Chapter 16 ~ My Little Titan

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(time jump to June)

Levi's POV:

Official. Me and Eren declared our relationship status official. This happened early May, and we've been romantically engaged ever since.

The past two months have been uneventful, but Eren and I finally had more time with each other.

It was June 29, and we decided to tell some of our close friends about each other. Mikasa, not my favorite friend of Eren's, Armin, Erwin, and a couple of others knew. Grisha didn't approve of me, but accepted his son's sexuality.

We decided to celebrate our summer by kicking it off at a cabin he and Mikasa went as children. It was truly beautiful, a lake surrounded with small, wooden cabins. Their interior was unadorned, my favorite detail.

I rolled on my right side and faced a peaceful looking Eren. The clock behind him presented it was 10:23am. Time to make a brunch-our rule was the first one awake makes breakfast-in this case, lunch.

I wanted to make Eren's favorite, a simple ham and cheese omelette with tomatoes.

I rolled out of the comfort of our bed and decided to take a shower. The shower was tricky to maneuver, but I managed to set it to a fair temperature.


Rinsing the suds out of my hair, I heard Eren walking around. I soon finished my shower and returned to the room, when Eren appeared moments later.

"Good morning." I turned around with a smooth, beige towel hanging on my hips.

"How would you like an omelette today?" I asked, rummaging through the dresser for clothing.

The bed creaked as Eren sat on the edge, I groaned in frustration.

"What is it?"

"I can't find my shirt." Eren thought the color grey suited me, and gave me multiple shirts that shade. I swear I brought at least one of them with.

He comes to the dresser and attempts to find it through the organized piles of folded clothing.

"Is it the grey one?" I nodded and search a lower drawer. He searches but results with nothing.

"Did you know you have a really cute butt?" Heat rises to my face a light blush forms across my cheeks.

"You're really cute." I replied as I stood up. He booped my nose and kissed my cheek. His kisses trail down to my neck and one spot almost made me moan. I saw my grey shirt in the corner of the room.

I break the romantic charade and get my shirt. Eren looks confusedly and saw what I was holding.

"Glad you found it."


Minutes later we made our way to the kitchen and started with the omelettes.

"Hey Eren, can you dice the tomatoes?" He gets the cutting board as I created the egg shell.

He started chopping some tomatoes, and I turn around to see an orange strike of lightening hit Eren, and he transformed into a titan.

Wooden planks clattered as I stared in horror.

It's Eren, just enlarged and more powerful.

The last thing I remember was an enormous foot and a great pain.


A/N: I'm trying to update every two days, sorry for the late chapter. I rewrote this chapter at least 3 times, each one leading in a different way (but I chose this one c:) so vote if you want sooner updates, and holy cow, almost 2,000 reads? thank you all, have an awesome week :3


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