Chapter 50 // A Twisted End

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TRIGGER WARNING: Depressive thoughts, death, hallucinations, and gore are mentioned. If any of the previous will trigger anything, do not read this chapter. Message me privately and I'll give you a recap.


Erens POV

I woke up with sweat dripping from my forehead, with a cold metal floor beneath me. It appeared that I was chained up, I couldn't use my arms.

There were multiple liquids covering the ground - sweat, oil, spit, water, and blood. Dirt was obvious, it's what made the ground look a brownish gray.

I felt the germs and the stickiness of sweat plastered to my skin. Vile, filth is. Already, I knew my hair would be greasy.

Looking down, I saw blood splatters on my pants that matched the ones on the ground.

Could it be...?

I felt a cool wind against my chest, making my intense heat go to a chill.

To my left, was a grimy wall. I could smell the metallic blood scent, as well as other unpleasant smells. On the right, a bed with no sheet and a metal toilet were displayed.

Jail. Definitely a jail. Possibly a prison.

But how? What did I do?

My last memories involved noise, movement, buzzing, blood.

It was a fuzzy picture, and no matter how hard I tried to remember it, the memory faded even more. Became more fuzzy.

Frustrated, I pulled against the chains, groaning with effort. Weak and alone, I felt the power drain with every pull against the shackles. I bit my lip in frustration, noting how none of my piercings on my lips were in. Looking at my nose the best I could, I didn't see any piercings.

It wasn't long before I drifted into a deep sleep.

Turning to my left, I saw Levi beneath me. He was on the ground, crumpled up into a ball. Blood ran from his nose to the puddle beside him, dried. In a grotesque and demented way, Levi's body was twisted, including his arm, neck, and possibly a leg.

I jumped down from the building I was on, running towards him. My vision was blurred with tears, and I screamed his name. Levi Levi Levi. The love of my life. he wasn't dead, nor would he ever be. He wasn't supposed to go down like this, he wasn't supposed to die on my watch. I was supposed to protect him, and he was supposed to teach me. He started off as my tutor, and this roller coaster adventure we faced together, was in the past. I had no one to laugh with at the little awkward moments we shared. Reminisce our favorite dates, and what we loved about each other.

The worst part wasn't the lifeless eyes, the fact he wouldn't ever come back or even that all of it was gone. The worst part was, the blame was on me. It was my fault. My titan self did this to him. I, Eren Jaeger, killed Levi Ackerman. And nothing, and I mean nothing, could ever replace the one love of my life.

I woke up with Levi's name burned into my throat. Hot tears stained my face, and I coughed whenever I breathed. The skin around my wrists were irritated and red, and a runny nose. Wiping my nose on my shoulder, I sniffled. My dreams were become more vivid, realistic, and horrifying.

It happened whenever I fell asleep. That was first time asleep in four days. Slowly, I felt the bad thoughts creeping back. Depression. The shadows were swallowing me, as well as insomnia.


Levi's POV

I couldn't do it. Out of all people, why me?

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