Chapter 49 ~ Foreshadow

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Eren's Nightmare

There it was. That one... thing... I always used to dream about.

A man tied up, displayed in front of a crowd, as angry towns people chant profanities and insults.

I told my dad, and he told me it was a bad dream. He used to ruffle my hair and say it would never happen. It wasn't real.

They did bad things to that man.

He had scars across his back, bruised stomach and ribs, a bloody face. A man with jet black hair stood with a gun, twirling in his finger.

Why was he crying? The man should be happy, he gets to be the hero, save the day!

He had a blue glow around him, indicating he was sad. The man tied up had an angry red. Both of them met each other's gazes. Their last words?


"Tch, brat." And the hero would cry as the crowd behind him cheered. Whoops and yells of compliments flooded the mans ear, congratulating him, but all he heard was the ringing of the gun.


Levi's Nightmare

Every night, for several years, the same dream, thought, or moment would replay in my sleep.

Extremely smart, a raven haired man found an employer.

Here, he would benefit society by sharing his knowledge.

Soon, the employer became good friends with the new worker. Very close, they shared an apartment.

An odd lady resurfaced every now and then, dropping by to care for the raven.

I wanted to be this man, he was everything I wasn't. Smart, attractive, just, not me.

He had a love he, at first, denied. He was loved, he couldn't see it. He was blinded by an abusive past, he built up so many walls.

With every beating I got, I thought to myself, was my dream foreshadowing something?

No, you'd be dead after this beating. That's what I thought every single time.


Eren's Second Nightmare

The room was dimly lit, and wooden. I could tell it smelt odd. It was something I already knew, deep down inside.

A figure cried as he kissed their forehead.

"It's okay, I promise." The man stroked their hair, and clutched them tightly to their chest, rocking the figure back and forth.

"I can't do it. Not without you." Tears stained their face, but I couldn't quite tell who it was.

I, Eren Jaeger, was a person watching the two people. Like I was watching over them. As if my perspective was a spirit observing them, taking care of them.

The people's faces were smeared, as if this was a picture and the artist accidentally smeared the face. Maybe my eyes were blurry. But every night, they would talk more about it. Whatever was happening. I picked up on little pieces, such as "Pain is temporary, it fades." and "Your life has many opportunities for you, make sure you're there to see them."

The pair of people didn't seem the same. Inside, viewing this as the third person, I knew, and I just knew, that something wasn't okay. That whatever they were sad about, involved me.


Levi's Second Nightmare

His folly and cloddishness have gotten the two here, talking about what his punishment is.

"I didn't mean to."

"You exposed yourself as a threat, don't be sorry." The familiar raven haired man scoffed. He turned to a young man, and I could feel him and his love towards this man.

"Remember all of those times? Where we didn't care, and just went with it? And just, memories. I had a great time with you. Don't forget it. You need to stay strong, look after yourself for me. Promise?" Tears were running down the raven's face, he lunged at the younger man and hugged him.

"I don't want to stay strong. you're my source of strength."

"You're blinded by the fact that I only have ten minutes left to live. Don't make me regret sneaking out here to see you."

"I'm sorry. I can't stay strong. Without you there is no me." For the last time, they kissed passionately. The guards knocked down the door, and the man knew it was time for his lover to die.


Eren's Flashback

He looked at the files happily, reading the provided information.

"See any favorites?" He asked.

"No- THIS ONE!" I pointed to the picture.

"...Is a trouble maker and is not obedient. She's a smart alec and sasses everyone."

"This sounds like the both of us combined. Let's get her!"

"We need to wait for that guy to get back." I said, tapping my foot on the ground impatiently.

A door opened and we looked at the man.

"Any favorites?" He asked. As he made his way to his desk, we slid her picture and information forward, smiling.

"You guys are in for some trouble..." He chuckled, as he was typing in our names, evaluating our backgrounds.

"Eren, yours looks fine, but Levi..." He listed some previous things that Levi has done, such as set a Pizza Hut on fire, accidentally, was caught with someone elses drugs, and other stupid things that shouldn't be on his record.

"You are too much of a trouble yourself to take care of anyone else. I will not let you adopt her." I patted Levi's back as we dragged our feet out of the adoption center, and he lost it in the car.

"You did those things how long ago? Levi, it's been a few years. I know it's on your permanent record, but I'm sure we could eventually adopt a baby."

"Forget it, I've done too much shit in the past to make up for. I was a fucked up teen, Eren, don't expect it to just disappear."


"Not another word."


Levi's Flashback

We resided on the beach for the afternoon, and he looked happy as hell. He handed me the sun tan lotion, motioning towards his back.

I rubbed some sun tan lotion on his back, him giggling when I got his lower sides.


"It... tickles..." He smiled and turned around a little bit, now flashing his teeth. A pink tint came to his cheeks.

"I certainly hope this doesn't tickle..." I started tickling his sides, and his adorable giggle filled the air.

"Stoo~op!" He tried to get up from his chair but nearly fell in the sand from giggling.

Our tickle fight was intense. He tried to tickle me back. I gripped his left foot and lightly ran my fingers over the surface, causing him to scream out in laughter.

"LEVI STOP!!" We laid down next to each other, in tears from laughing.

"I love you, Levi." He pecked my nose.

"I love you too, brat."


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