ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 31

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Lina's POV

Sometimes my own reality felt like a dream. How could someone like Bellatrix want me? But I shouldn't be surprised because Theo wanted me too. I guess I should take more advantage of my own gift and practice it more.

I apparated back to the house because I knew better than to stay there and possibly get killed.

I rushed into Theo's room and saw he was reading a book at his desk. He looked surprised to see me which I suspected since I just left a few minutes ago.

"Your mother is looking for me, she wants to kill me doesn't she?" I didn't even realize my breath starting to pick up at that moment. My legs felt numb and my eyes were wet. Scared. That was the first time I felt completely and utterly scared for myself and what would happen next.

He rushed towards me and I wrapped my arms around him, pulling him into a tight hug that he didn't refuse.

"Yes, she does want to kill you in order for me not to use you as my advantage"

"How does she even know about me being a seer?"

"She doesn't but you being my follower puts your life in danger because Bellatrix knows I don't choose just anyone"

"I'm scared Theo" I admitted. The thought of his mother trying to kill me frightened myself. "Look at me" he demanded.

I did as he said and I saw the soft eyes of his. Not dark or full of hatred just soft and brown. I always loved his eyes and the way they had a hint of hazel in the light of them. He cuffed my cheeks with his hands as we looked into each other's eyes.

"I will never let you die Lina" he said. "Why do you care?"

"Stop asking me that" he dropped his hands and made his way to to his desk again. "Why? It makes no sense Theo you act like you care about my life but why? I'm just another part of your plan"

"You are" he spat "You're lying!" I shouted and walked towards him. "Look at me" I said as his eyes were failing to meet mine.


"No?" I said "Just go Lina I don't fucking want you here!"

I stepped closer and cuffed my hand on his cheek making his fists clench tightly. "That's enough Lina"

"The look in your eyes tell me you don't want me to stop" I smirked.

That was enough for him. He pulled me in and connected our lips together making me melt at the touch. His lips felt hungry and so were mine. He suddenly pulled back as my face flushed and my cheeks were pink at this point.

"Do you want this? Because I will take every inch of your body"

"Yes I want this" and he connected our lips once again. He grabbed my legs tightly making the blood rush through me. I had to bite back a moan at how rough he was being towards me.

"I want to hear you darling all of you, don't hold back" he took out his wand and spelled the room to lock it and nobody could hear. He put his wand behind his back and cuffed my face once again.

"Up" and I jumped onto him my legs latching onto his waist. I felt his dick growing under his trousers while he dropped me onto the bed. Not gently either.

"Take off your clothes" he demanded and I listened while he grabbed my neck and planted kisses on my lips. I felt his grip get tighter and my body shuddered. His hand gave me pain that fulfilled me.

He removed my shirt and I laid in my new lingerie that Pansy had gotten me. My face blushed as I watched him eye every part of me as if I was his next meal.

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