Chapter 33 ~ Slutty Nurse

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Levi's POV:

It's been like, a day since I called Eren. I guess we're over?


The clock in the room said it was 9am, meaning breakfast would be here soon.

My nurse-a nurse-came in with a breakfast platter. She had Caribbean teal eyes, reminding me of Eren's. Her hair was a dark brown, also having a high relativity. The skin wasn't tan nor pale, the same shade as Eren's.

Was I hallucinating?

She had sloppily applied red lipstick, a slutty nurse outfit on, and red heels. Staring for a while, it became clear this woman was Eren.

"Eren what the fuck.." He laughed that beautiful laugh and took off a cheap weave of some sort of. I wanted to smile, but my facial muscles wouldn't let me.

"I'm not Er-" he cleared his throat before making his voice higher "I'm Natasha." He added jazz hands for dramatic effect.

"Come 'ere," I scooted in my bed as he snuggled into me, just like old times.

"I know what hap-"

"Okay, I said what I said in the voicemail so you wouldn't hate Erwin." I sighed before continuing. "He didn't know we were together. I didn't exactly specify I was gay-"

"Oh who cares? The past is the past, you can't change it, but you can learn from what happened and use it for future problems." He smiled at my with his red lips. I studied him for a minute, suddenly it became clear what his objective was.

"Why didn't you just say sorry?" I cocked an eyebrow.

"It's overused, it has no meaning. Some may be good at saying sorry, but they aren't good at showing their words." Holy shit, this kid is deep.

We sat in silence as I closed my eyes and wrapped my arms around him. I was slightly on him because these small ass hospital beds.


"Tch, way to ruin a moment."

"Are you nervous?"

"For what?"

"College?" I sighed.

"I'm terrified."

"Do... do you think we'll be able to sustain our relationship?"

"I've never liked long distance anything, but we can find a way." I felt him slowly relax again before realization hit him.

"Levi, I'm wearing a slutty nurse costume." I smirked at his comment.

"Well no shit."

"No, but I went in public like this."

"What's your point?"

"YOU KNOW HOW MANY PEOPLE MAY THINK I'M A CROSSDRESSER NOW?!" He sighed before shifting. "I guess it's kind of comfortable, but the thong isn't." I started laughing at Eren as he bewilderedly looked up at me.

"What? I haven't slept in like, 11 hours." It took all of my strength not to laugh, but for the first time, my face ached from smiling.


Erwin's POV:

Thank you God for saving me from that fire. Without you, I could've died. I shall devote my Sundays, Wednesdays, and Saturdays worshipping, learning, and communicating with you. From this day on, I shall complete good deeds to pay you back. Amen.

I was more then thankful for God being my savior! Without him, I would be dead. Relization hit me like a brick.

-le flashback-

A nurse walked in and updated me on my condition.

"It's a miracle! It's like the big man up there is watching over you," She smiled before leaving. Was it because of God I was alive? He chooses when it's time for you, so I am being watched over by him, or an angel.

I looked up, sending a silent thank you.


Once I got out of this hospital, I would start my new religion! Of course, I would need to be purified, and that long process, but it would be worth it.

a/n: so if you're confused what's happening with Erwin this is the start of him becoming Christian. and no, I am not meaning to offend or insult the religion, this is his excitement towards a new hobby. and correct me if I got anything wrong about the religion (yes, I like constructive criticism!) and ty for 14k reads!! :o

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