Chapter 12 ~ Death

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Eren's POV:


After school, I walked home. It was a phenomenal day, the sun was shining, the birds were extra chirpy, and the grass still had a brief amount of dew from the rain the day previously. The cooling wind ruffled my hair ever-so slightly and I decided to relax and enjoy the beautiful day by a pond I went to as a child. The grass got my pants faintly wet, but I really didn't mind.

I breathed in that sharp and replenishing spring air. I loved March. March was the time of year everyone rejoiced, the weather was nicer, the animals came out from hibernation, the weather was extremely enjoyable, and I'd rather spend it outside.

The air had that sharp, crisp smell. I always talked to Mikasa and Armin-mostly Mikasa-about that fresh spring air, where it smelt sharp. It's hard to explain, but the scent seems sharply cold.

I stayed put against a tree relatively close to my childhood pond. the first 30-ish minutes were peaceful, but minute 31 went downhill.

"Hey look, if it isn't the worthless shit." I recently met Jean, he came to our school around November, The first person to be his friend was Armin, of course. I fetl as if sometimes he liked Jean better than me, but I decided I won't let myself be that "pay-attention-to-me-and-pity-me" friend.

I sighed, keeping myself calm as I responded with "What do you want?"

"Incase your eyes can't see, it's obvious who the better friend is to Armin."

"It doesn't matter who is what to Armin." I closed my eyes and shifted my position so my back rested more comfortably aginst the rough bark.

"Giving up already? I thought I had more tough competition." His arrogance was getting on my nerve, but I didn't want to have another enemy,

"How could I give up if nothing has been started?" I heard the soft swish of the dewey grass, soon feeling a presence near me. "And why are you even here?"

"I came to tell you I am the real friend, and you should go continue to be your loner-self." I didn't care about the fact he just told me he was Armin's true best friend, it was the fact he called me a loner. I liked having time to myself, it helps me sort out thoughts and lessen stress.

"Some people have alone time so they think, unlike you. The words just flow out of your mouth, because you never think. Newsflash, none of us want to be in your life every second, or hear every freaking accomplishment you've ever conquered. We just really don't giv-" I felt the collar of my shirt being harshly pulled up, face leveled with his.

"Listen Jaeger, I don't give a rat's ass about your opinions. Take your words and shove them up your ass."

"At least I think before I do, horseface." The first punch came briefly after my smart remark. Ouch. Ow, that hurt. A pain quickly spread from my jaw to my face. My vision was black, but I was fully aware, feeling the pain of his powerful punches over and over.

"I'm not a horse, Jaeger."


My eyelids heavily rested, I was too weak to open them. I remember Jean's temper getting in the way of his thoughts and actions. I mean, did he really have to go around and start fights?


I felt it shoot up and around my body, slowly, then all at once.

I mentally imagined where the bruises, and possibly cuts, would appear. I wondered how I looked on the outside.

I knew I was being hospitalized, but who brought me here and why. Did one of my friends find me? Is Levi here? Does he know what happened to me?

A pounding throb strengthened in my head. Darkness took over.


The machine beeped every now and then. My breathing became steady and lighter. My eyes finally allowed themselves to open. The bright white light blinded my eyes, so i squinted them, trying to adjust to the light.

To my left was a curtain dividing me and my roommate. Their machine was beeping every now and then. The time passed as my eyes fully adjusted to the hospital lights. I saw a group of people around the other patient's bed, tending to their wounds. I hear a long beep, signaling the patient has died. I sit up and look to my left, hearing a writing untencil scribble. Within seconds, the person left the room and the door was harshly slammed.

My arm wasn't quite long enough to reach the curtain. I turned so I was resting on my left side and my extended my arm again. Slightly grasping the baby blue fabric, I slid it to the right, fully exposing the dead body on the hospital bed. My breath hitched and I almost choked on it. The now, dead person was the one that was there when everyone else wasn't,



A/N: sorry guys, don't hate me! >u< and I got iOS8, which isn't all that fancy. vote and maybe comment if you want me to update asap. c: and tomorrow is Friday meaning I CAN WRITE ALL WEEKEND WOOHOO. omFg ALMOST 1,000 reads YAY. but please, do vote for :>

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