Chapter 10 ~ Confession

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Eren's POV:

"Here Levi!" I handed him a glass, I didn't know which one was which.

"I asked for a bottle."

"We didn't have bottles." He shut up and started drinking. He blinked as he choked on a gulp he took.

"D-did you give me alcohol?!" He started feeling drowsy. This alcohol was strong.

I smiled like k was clever and laughed at Levi.

"You shitty brat." He mumbled as he put the cup down. I took some of Levi's drink.

"Now we're even." I picked up his pencil and tried writing. It came out wobbly. I muttered a profanity before shaking his hand a bit and tried writing. I was jittery, nervous energy?

"So, this is..." Levi yawned and blinked. "Like, 28 or something." Levi took more than he expected, he felt the strong alcohol slowly taking over.


We decided to play truth or dare, and we ended up taking a few shots. (Yes, my dad has a lot of alcohol.)

"Leviiii.... who do you have a crushh on?" I asked. Man, was I drunk. I tried to pose the question as a casual one but it came out as a slurred combination of words.

"It's youu, silly brat." His facial expression looked as if he didn't mean to say that. He rolled his eyes and yawned.

"I like you ... too..." I guess I was a shy drunk. I scooted my chair closer to Levi's and rested my head on his shoulder. A wave of silence rolled in, but it was comfortable.



"Will you be, my um, shit, b-boyfriend?" He sounded as serious as he could.

"I..." I couldn't think of the words, so I replied with one. "yes."


I woke up to a beautiful sunny Saturday. My head was pounding from a couple of nights ago-I don't remember anything from that night-and I had finished all of my homework. I decided I shall spend my Saturday reading.

I walked over to the opposite end of my room-it was my main reading spot. I picked up the Maze Runner, a book I just found out about earlier yesterday, and studied the cover. I saw mossy walls with spikes on one side of the wall and the other across from it with holes where the spikes would go. The title on the cover looked pretty cool, even though you don't judge a book by it's cover.

I read the first couple of chapters and stopped to glance at my alarm clock beside my bed. 10:02am. I stood up and stretched my arms before walking downstairs to see my dad's shoes and briefcase by the door.

It must've been a late night for him, he's always traveling and never has time for family, or what's left of it.

I grabbed a glass bowl and a plays nearby it fell off it's stack and crashed onto the floor, shattering into millions of shards.

"Shit." I growled. Not only was it rude to break a plate, but I could wake up my dad at any time.

I stealthily made my way across the mess without getting glass into my foot, and swept up all of it.

A knock pounded at the front door with me running to get it.

"Can you kee-" I saw it was Levi. I did. have to ask anything, he hurriedly pushed past me.

"What happened that one night when we..." He put his hand to his forehead, looking exhausted.

"W...we got drunk..." I really don't know why I was shy, especially now of all times. I felt comfortable around him, but not when he raged.


"Did I stutter?" I crossed my arms curtly.

"You fucking idiot..."

"I have a name." I watched him as he gathered himself mentally.

"Look, all I know is you somehow got me drunk, and things that happened and said didn't mean anything." My heart sunk when he said that, he admitted he liked me back.

"But maybe, this doesn't mean anything." It all happened so fast. I stepped forward, grabbed his face lightly with my right hand, and kidded him passionately. I was letting him know I wasn't artificially feeling what I felt, and that I was truly falling hard for him. I feel his face and body tense, but he kissed back, his lips moving perfectly in rhythm with mine. It got more intense, but nothing like that.

I stepped back and looked at the awestruck raven-haired man. He touched his lips, studying the wooden floor beneath us.


"I already know you don't like me but I co-"


"I'm sor-"

"It's okay." A wave of silence fell as we looked at each other.

"What?" As if the words just processed through my mind-I'm such an idiot.

"I said, it was okay." He stepped forward and held my hands in his, rubbing my thumb with the pad of his.

"But you ju-"

"I know what I just said, but I haven't said this." Levi was a little shake-y, maybe the end of a hangover? O was fine, my head had a throb every hour or so. "I have truly, and foolishly fallen for you." My cheeks blushed a slight pink as my home phone rang. I looked at the caller ID, the Maria Health Center. I took my hands from Levi's and answered.


"Mr. Jaeger, this is urgent."

"What is it?"

"Mikasa Ackermann... She's in critical condition.


A/N: DUN DUN DUNN :o but oh my gosh 700 reads. THANK YOU FOR READING, VOTING, AND COMMENTING BUT AHH I CANT BELIEVE IT! c: I MADE A CLIFF HANGER HAHA (͡ ° ͜ʖ ͡ °) vote for this chapter so I can update sooner! love you all ; v ; <3


~ Grace

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