Chapter 34 ~ August 31

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Eren's POV:

Today was the day.

I swallowed the lump in my throat and glanced at the man beside me. A sense of peace crossed his still face. I could watch him all day if the annoying shrill of the alarm clock beside me would shut the hell up.

I shut the alarm off and shook Levi's upper arm, hearing an aduible groan from him.

"I don't want to go," He whined.

"10 didn't want to, either. Now come on, get up!"

"Who's 10?" He asked as he fell out of bed, uttering a cuss here and there.

"The tenth doctor! How could you not know?"

"Well excuse me, fanboy." I gave him a teasing glare and smiled after a few seconds, seeing him pinch the bridge of his nose in annoyance.

I sighed before asking, "Do you have everything together?"

"For the thousandth time, yes!"

"Well excuse me for asking."

"Don't get your thong in a pretzel,"



Halfway through making bacon I realized Levi's vegetarian, he doesn't eat meat or "the flesh of other living things". If it tastes good, why can't you have it? It doesn't kill you.

Levi came out dressed casually with damp hair and a towel over his nose.

"Why must you do this to me?"

"It's for me, big difference!" I strolled around the bar table, or so my dad established it to be, and sat in a barstool next to Levi.

"Get away, you smell like meat." He pushed me away jokingly.

"Well," I got up and crossed the kitchen back to the stove.

"Do you eat eggs?"

"They aren't meat. They're unfertilized eggs, but they still come from a chicken, so no. I'm not taking any chances." I sighed and rummaged through empty cabinets before feeling defeat.

"Well what do you eat, exactly?"

"Anything but meat," He ran a hand through his hair as tiny droplets of water fell to the wooden flooring. When his hand retracted, it was also a bit wet.


"It's not a nutritious breakfast."


"It's not filling."

"Then eat like, 10!"

"Tch, I need a variety of nutrients a-"

"YOU ARE TOO HARD TO COOK FOR," I said with a sigh. He smirked and slid off his stool, soon appearing at my side.

"How about we stop for a donut and coffee, it's much easier."



The car was packed and we were driving off within a half an hour, heading to the closest coffee shop.

There was silence, we were dreading the events ahead of us.

We stopped by Dunkin Donuts and ordered breakfast stuff. When he ordered, he could barely speak.

He ate and drove in silence. My gaze was fixed to outside, possibly getting some new painting ideas.

"Eren?" My gaze was broken from the landscape and turned to fearful, gray eyes.


"I'll wait for you."


"If somehow, things between us don't work, I'll wait for you." I felt tears sting my eyes at the thought of my life without Levi.

"Levi, it's going to be okay. It'll work between us, I promise." He locked our hands together keeping the left on the steering wheel.

"Promise you'll take care of her?" His gaze was on the road now.

"Who's 'her'?"

"My baby," He let go of my hand and ran his hand over the black dashboard. I rolled my eyes but responded yes.


We got the airport within thirty minutes. There was barely any traffic on the way, also.

I helped him with his bags in silence, our hands brushing against each other's. We met each other's gaze, sadly looking.

"It's okay, it's just for three months. I'll be back for Thanksgiving, we can rejoice then." He said as both of us began to tear up. He lifted his free hand and wiped a streaming tear off my cheek.

"Don't cry, it's okay." He cradled me on the trunk of his car, rocking me slowly. The familiar smell of lavender radiated off his clothing. It was the smell that made me happy when I wasn't, the scent that brought meaning into my life, a daily reminder my life would be so different, the fact that Levi made an impact on my life. I couldn't let him go, he brought the best out in me.

"I, I don't want you to leave."

"Brat, it won't be for that long. I promise, I truly do." He ran fingers softly through my hair, lightly scratching.

"Are you okay?" He rubbed my arm. I nodded, wanting to stay this way forever. He let me go and took his bags.

"Do you need help?" He shook his head, but I could see him struggling with a couple of things.

"Here," I said as I took a smaller suitcase. We walked inside the airport silently.

Inside it was bright, air conditioned, and movement everywhere. At a certain angle, you were blinded by a reflection of light off a glass window. It had a heavy lemon scent, and many stressed people.

"Well, looks like we have to wait a while." We stood side by side in line, our hands interlaced.

"God hates fags," A guy behind us muttered.

"Honey, keep your voice down." A female, presumably his wife, muttered.

"I don't give a damn what they hear! They should know it's wrong doing what they're doing!" I turned around and saw the couple behind us arguing.

"What if Maggie was lesbian? Would you give her to an orphanage?"

"Yes, I would!" He angrily spat.

"I hate to break it to you, but looks like we're getting rid of Maggie."

"Why wouldn't she tell me?"

"You only believe in different sex relationships! Love doesn't have a gender!" Levi turned to me and kissed me passionately, causing the man behind us to look away in disgust. The woman smiled at us.

"Excuse him for being a pest."

"It's not a problem, ma'am." I said, clearing my throat.

"I ship it," She grinned.

"Ship what, exactly?"

"You two!" I blushed as Levi smirked, with both of us turning forward.

"Well that was interesting," Levi commented making me chuckle.

"Indeed it was." We both smiled at each other and locked our hands together.

"Are your luggages a burden?" I asked.

"Not really," he shrugged and carried his belongings.

"This is the farthest visitors can go." A security guard informed. I stopped in my tracks, looking hopelessly at Levi.

"I-I guess...." My voice started to fail, and I began choking on my own words.

"Shh, this isn't goodbye." His nose tipped mine and his thumb caressed my cheek. "It's a see you later. This isn't the last time we'll be seeing each other." For the last time, we kissed each other lovingly, pulling away minutes later.

"I'll see you later, Eren." Little did I know, these were his last words.

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