Chapter 4 ~ Rescue, Sort Of.

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A/N: Hey guys, I CAN'T BELIEVE I HAVE 100+ READS AND 10-ish VOTES! Thanks guys, I love you all so much! If you like the chapter/want quicker updates just vote for this chapter and comment, maybe? (•ᴗ•)




Mikasa's POV:

I was walking home from school when it all started.

A lady walks up to me and asks me a couple of questions.

I, answering with one word per question, was getting nervous that she would follow me home.

But she didn't.

Instead, the lady somehow knocked me out. I remember a prick on the back of my head, following up to a throbbing pain, as if a small needle was planted into my head. My vision quickly turned black.


I wake up in a bedroom. I am chained down to the bed, still in my uniform.

I turn my head and to my left is a highly bolted window. I try to force my arms out of the metal cuffs, but I fail to succeed.

The door opened, and I couldn't believe who was there.


Eren's POV:

Armin forced me to go to school, though I wanted to go searching.

It angered me I had to sit through a day of classes when I could be saving Mikasa! She's like a sister to me.

You couldn't just forget about family. It's just not right. And going to school felt absolutely wrong.


Instead of taking the bus, I walked my own way. I went to a small pond where I usually went to gather firewood for bonfires. I remember playing here as a child.

I make my way back to my house, wondering how I can't search for Mikasa without a car. My dad was out of town on a business trip for a couple of days.

I sighed and kicked my house's door open in annoyance. I thought of some things I would need to find Mikasa.

• Weapon

What could I use? A kitchen knife? I've never killed anyone before.

• Contact

My flip phone gets reception anywhere, I'm sure it will do.

• First Aid Kit

She could be injured. Always a smart idea.

• Transportation

I can't make a fast escape on legs. I need a motorized vehicle.

Who in the world has a car and would be willing to help me?


Levi's POV:

I arrived at Eren's house somewhere around 4:30, ready to get this tutoring shit done.

As soon as I knocked the door was answered.

"Levi can you help me?" He asked.

"That's what I'm here for..." I sighed, wanting to go back to my apartment.

"No, not school related stuff. It's one of my friends, she's been kidnapped. Something like th-"

"No." The clouds started to darken, and a light breeze carried on.

"I won't let you inside than." He thinks he can convince me to help him. How cute.

"I can just go back to my apartment.." I pointed my thumb to my car.

"Please Levi?! I won't ask for anything else!" There was a moment of awkward silence. I really didn't want to help this brat with his personal problems, or even tutor him, but I was forced to.

"Tch, fine. But don't whine, it's annoying."

He let me into his house, and I followed him into his living room.

"What do you need help with?" I said like it wasn't a question.

"Well I need someone with a car to help me look for my friend."

"Don't you have a shitload of homework to do?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Mikasa is more important."

"Oh what, is she your girlfriend?" I felt angry for some reason. Or was I jealous?

"She's a childhood friend." Eren blushed a mild pink and looked at his socks.

"Do you know where she is?"


"Do you know who kidnapped her?"


"Well this is a fantastic rescue plan Eren, go on." I said sarcastically.

"You have a better one?!" His face got more pink from anger. He stood up, as if towering over me made him more dominate.

"Well I saw Hanji and Mikasa talking the other day after school. Hanji likes experimenting and all, maybe she's the 'kidnapper'?"

"Okay assuming Hanji did it, where would she go?" I thought for a minute.

"An old, abandon house in a secluded area." Eren thought for a minute, but nodded his head in agreement.

"We should leave soon."

"How soon is soon?" I asked, checking the time. 4:28pm.

"Soon as in now."


Eren turned on some shitty pop station and was singing off-key to a song with too much auto tune.

"Eren, turn that shit off." I glared at him. He didn't listen and kept listening to this garbage.

I hit the radio off button. He gave me a confused look.

"The driver chooses the music, the passenger shuts his cake hole." I turned on classical music. Eren snorted.

"You listen to cl-"

"It helps me concentrate." I lied. I turned it on so he would shut up, which he did.

A few hours of driving we both got hungry. We stopped by a Burger King and ordered.

"No eating in my car, it will make a mess." It was close to nine, and it was getting dark.

"But I'm starving! And it smells so good!"

"Eren, I said no whining." I heard the bag crinkle and a quiet chewing.

"EREN!" He jumped and looked at me with wide eyes.

"I-I'm sorry..." He stammered. After a couple of minutes, he ate another fry.

"EREN FUCKING JAEGER. THERE IS NO EATING IN THIS CAR." He looked at me while taking another handful of fries. "That's it." I stopped the car and reached for the bag. He hid it by his door, making me stretch over his lap. I distracted him and got the bag.

Sitting up straight, I noticed how close mine and Eren's faces were. His nose touched mine as we inched forward.





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