Chapter 39 ~ Light Will Shine

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Erens POV

"Uh, what is it?" I couldn't exactly see, Levi used his body as a blockade.

"It's n-nothing," He cleared his throat, knowing the stutter gave something away.

"Doesn't seem like nothing if you're blocking the TV."

"I'm just staring at your lovely face dammit."

"Can't you appreciate me from a divergent angle?" He frowned and muttered underneath his breath.

"No," the remote was spaces in front of him. I saw his eyes lock his undivided attention as he slowly reached for it. Our hands raced and I beat him to it, seeing a commercial was on.

"For Christ's sake, Levi." He stood straightly, his cheeks flushing.

He just blushed.

He never blushes.

It looked as if a cold winter wind bit his cheeks.

"OMIGOSH LEVI YOU LOOK SO CUTE!!" A sudden thought flew threw my head; so cute I could bite him. As if I was an energized dog and he was the bone, the steak, a chew toy.

"Wha..?" He tried looking away but I slid across the kitchen table and ran up to him, embracing him with such strength and affection.

Basically, I just threw myself and fanboyed over my boyfriend.

"You know, there's one thing I've never told you." I said, totally chill.

"And that is?"

"I don't like pepper as much as I like salt."

"Way to ruin the moment," he muttered, a hint of disappointment in his voice.

"What?" He shook his head, muttering something.

"I'm not smooth with words, at all. I'm as smooth as white out. Which really, isn't smooth." I said whilst scratching my head, even though it really didnn't itch.

Levi sighed for the umpteenth time. He always sighs, is it because of me? I may go far into depth with my thoughts and so, but he seems stressed because of me or, I don't know how to put it. It's only been not even a day since Levi has been reunited with me and he already seems as if he was on his man period. Maybe I'm just a load on his shoulders, as I am to everyone else.

I stood next to Levi as the local news sounded, with a sudden crisis.

"247 locals have died from heart attacks. The cause is unidentified, and the case is being suspected." As she blabbed on a few pictures of the now dead scanned across the screen, and my dad's was one of them.

I reached for my phone as Levi saw what I saw, his emotionless face remaining the way is usually was-detached.

My fingers tapped desperately across the screen, not believing a word spoken. Malarkey, propaganda, misnomer, anything but truth.

Several rings played, and a monotone voice signaling the person I tried to contact is not available. I tried until Levi put his hand on my shoulder.

"I know how y-"

"Honestly, you don't. Stop with the pity games and the empathy, I can handle a death by my fucking self. Imagining how I feel won't improve the situation so sit your midget ass down and let me have my fucking moment." I curled into a fetal position, greeting my knees.

I turned the channel to Adventure Time and cried as I watched it. Mere minutes later, Levi covers me with a blanket and greets me with hot coco.

"It's not even winter, Levi." I mumbled, humbly accepting it.

"It's just as cold," He rubbed my back, a warmth suddenly kindling me. It was the good feeling, when you saw something that warmed your heart, like a dog being rescued from the street, or that your friends decorated your locker festively for your birthday.

"Thanks," I quietly mumbled, slightly blushing.

Even thought today was shitty, I could find some of the things that were the highlight.

Levi was still here, he still cared.

It was like you were golden for a day, but slowly tarnished the rest of them.

As if light shone for 8 hours one day, and dark consumed it 16 hours of the day. Everyday, sunlight gradually disappeared, the time light shone for a little less time. Eventually, the light would be consumed by the darkness, but there would always be a sliver of light. A little bit of hope. No matter how messed up things get, you can always find the best solution.


today is my golden bday c: (12-13-14) and I'm having a party tonight woo ~ so have a good night and vote for the next chapter ^v^

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