sinister kiss.

"What time is it?" I pulled away to look at the clock and see it was five minutes to six.

"Oh shit we need to go" he quickly said grabbing his shirt to pull over his head.

"Theo- she's fine"

"But I miss her" he sighed.

"I do too" I smiled grabbing his hand to leave the room and apparate out the cell. Our feet landing outside our house instead. We quickly made our way inside, greeted by Ezra who ran into my arms.

"Aunt Lina, uncle Riddle look! I lost another tooth!" Ezra beamed showing me his toothy grin with an open space.

"That's amazing!"

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