Chapter 45 ~ Surprise, Eren!

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"But Levi!-"

"Eren, you aren't going to join the army."

"It's m-"

"No." He shot me a glare with his steely eyes. "I'm not gonna lose my Gayger." He hugged my neck and head as if he was protecting me.






What did I have to live for? Besides Levi, my loving lover, I couldn't find any other reason.

If I ever had kids, how would I tell them about Levi and me meeting? He tutored me then I fell for him, failed rescuing my friend and made out with him, we got into several fights and I dressed up as a slutty nurse once to make up for said fights, and have the ability to turn into a titan?

I'm not crazy, I just sound crazy.


Levi was asleep, our living quarters were quiet. Like, so quiet you could hear water from the bathroom.

I wished I was water, so I could drift away from my problems. It'd be super cool, but it'd be weird if I was liquified, and there was awkward humany parts floating about. Plus, I'd be cold.

I don't like being cold.

I snuggled closer to Levi and felt his warm the radiate onto me, instantly flushing me in his heat radiation.

Did I still have my virginity? I haven't done the frickle frack with Levi.

On his birthday, we got onto the topic of frickle frack, and how we'd never been like that. He started on about how being strong is like, helpful to give your partner more pleasure. He tried helping me by making me do exercises, and believe me-I tried.

My effort sounds are rather sexual, such as: aw fuck, I CAN FEEL IT, h-holy..., O-OH, and sexual pants. Maybe workout is my sex?

But anyways, I sweat like a pig-even though they don't really sweat. Do they? I heard that they don't, but the saying doesn't make any sense if they didn't. Would it mean you barely sweat if you did so as a pig? Do you transform into a pig and sweat?

Like, I get so sweaty I have to get a new set of clothes. I'm damp-not like that, you perverts-and its icky.

Heh, icky is a funny word.

I feel bad for Levi trying to get me in shape, but honestly I feel as if I'd be submissive. Do ukes need to be in shape?

Submissive. Sub sandwich. Subway. Now I'm hungry.

Maybe I could eat Levi.

You aren't a cannibal, Eren.

You won't wake him up to eat his fluids, especially since you don't know shit about blowjobs.

I sighed, maybe sleeping would cure my hunger.


It took me a while to realize, but Levi wasn't by me. Did I inhale him in my sleep?

My tummy led me to the kitchen, where I found absolutely nothing. I didn't even get my special cereal!

Went out to get more food
Don't die while I'm gone

His writing was surprisingly neat, mixed with cursive.

This was going to be a long wait.


"Oi, Eren! Help me with these!" He came in with a handful-actually, an armful-of bags.

"Oh uh," I made some kind of "Ooof." sound and set the bags on the counter.

"What took you so long?"

"Traffic, people, germs."

"I'm starving, and we don't have any vegan foods here!"

"We have fruit."


"Well I have news."

"Okay." I motioned for him to continue.

"We're going to France."

"For what?"

"To meet my family. Not my dad, or mom, she's dead. But my grand-mère would love to meet you. We've been in touch every few months." (Grand-mère is Grandmother, or Grandma)

"I uh-"

"We're going dammit."

"O-okay, but when?"

"In two weeks."


HERE IS A REALLY BAD CHAPTER TAHT TOOK A REALLY LONG TIME (and thanks for 59k reads holy shit guys)

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