Chapter 6 ~ 20 Questions

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Levi's POV:

I wake up to my noisy roommate, Erwin, making breakfast.

My eyes adjust to my surroundings. A coffee table, an open window,-damn, that's bright-another couch to my right. Looks like I crashed on the couch last night.

What even happened last night?

I remember searching for Mikasa, getting food, and the kiss.

"Hey Levi, come help me with-"

"No." I was half-asleep, or so it felt.

"It will take like, five minutes." He sighed when there was no response. I heard heavy footsteps growing louder. He grabbed me by my shoulders and pushed me into the kitchen.

"You need help with pancakes?" I gave him my casual glare.

"Yes I do. Just stay here while I-" He left quickly.

I just got set up to make breakfast.


"Levi, this tastes amazing!" Erwin said, taking another messy bite of his fluffy pancake. I ate my pancake ignoring the previous comment on my cooking skills.

"I need to go grocery shopping today. Stay here and clean the apartment." He said as he put his dirty plate in the sink.

He left the apartment soon after, leaving myself with a dirty house.

As I started the dish water, my thoughts drifted towards last night.

No. I wouldn't let myself visit that embarrassing memory.

Eren was kind of cute.

What am I thinking? I'm his tutor, and he's my student, nothing else between us.

If there was nothing between us, why do I keep thinking about him?

I started to scrub a plate angrily when the home phone rang.

"Sorry, Erwin couldn't make it-"

"Levi, it's me."

"What do you want? I'm busy..." I sighed impatiently.

"S-sorry.. I'll call b-"

"You're already on the phone, what do you want?"

"I-I was wondering what time you were coming o-over..."

"I'll be there around 2." Before he could answer I hung up and got back to washing dishes.


Eren's POV:

The digital clock on the microwave read 1:56pm.

I took the wooden pencil into my clammy hands, tapping the bottom repetitively onto the notebook cover. I noticed the pencil was slipping between my fingers. I looked at the clock.


Looking back at my piles of notebooks and worksheets, I saw the pencil roll away from me. I scooted my chair back swiftly and tried catching my pencil, failing.

As I bent over to get the pencil, a loud knock came from the front door.

Shocked, I looked at the door, hitting the top of my head on the table.

I rubbed my head as I got up to answer the pounding at the doors.

"Oh, h-hi." Glower was written on his face.

"Let me in." I slid to the left so he could walk by.

"So what happened to that friend of yours?"

"I took her to the hospital, to get things checked out. Apparently she has amnesia." He looked at me like it was some kind of joke.

"Okay, what are today's topics?" He pulled a chair for himself and sat straightly.

"Algebra and Environmental Science." The last quarter of the year had started. I got new classes, but the same lunch.

"Let's start with Algebra." I handed the worksheet to him, our hands lightly brushing. I felt tingles run up my arm, and I bet he did too. For a brief second it looked as if he barely gasped. He looked over the worksheet with his casual grimace.

"The answer is five." He put on glasses with thinly wired rims. I guess I was astonished, because he asked "What's with the stupid look on your face?"

"Y-you wear glasses?!"

"Well no sh-"

"No, I've just never seen you wear glasses. You should wear them more often." I smiled a small and idiotic smile. He looked so cute.

"Don't you want me to explain how I-?"

"No, not really. So what are you going to college for?" I put my elbows in front of me and rest my chin on my hands.

"We're suppos-"

"What are you going for?" I oddly felt I needed to know this.

"I'm going to do cancer research." He sighed.

"You could make lots if you did cosmetic surgery."

"I don't want lots, I want to help."

"That means you'll have to interact with people..."

"I am aware."

"But you don't like people."

"I don't like annoying brats."

"I'm 15, I'm not a brat!"

"You'll always be a brat to me." I smiled at that. Was it a compliment?

"Let's get back t-"

"Do you have a girlfriend?" My chin rested upon my right hand.

"My relationship status has nothi-"

"Just answer me." I closed my eyes in frustration.

Breathe in, breathe out.

"I do not."

"Are you straight?"

"This isn't 20 Questions, Jaeger!"

"It was only four!" Levi sighed with irritation.

"Can we get back to the homework?!" He looked angry with me, so I kept



I couldn't believe the weekend was already over. Two days wasted doing nothing.

I played video games, if that counts.

I entered my small bathroom and wet my toothbrush. I put a pea sized amount of white toothpaste onto the brush.

My shirt went over my head and into the hamper. I began brushing my teeth in circles, white foam growing.

Walking back into my room, I took off my jeans, left in my socks and boxers. I had to cross my room to get to my drawer.

And that's when I noticed Levi staring at me from the bottom of the staircase.


A/N: Wow, Levi sounds like a creep. And HOLY MOTHER OF TERESA ON THE HOOD OF A MERCEDES BENZ, I GOT 300+ READS! I wasn't expecting 100 tbh. Thanks to all of my readers/voters! c: If you want more updates, please leave a vote! And tell your Ereri

shipping friends, too. 😏



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