ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 7

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Draco's POV

Seeing their lips connect angered me and I felt my insides boil just at the sight of them. I wish she would've pulled back and looked as if she never wanted that kiss to happen but she was the opposite.

She wanted more which enraged me even more.

After a few shocked moments I acted on instinct and pulled Enzo away to punch him straight in the face and just as my knuckles connected with his face she got up and stood in front of the both of us before it could go on any further.

Her beautiful hair and face that was different from any girl at Hogwarts.  Just seeing her made my heart pound with nervousness.

"Both of you need to calm the hell down. I am not either of yours to claim and if you think so I will gladly leave and maybe go with any other guy that isn't either of you" Lina said with her eyes looking directly at me since I threw the first punch.

"I'm sorry love, I didn't want our first kiss to happen that way but I just had to do it I've been waiting ever since I laid my eyes on you in the train" Enzo said

I laughed at him there was no way she was buying this he just did it to get back at me for Astoria, that smart bastard.

"Oh don't lie Enzo we both know you did it to get back at me for Astoria you only want to anger me" I told him

"Ahhh see kissing her was just what I wanted to do, my intentions were never to get you jealous but it seems as if that's a bonus for me, don't be mad Draco you have Astoria don't you?" Enzo smirked

"Exactly I have Astoria someone you don't and I don't want Lina so don't even bother trying to get me mad I just don't like the sight of you being happy Enzo so do me a favor and fuck off before I hex you" I told him.

Even though me and Astoria took a break I didn't need Enzo finding out about that "Okay someone tell me who the hell is Astoria and why do you two hate each other so much" She demanded looking in between the two of us.

Me and Enzo looked at each other and I decided it would be entertaining to tell the story to Lina.

"Enzo was one of my closest friends, we hung out everyday and he was there for me when I became a Death Eater, you can say he was like a brother to me but he started dating a Slytherin named Astoria Greengrass, beautiful girl huh Enzo?"

"Fuck off and get on with the story" he said

"Don't be so angry with me mate it's not my fault you weren't doing much for her" I laughed "Anyways Astoria started to hangout with us and she became a very close friend of mine as well up until one night at a party she was all over me and told me that Lorenzo called me a dangerous Death Eater"

"I was drunk I didn't know what I was saying and I would've never said that if I was sober and we both know that" he defended.

But I couldn't forgive.

"Well the past is in the past it doesn't matter now, anyways since I found out I decided the best way to get back at him was to sleep with his girl as an even bargain so I did and now Astoria has been dating me ever since Enzo caught her in bed with me, such a shame you didn't get to be in bed with her because bloody hell she gives the greatest blow-"

"Alright Draco that's enough!" Lina said and I forgot she was even there I don't need her judgement towards me so I hope she understands I'm just trying to get a reaction out of Enzo

"I understand why you guys hate each other now but I'm not getting in the middle of this so leave me out of it or you both will be out of my lives for good" we both looked up and nodded to Lina

"We got enough done today Draco I'm going to bed"
She said "Very well goodnight Lina" she nodded with a small smile

"I'll walk you back to the common room I believe we need to talk" Enzo said and she agreed

Just the thought of the two alone together doesn't sit well with me but I will not show any emotion or else Enzo will win and one thing I won't do is lose to him.

Enzo's POV

Kissing Lina made my heart skip a beat and doing it in front of Draco was just a plus, I know he feels something for her after all he was my best friend before everything and I know when he likes someone but the problem is he will not get the chance with my Lina she's someone I'm willing to fight for.

Walking back to the common room was silent at first but then I decided to speak up "Look I know that wasn't the best time to kiss you but I had to do it and it felt right in every way I just don't want you to think I did it just because of Draco. He hits a nerve in me since I used to think he was my best friend but we went our separate ways ever since that night and we both haven't been the same way since"

"I understand but I'm not getting in the middle of it, I did enjoy the kiss so I don't mind it and it was interesting to see you get jealous of me being with Draco" she laughed

"I was not jealous just worried for you love" I lied.

We made our way outside the common room and I grabbed her hand while our fingers intertwined and saw her cheeks blush a exquisite light pink and connected our lips once again grasping her waist and neck to pull her closer towards me. Our bodies were as close as ever and after a few minutes we both pulled away breathing heavily.

"My love you make me want to kiss you for eternity" she giggled

"This is all you get tonight Enzo goodnight, maybe next time you'll get lucky and receive a little more" she bit her lip and stared into his eyes.

"I can't wait goodnight love sleep well" I kissed her cheek and made my way back to the Ravenclaw dormitory my heart pounding at what had just happened little did I know someone was watching us the entire time hidden in the shadows where the empty halls blended with his darkness.

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