Chapter 27 ~ Forgiveness, Kind Of

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Eren's POV:

Loud voices woke me from my sleep.

"He seems to doing well, he'll be under our watch for a week."

"A week?!" A familiar voice yelled. I couldn't quite remember his name-or anything. Everything was a daze.

"You really don't need to put him under surveillance for that long, do you?"

"It's necessa-"

"What I think is that you don't want to release him so he can have a higher fee?"

"No sir, it's not lik-"

"Save your shit for the toilet." I looked to my left and through a dirty window was a black haired male and a guilty nurse. He turned away curtly.


I've been sleeping for so long, as if I lost my memory.

His name, it tickled my brain, hung off the edge of my tongue. It was so obvious, why could I remember it..?

Lee? Leo? Stupid medicine. Stupid hospital. Stupid everything.

The nurse entered my room with a clipboard.

"So, you're awake."

Well no shit.

"It appears to be." She smiled as she scribbled a thing or two down.

"How are ya feeling?"

"Tired, and I can't really remember anything."

"It's after effects of the medicine."

Medicine? Why was I even here?

"So we'll be keeping an eye on you for the next seven days, and you need all of the rest you can consume. And meals come at 9am, 12pm, and 6pm." I weakly nodded, wishing she'd leave already.


"Any questions?"

"Can you leave now?" She had a trace of hurt cross her face, but she nodded and readjusted her clipboard papers before exiting.

I looked down at my body-red scars were deeply carved into my forearm. If I looked at my upper arm, would there be more?

Memories flooded my memory-Levi, leaving, an attempt-I was honestly so pathetic.

I saw my wrists cuffed down to either side of the bed. What happened there? My mind blocked the memory, but why?

My questions bored me, causing me to drift into unconsciousness.


Levi's POV:

Stupid fucks. Stupid her, stupid him, stupid everyone. Why was everyone so idiotic?

I was constantly switching moods-break down and cry, or smash everyone's skull with a rock.

It honestly hurt me to see such beautiful creatures harm themselves, because society's mainstream media dictating everyone's physical features. Being a stick isn't attractive, why strive to be its twin? Obesity shouldn't matter, everyone's different. Health matters, but do physical features determine who you really are? Bananas usually brown on the outside, but on the inside it's the same, a bruise here and there, but a banana is a banana. Same chewy, potassium enriched fruit. The peel shouldn't matter, it's what's on the inside. Why didn't anyone realize society's physical standards aren't healthy, and it's increasing the suicide rate?

Eren, my precious Eren, why did you damage your beautiful skin?

Tears threatened to display my internal sadness, but I refused. I wouldn't cry, I wouldn't lower my defense, and let strangers become aware of my one and only kryptonite, Eren.


The waiting rooms scent was stale, and it bothered the shit out of me. I sanitized my hands five times within the last minute, organized the magazines on the table, and dusted off the shelves and coffee table with tissues.

Of course, passerby's gave me strange looks, which I proudly ignored.

Eren's nurse finally stepped out, motioning for me.

I looked at his condition and choked on my breath.

Not here.

Not now.

His flittered open, and he shrank into his bed, his face falling. Silently pulling a chair up, I sat in it to be eye level (yeah right) with him.

A minute, then several passed as we stared at each other, denying the inevitable.

"How do you feel?"

"You aren't my nurse."

"I won't pretend to know how you feel, all I know isn't great."

"Thanks to you." He viciously spat. "Can't you see?! What you said is ruining me!" He struggled against the handcuffs and presented his clearly visible scars.

"How many times do I ha-"

"Saying anything isn't true. It's not meaningful! You could exclaim you love me, but I could accept or decline your statement."

"What are you getting at?"

"Short and slow," He rolled his eyes before continuing. "you aren't showing me you're sorry. It's like a breakup over text, it isn't really valid. And kinda lame." My mind was processing the .information at a surprisingly slow rate. My hands clung onto my knees, growing sweaty and heated.

"Eren Jaeger, I won't stop until you're mine."


a/n: yay for 7.5k+ reads ʕ •ᴥ•ʔ

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