Chapter 24 ~ Inspiration

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Eren's POV:

My next few days consisted of drawing, texting, and reading.

Books gave me inspiration to paint, draw, to create art. The words of encouragement, or the description changed my thoughts, and helped me focus on my main goal: to let my imagination flow.

I was glad school didn't start until September. Some years, they decided to be dicks and start school on August 31.

My flip phone-I have not yet received my iPhone-buzzed with slight movement on the desk. I picked it up and put my wet paintbrush down.

"Hello?" I positioned the phone between my ear and shoulder, continuing to paint.

"Hey Eren, are you busy?" I smiled at the voice of my best friend, Mikasa.

"Just paintin', but I always have time for you." Yeah, that's right. 'Kasa and Armin are my main bitches.

"I heard about that guy noticing your blog! Congrats! And you got like, a shit ton of attention recently." I smiled at the success of my tumblr blog.

"It's exploding with feed, my computer can't handle it." Her laugh as beautiful, but she accused it of sounding like a horse. She's not Jean.

"Yeah, we should meet at Cherry Berry in 10."

"Sure. Should we bring anyone else?"

"Two is a crowd." I smiled as we hung up at the same time. My jealousy detector detected that she didn't like Levi, or was slightly jealous.

I sighed, releasing the tension from my shoulders as I headed out.


Mikasa was texting someone, as if she was deeply engaged in a conversation with someone. I slid into the seat across from her, grinning.

"Eren it's been forever since I last saw you!!" Her cheeks were lightly dusted with pink. She clicked her phone off and set it on the counter.

"It's only been like, two weeks." She giggled and I forgot how happy she was. She could brighten my mood, or annoy the fuck out of me.

We talked about my art, my blog, and all about our futures and where we were heading in life.

"'Kasa, you could totally be an athlete! You're way more in shape then I am, and you can do anything you set your mind to." She blushed and hid her face in the red scarf I gave her when we were kids.

"That's because a majority of your diet is junk food, and you never work out. You're flabby." She poked my bicep and it jiggled, causing her to giggle again.

"As I said, I spend a majority of my time painting and drawing." I suddenly felt butterflies in my stomach. Not the nervous ones, but the oh-my-gosh-I-could-scream-I'm-so-happy butterflies. Just thinking about art made me happy.

Our conversation continued as I noticed the sun going down.

"I think I should get going soon." She looked at the time as she nodded in silent agreement.

We parted our way with a hug and a "Text you later!".

My walk home consisted of a path by the local grocery store, the small shops, and past one of the rich neighborhoods.

For the umpteenth time, I was shouldered with the one person I wished it wouldn't be, Jean.

"Oh, it's you again." His horsey eyebrows furrowed. Do horses even have eyebrows?

"Oh it's, you again.." Mentally, I face palmed. I make the lamest comebacks in history.

"Get out of my way."

"Get out me ca." He just gave me a "what the actual fuck" look. I heard a nearby pedestrian muffle a laugh.

"I don't have time for your shit, Jaeger."

"What now, did you run out of lube for Marco?"

"We're just friends. I'm into someone else."

"You're still into Mikasa?"

"She's already your girlfriend..." His facial expression lightened, and his face had an expression I couldn't quite name.

"Pfft, we're not dating." Jean's eyes lit up before he went back to five seconds before beating the shit out of me.

"You're lucky I'm letting you go this time, Jaeger." And he hurriedly left.

Whaddaya know, you learn something new everyday.


My front door creaked open as I peered into my usually clean and organized home. The warm night air trailed into the house, making it a comfortable temperature.

I slipped my shoes off at the welcoming door mat, grabbed a water bottle, and headed to my safe haven called my room.

My previous painting stood where I left it. I sat down on my chair and added final touches.

I set it by the window so it could dry sooner. My laptop sat on the brink of my bed, leaving an indent in the comforter.

For some reason, I had an urge to paint. But what? My thoughts lingered as I found nothing. A few minutes later, I was on tumblr, posting that people could message me about ideas for my next painting.

I thought hard, I really did, but I wasn't in the mood to paint a dog, or a cat, or any animal or insect. My book didn't give my mind any new creativity to illustrate onto a canvas.

My flip phone vibrated against my wooden desk. I shuffled over to my desk, and checked the caller ID. A lightbulb clicked in my head, and I knew exactly what I should paint, or should I say, who to paint.


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