Chapter 5 ~ The Most Unromantic Way

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A/N: hehe what's up mofos ^^; i can't believe 200+ people read my fanfic. you guys are 9999% better than anyone else, enjoy.


Third Person:

Levi felt nervous, and Eren felt ready. As the kiss deepened, it became more passionate, sending shivers down their spines.

Eren held Levi's face with both hands softly.

"D-did you just kiss me?!" The brat just kissed me!

"I-I'm sor-"

Levi sighed.

"Just don't make a mess when you eat." He handed the mildy warm bag to Eren.


They found Mikasa unconscious in a ditch. She had small cuts on her face and several bruises. Eren examined her closely as Levi cleared the backseat for her.

Levi lifted up Mikasa like it was nothing, and put her on a thin blanket covering the backseat. Eren stared at Levi in awe.

"Oi, brat, get in the car!" Eren snapped of of his trance and got in the passenger's seat.


They drove back in silence.

A moment of silence passed before Levi interrupted.

"Now you have your friend, what are you going to do with her?"

"I'll tend to her when we reach my house."

More awkward silence filled the car. Eren glanced at the clock in the car.


"About the k-"

"There's nothing to talk about." Levi didn't want to confess his feelings, especially to the 15 year-old brat he was starting to fall for.

"There's everything to talk about!" Eren looked at the 19 year-old man next to him. He looked blank, but his eyes afraid.

"Like?" Levi said, annoyed.

"Like what your sexual orientation is!"

"I-I'm straight..." He looked at Eren briefly and saw a face he would never forget. Eren tried to hide his sadness and disappointment, but couldn't.

They got to Eren's house 20 minutes later. Levi got Mikasa from the backseat-she was still unconscious.

"Uh, t-thanks for helping me." Eren stuttered as he held the door open for Levi.

"I don't need thanks, brat." Levi looked at Eren, who avoided his gaze.

"Are you still tutoring tomorrow?"

"What do you think?" At this point, Levi was relatively close to the door. He left without another word.


Saturday Morning

Eren's POV:

I woke up around 7am, and all I could think about is Levi.

Levi Levi Levi.

My excuse for breakfast was cereal. I watched several cartoons before taking a shower.

The warm water instantly covered me. I got some shampoo and massaged it into my head.

He couldn't stop thinking about last night.

I hit my head against the shower wall in frustration. My hair leaves soapy suds on the wall as I lift my head.


I finished my shower and dried off. I left my hair to air dry, not wasting time on something so small.

I checked on Mikasa-still sleeping. I wonder what happened to her, and who did it...

I sit down on a couch and started to watch my morning shows. I hear a moan of discomfort and turn to Mikasa. Seconds later, her fearful gaze met mine.

"Hey, take it easy for now..." She looked at me, confused.

"W-who are you...?"


A/N: Watching the Doctor Who marathon! So excited for tonight ^^; VOTE AND COMMENT IF YOU LIKED THIS CHAPTER!

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