Chapter 37 ~ Carry On My Wayward Son

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may be a triggering part, it just goes on about feels and ah (╥﹏╥) don't question the chapter title, just go with it (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・✧


Levi's POV:

-really long ass flashback-

I woke up with four eyes hanging over me, confused.

I sat up panicked and saw I saw in a bright green field with rather tall grass. The sun rays looks too yellow, like a painted scene.

"What are you doing here? It's not your time yet." She said, sitting by me confusedly.

"What are you doing here?" Her sleeves disappeared and I saw deep scars on her forearms. For a second, scars were visible on her legs and stomach. Her neck snapped in a grotesque angle as a rope appeared around it, pulling up before she quickly returned to neutral. "Y-you...? Why didn't you tell me?" My voice did crack, but my face remained the same.

"I didn't want to the pest I always was... It was never your fault, really."

"So I'm in heaven," I scoffed. Enthusiastically, the brunette nodded.

"You're actually in a pocket universe," she scratched the side of her nose. "It's the place you decide where you go: back to your damaged body or up there." She pointed up. "I stayed here, meaning I'm a spirit that can roam on earth. Only people that were deeply dear to me could see me, if I made myself visible in their presence."

"S-so we're in this pocket universe, where I'm technically dead on earth?" She nodded, her face hinted with sorrow. "My life isn't "If I Stay", is it?" She shook her head in hysterics.

"No, that book's rather an inaccurate example. We're at a, whatchamacallit, rest stop! Yeah, a spiritual rest stop." She grinned at her clever definition, which I rolled my eyes.

"Well I want to go back."

"Before you decide, let's take a walk."


"Just one last time, please."


"So that's the cure to cancer?" I sat on the edge of a cliff with Hanji. Below was sparkling water, looking like crystals from the reflection of sun rays.

"I wish I could go back and tell everyone, but there's restrictions." She sighed, putting her hand on my shoulder.

"I want to stay with you, or at least just stay a little longer, but I can't just leave Eren."

"That's why you stick to the plan. Just go back for one last time then kill yourself." I gave her a strange look before she laughed. "I'm kidding, you still have your whole life ahead of you. And you guys adopt really cute babies."

"We what?" I smiled to myself, tearing at the thought of marrying Eren, adopting children.

"Forget that, you weren't supposed to know. Also, when you go back to your wreck of a body, you need to go to......" She talked rather fast, as if she was sped up.

"Why are you talking so fast?"

"Timesalmostup." She stood up and gave me a hand. A pocket watch appeared in her hands. "We only have a minute left." I frowned upon the thought, not wanting to leave so soon.

She pulled me into a hug before smiling, making her last words audible. "Carry on, my wayward son." She grabbed my shoulders and a bright light blinded me, as my surroundings perished and dematerialized instantly.


Pain. Pain everywhere! It coursed through my body and hurt like a bitch.

I rubbed my head, examining the red liquid on it. Blood. Gallons of it.

It was all over. Tch.

In front of me was a mass of white debris with scattered metal gear, as well as sparking wires.

I wasn't on an island, it wasn't night time, it wasn't like anything people presumed.

Oh, how long it will be until I find a life source.


"Levi, what the fuck?" I snapped out of my haze, tearing up at the sight of Eren.


"No no, what the actual fuck?! You didn't give me any sign you weren't dead, you know how sad I was? It's been two years, TWO!

I cried, self harmed, and managed to contain the monster within my body! Out of all times, you decide to somehow get into my apartment and just wait for me? Sweet freckled jesus, did you think I'd just fall for you again?"

"Eren I-"

"You don't interrupt me when I talk, you little shit. I missed the way your eyes trailed the scenery around us, how you genuinely cared, how you were always there. I-" He started tearing up. "Just no, get out. Just leave me like you did two fucking years ago!"

"How do you think I could contact you when I spent years searching for you! You were my only thoughts, I didn't know how to find you, I didn't have any god damn directions!"

"For two years, you wandered searching for me?"

"Not exactly. An hour in the pocket universe was a year in human times, it was mes-"

"What pocket universe?"

"I was dead for two years, but I'm here. Something was keeping me alive, I don't know the source exactly, though I can assure you I'm here now, willing to st-"

"You can go back to this little whatever you call it, because fuck your future plans, Levi. I never want to see you again, you're j-just...." He fell to his knees and cried.

What should I do? Comfort him? Leave?

I sat down by him, rubbing his back, shushing him and telling him it's okay.

"It's not okay... you were gone... I had nobody..." He said between sobs.

"I'm here now, that's all that matters."

"I-I missed y-you Levi..." He hugged me and cried on my shoulder.

"I missed you too, brat."

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