Chapter 36 ~ Senior Year

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-time skip to 2 years later-

Eren's POV:

I was more than excited to start my senior year, but also iffy about it. School's enjoyable sometimes, but otherwise it's hell.

My dad agreed to let me move out, and even got me an apartment with the first months rent covered.

I walked upstairs to my room (yes, it has an upstairs) and saw three rooms. The first on the right was my bedroom, the second the bathroom, and the only door on the left was a guest bed room, aka store all of my unpacked shit there.

I entered it and saw a pile of beaten cardboard boxes. I head to a rather long and narrow pile of boxes, and look at the first one. Tears sting my eyes when it's a painting of-.

I put it back quickly and remembered my reason for giving up art.

Levi was my inspiration, and source of happiness. He was my muse, and helped me officially begin my art/drawing career.

Ever since August 31, I vowed to never draw. It was too painful. I gave my talent up, declined the scholarship to an art school, which Collin was disappointed about.

17, gay, and alone. Great combination,

I headed to my room and sat at my adult computer desk, with my sleek Apple laptop on it's surface.

I turned it on and headed to the kitchen to gather food while it loaded.

I haven't dared to look at my reflection for how long, a month now? From past experience, I learned I didn't exactly admire my face, nor my squishy man boobs. They're minuscule, but I notice them whenever I change.

Banana. Yes. Great source of potassium. Reminds me of dick. Of Lev-

No. Stop mind, he's long gone.

My closet was opened, showing off little clothing. I had a couple of band tees hung up, a pair or two of inside-out skinny jeans, and torn up converse. My articles of clothing remained in the beaten boxes across the room.

Sigh. Why couldn't they put themselves away?


Yay. First day of school. Why couldn't I just drop out?

I yelled at my alarm, but it continued to beep.

"God damn phone," I muttered. The slightest sound scared the hell out of me while sleeping. My previous clock nearly gave me a heart attack.

Today's my fruit day, curse Tuesdays. I swear it's the longest day of the week.

Water with fruit slices, ah yes! Has little to no taste!

I'm highly sarcastic today. Whoopee.

Now clothes. Pajamas? Fan mer-?

I nearly jumped out of myself when I finally found it, my MCR shirt! It's been ages since it's been in my sight, or possession.

I slid my pajama shirt on-I find it really weird to have clothes to sleep in. It's like there's clothes for the day and specific clothes to sleep in.

Anyway, my band tee fit loosely, which I loved. Skinny jeans would be too much effort, but they look great with my shirt.

It took four minutes for my indecisive mind finally chose to slide my colored jeans on. I hated the feeling of tight clothing on my legs, especially with scars. Tight pants makes it feel as if my scars stick out of my pants.

I grabbed my bag, phone, keys, laptop, and latest book I obsessed over before exiting my shabby apartment.


School, an overly cold, boring, and germy place to spend 8 hours a day at. I really don't give a crap about some deal that formed the Union into one. Like this will help me with everyday life.

Ooo, girls wearing too much make up and a load of perfume! What a turn on.

Guys wore Under Armor, Nike, or Adidas. All of the popular and irritating brands. Tch.

I felt the judgement radiate off of everyone's three second scan the gave me, whispering shit.

Scratching the side of my nose that was pierced, my tongue pressing against the bottom of my lip, feeling the metal of my lip ring, all of this made me grin.

I had a double piercing, singular lip piercing, spider bite, and several on the lobe of my left ear.

A masculine blonde and a stoic ravenette walked my direction, warming up their expressions when they found me.

"You changed a lot," Mikasa quietly commented as we reunited.

"You look okay." Armin patted my shoulder. He was still shorter then me, but very buff. Definitely stronger. His hair grew mere inches longer, he now put it up in a ponytail.

"Puberty went right for you two." I muttered, sounding more harsh then I intended.

"Jealous much?" He grinned at me as Mikasa remained neutral. I shook my head, faking a smile.


I had one hour with Armin and two with Mikasa. Conveniently, we sat by each other in both hours.

It was more then dreadful to see my fifth hour was Mr. Smith.

"Good afternoon class! I'm Mr. Smith. I'm definite a majority of you has me two years ago, some faces are recognizable, others aren't. Before I give my whole spiel, I have to do roll call." I had him, again? Erwin Smith. Young. Attractive. Über religious. And a major dick.

It was rumored two years ago, after the fire in his apartment, he turned to religion, which was Christianity. Seeing a gay/lesbian couple not only made him pissed, but he took it personally, as if it was intended to pester him.

Wow, only three minutes into his lame ass lecture did I start distracting myself with thoughts. All was well until a flash went through my mind.

It was an alleyway. A recognizable alleyway. Three figures were there, and suddenly one of them was viciously tackled to the ground. The tackled person's friend tried prying off the person on top. He started to rip shreds of the guy beneath him, shreds and fragments of flesh. It was rather grotesque and gory scene.

I shivered and felt as if spiders were crawling all over my back, gagging.

"Is there a problem, Mr. Jaeger?" Erwin raised an eyebrow.

"Oh there will be," I muttered.

"Speak up."

"I said "no, there isn't"." Mikasa slapped my arm and looked angrily at me.

"Eren, just because you're against Christianity because you're gay doesn't mean you go out of your way to show Mr. Smith that you're not fond of his religion!" She whisper-shouted at me.

"For fuck's sake-"

The bell rang, signaling us to get out.

"Eren, I'd like to speak to you," Nope, not today. I ran out of the classroom to my next class, not looking back.

My last hour was pre-calc. Great.

Looks like Armin and I two classes together.


I got home with a more then necessary amount of homework to complete.

I took the elevator up as I opened my phone. I slipped my keys out of my Black Butler messenger bag and twirled them around my finger, as I did at the airport that day, and how I did almost every day.

Unlocking my door, I dropped my phone and keys as I nearly shit myself.

In front of me, in my apartment, was Levi, alive and well.

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