Chapter 11 ~ Hello?

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Eren's POV:

I nearly dropped the phone.


Of course, when everything was fine something had to happen.

"Eren, what is it?" Levi asked. I could tell his niceness wouldn't last long.

"I'll be there as soon as I can." I hung the home phone up.


"I'll explain it on the way to the hospital." Levi looked confused, but left the house with me and drove me to the hospital.


"Mikasa...?" I asked, seeing her eyelids slowly flutter open, adjusting to the sudden light.

"E-Eren..." Her hand weakly opened so I could hold her hand supportively.

"Mikasa, whatever is happening, I promise you'll be okay..." The nurses a few moments later escorted them to give her medicine and pain killers.

"How can she remember you if she had amnesia?" Levi's expression was always blank, which bothered me. Emotions didn't make you weak, neither did showing them.

"I helped her re-gain her memory. There's some things she doesn't remember, but she remembers-or tries-me."

"I'm sorry about your friend."

"It wasn't your fault.." I twiddled my thumbs to distract myself from the awkward tension between us. No, it wasn't awkward, it was comfortable.

"What else happened to her?" He finally asked.

"I'm not sure, really. The nurse didn't say." A few minutes later I consulted a nurse and she told me the details.

"They had her get x-rays and noticed a tumor that's been growing for a couple of years. It wasn't really a problem, and it's most likely if they plan to surgically remove the tumor she'll be fine." Levi made an attempt of a smile, but looked like his mouth twitched.


I spent the rest of the day at the hospital, and let Levi leave, apparently visiting/supporting friends isn't a way to spend a Saturday.

"Did you decide on surgery yet?" Mikasa's parents were talking to the doctor's at the moment about the situation.

"I think it's way too soon to decide. And surgery is scary. Especially with them tampering with my brain-who knows what they could do to it?" Her eyes widened at her ridiculous statement and I laughed at her.

"Good luck and it's your choice, don't let anyone's opinion get in the way of yours!" She looked tired, so I decided to leave her so she could rest.

I was out of the building minutes later, realizing how cold it was. It wasn't that cold, maybe I was being a baby about the cold-after all, I always was. Tonight's air was crisp and bitter, possibly around 40°. I rubbed my arms with my hands and kind of warmed them up. A coat would be nice.

I took a left and analyzed the surroundings-a line of shops to my left, an alleyway splitting the shops, and some litter. I wish May would get here sooner, we're having a heat wave before it snows.

My thoughts distracted me and I didn't notice I wasn't the only one out tonight, Jean was exiting a shop hurriedly. Rushing in my direction, it seemed he didn't see me, at all, and bumped into me. He dropped his bags as I skidded on my butt.

"Watch it." He hissed, gathering his scattered belongings.

"Maybe you should watch where you're going." I could see anger forming in his eyes.

"Listen Jaeger, I don't have time for your shit." I was standing now, brushing my hands on my pants.

"Did I ask?" My tone was meaner than I intended. He pushed me up against a wall by the alley, a threatening distance away from my face.

"I don't give a shit what you do and don't ask. Stay out of my stuff, my way, and my life. Clear?" I gulped loudly by his aggressive confrontation, and soundlessly nodded.

"Horseface." I muttered when he let me go.

"What did you say?"


"Watch your back, Jaeger."


Levi's POV:

Yesterday didn't turn out as I planned.

•Confess Feelings

•Become Official

I confessed, and he seemed pleased with the idea, but why didn't he hunt at it? Was he that worried about his friend?

I grabbed my cup of black coffee and drank it-hot and plain, like me.

I turned on the 6 o'clock Sunday morning news and ate my toasting catching up with daily events.

"....found with massive cuts and bruises. About 16, black hair, found an alley way beaten up badly. This boy is being hospitalized as we are speaking." I choked on my coffee, could that be-? No. Eren was at the hospital, he could've have been that kid on the news. "Local residents identify this teenager as Eren Jaeger. We have not been informed of his condition." I turned the TV off and ran to get my coat and car keys.

That damn brat better be okay.


A/N: I ALMOST HAVE 900 READS OMFG HOW I LOVE YOU ALL SO MUCH! when this has way more reads it's going to be awkward because people will be like: lmao wat (╥﹏╥) today was shitty but I guess that's Monday for you.



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