Part 1 ~ Notifications

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A/N: I've been formally informed by several that Levi's last name is Ackerman, and incorrectly romanized as Rivaille. (more info on his last name as you continue in the story) Leave a comment if you like the chapter, and enjoy! Also, Eren's thoughts will be italicized in some chapters,

(reupdated, but there may be typos)


Eren's POV:


"A tutor?!" I asked, angrily.

"Eren, all of your teachers recommended you get one. It's for the best." Grisha said. "He will come over here after school. " I rolled my eyes.

"And if I don't improve in school?"

"You'll be taken off them team." I was on the school's soccer team. It was pretty tough to get onto, and barely any freshmen got in. I was considered lucky.

"Psh, whatever."

I went outside to see an antsy Armin, and a rather bored Mikasa.

"Well?!" The blonde boy asked.

"I have to get a tutor." I sighed and rolled my eyes, scratching the back of my head.

"Eren, that's what you get for slacking off." Mikasa glared at me. If looks could kill.

"At least he's getting help." Armin muttered. Their gazes awkwardly trailed in different directions.

Lately Mikasa and Armin have been acting weird towards each other. I don't know why, but it's slightly getting on my nerves.

"I should get back to my grandpa, he may be wondering where I am." Armin said, breaking the small moment of silence. I awkwardly waved goodbye.

Once Armin was gone, I turned my attention to Mikasa.

"Mikasa, is everything okay?" She looked at me with her eyes saying I'm sad, but her expression neutral.

"I'm fine, but I as well should be on my way."

Without another word, I was alone.


Next subject, history.

I opened the book and pulled out my notebook. There was drawings around the paragraphs of scribbled words. I drew several titans, along with the Scout Regiment insignia, also known as the Wings of Freedom.

We haven't had titans attack since a very long time ago. I wonder if the Scout Regiment still ventures out into the unknown.

You see, titans have been extinct ever since 925. There has been no sightings since. It's been a thousand-ish years, I really didn't see what the big deal about titans were. A lot has changed, especially with the technological improvement, like iPhones, iPads, iProducts.

I heard a knock on the front door, which my dad beat me to. Whilst he conversed with the stranger-Mr. Ravioli?-I sat at my desk downstairs, nervous as hell.

What if he thinks I'm annoying? What if I seem dull and dimwitted to him?

I try to shake the taunting thoughts from my head, but it just doesn't work.

Ba-dump. Ba-dump.

My pulse quickens as I start to lightly sweat from nervousness.

My doctor told me I have social anxiety, meaning I'm not very good with people - like, at all - or social situations, also meaning I am not very popular in school, unless being mildly bullied counts. I could go into further depth about my anxiety, but I decided not to.

Ba-dump. Ba-dump.

My heartbeat grew louder as I hear the upstairs floor creak signaling someone is walking towards the stairs

Ba-dump. Ba-dump.

The paper beneath my hand becomes a little wet from my clammy hands. They're shaking.

Please stop shaking. I mentally begged my hands.

I heard the stairs squeak from cradling the heavy feet coming down the stairs.

Ba-dump. Ba-dump.

The corners of my vision start to go black, indicating I was soon going to faint. What if he doesn't like me? What if he beats me up? What if-?

Ba-dump. Ba-dump.

I gulped air in and out steadily.

Eren, it's just a tutor.

Ba-dump. Ba-dump.

I see muscled legs appear from the stairs. More of the tutor's body began to show.

How could I describe him?

Very muscular. And toned. His chest was eye catching, but I decided not to look, not now.

My heartbeat slows.

Good Eren, good.

The edges of black fade away. I am okay, for now.

My tutor stands in front of me.

My jaw almost drops to the floor.

It is Levi Rivaille.


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