Chapter 47 ~ A Gleeful Night

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Erens POV

I rolled to the left and hit the side of our car, instantly standing up. Ow, my shoulder throbbed.

Was this a video game? Was someone testing me? Every move felt like it was being watched, judged.

He shoots again, hitting my lower leg. I make it look like I'm barely effected, but it hurts like a bitch.

I somehow manage to get the gun out of his hands, as well as his mask off. He raised his fists, looking unsure to what he was doing.

I swung at him half heartedly, and he dodged, punching my rib. Hearing a crack, and feeling a terrible pain in my rib, I suggested it was broken.

I fell to my knees, clutching my left side as he tried to kick my ribs again. Taking advantage of that, I had a death grip on his ankle. Maybe I gripped it a little too hard.

Soon, I saw his ankle begin to swell, and it turn a purple color. I felt a new kind of anger surge through me, something I haven't felt in a long time.

With my right leg, I pushed up off the ground taking a look at Levi. A bruise formed on his face, which made my anger rise even further.

I punched his nose with my right hand, receiving a small dribble of blood on my knuckles. Tears flooded his vision, and I limped towards the bastard to get a better look at him.

Of course, I didn't recall any familiar features, but I wanted him to feel my pain. I was well aware I possibly broke his nose, but it only fueled my fire, I was hungry to make him feel agony.

Was I enjoying this?

From here, everything blurred. The last fragment of my memory was a close up of my bloody thumb, and an irrefutable anger boiling inside me, shooting through every vein.


I groaned as I sat up in an unfamiliar bed, Levi anxiously waiting for my consciousness.

"Engh~," I groaned as I sat up. My surroundings piled in my view, Levi checked my forehead.

"I'm not sure what the hell happened, but I saw you bloody as passed out. My grandma took care of the wound in your leg. Oh yeah, we also removed the bullet from your shoulder. Your ribs are dreadfully bruised, but not broken. We took precautions and bandaged your ribs, you'll never know."

"Why didn't you just take me to a hospital?" Levi hmphed, and shrugged.

"Honestly, I didn't think of it."


"IT DIDN'T CROSS MY MIND." I knew he was ashamed, maybe his morning grogginess got to him.

"it's fine, it just would make more sense if you did." I cooed as he stroked my hair. The lustrous ring on my left hand caught my eye, sending nostalgia through my body, warming me. That night may have been odd, but I would relive it everyday if I could.

Well, not everyday, but you get my point.


A few days later, it was our last day here, we'd be leaving tomorrow in the ungodly hours of the morning.

We spent our days doing anything and everything. My leg hurt, but Adela's herbal remedies suprisingly withdrew my leg pain, as well as some pain from my ribs. My shoulder was still hurting.

I found it peculiar that they - as in Levi and Adela - didn't take me to a hospital, but that's none of my business.

Levi asked me what I preferred to do, and I responded with "Go out to eat?"

He sighed, and responded with "Eh."

"Go to a library?"


"You can't be pleased." I sighed, scratching my chin lightly.

"Everything sounds so dull." My mouth made an O shape, and I quickly shut it.

"What about playing checkers?"


"Well excuse me if I -" An epiphany struck, and my mood greatly increased. "A moonlight picnic!"

A faint smile played on his face. "I have a perfect idea."


I was blindfolded with what I assumed to be a sock, as Levi led me to wherever.

"How far is it?" I whimpered.

"We're almost there." He turned me and we stepped into a warmer room. The blindfold - or sock, whatever - to reveal an outdoor deck, a professional looking table, illuminated by - of course, the most cliché thing there possibly is - candles, and a red rose in a narrow vase. On the pearly white plates, a fancy noodle dish, and wine.

I gasped at how gorgeous it looked, and I ran to the end of the deck, gazing over the railing.

"This is way cooler than a picnic." I stated, going to a chair.

"It's better than nothing." Levi grimly smiled.

I was quite sure how to eat the noodles, so I observed Levi for a while.

"What?" He half frowned.

"How do I eat this?"

"Like this," He cut a part of the noodles - which I recognized to be lasagna - and ate. "it's not that hard to eat lasagna."

"I haven't had it in a while." I lied. I studied the dish to not only be vegan, but absolutely delicious.

Levi drank his wine without wincing, so I tried to do that, with a large amount of wine.

"Eh!" I winced and swallowed the very sour juice, making a weird face with a double chin.

"What? Have you never had wine?" I shook my head, and I heard the most beautiful sound that I haven't heard in the longest time.

Levi's laugh.

It didn't sound like angels singing, or stupid shit like that. It was a sound that could cure cancer, a sound that could make your happiness increase 100%, it was the best sound I've heard. It was the ambrosia to my ears.

I guess I was staring at him, because he cocked a brow at my face.

"Your laugh.... I.." I blushed and continued eating.

"What about it?"

"You haven't laughed in a really long time..."

"My laugh is hard to find." He shrugged.

"I'm glad I got to find it." I smiled at him as he leaned over the table so our noses were touching.

"I love you, brat."

"I love you too, shorty."


a/n: yay, a happy ending for once! i was planning on doing this chapter in many directions, but stuck to this. i'll soon wrap this story up - sadly - but i do have another story i'm very excited to update, though I don't get enough time to *glares at teachers and procrastination* check out my other fic, My Other Half (Ereri, of course) you can either go to my page after reading the chapter OR search it, and look for the author name MrsYourLastName by it ^~^ do you guys want me to write any other fics with my ships/otps? (Like LxLight or something) if so, request it in the comments!
thanks for all of the reads and support you have given me! your comments brighten my day (seriously, please comment. I LOVE THEM SO MUCH <33)

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