Chapter 3 ~

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a/n: thanks for commenting, reading, and voting! It helps out, a lot!


Eren's POV:

Lightening struck and thunder sounded. I pushed the metal double doors leading into the small, crowded school. I rushed to my first hour, drenched. My locker was on the way to History, so I grabbed my supplies, quickly.

"Mr. Jaeger, why are you late?" Mr. Smith asked. "And why are you wet?" the class snickered at his question.

"Long story." I said, trudging to my chair. Armin sat next to me, thank God. The wide eyed boy looked at me, as if I murdered someone.

"Eren, what happened?!" He whispered as Mr. Smith talked about today's lesson.

"I forgot my homework." I hated admitting things because my reason sounded stupid to why I did the thing in the first place.

"Was it your tutor?" Armin asked, taking down notes at the same time.

"Yeah, he was pretty harsh." I said, copying Armin.

"Who's your tutor?" Armin asked. He looked at me with his blue eyes. They reminded me of the sky on a sunny day, clear and beautiful.

"It's Levi Ri-" Armin gasped loudly. Mr. Smith stopped writing and turned to the boy who gasped, including everyone else.

"Is there a problem here?" Mr. Smith asked calmh.

"No, n-not at all." I said, slapping Armin's arm when the teacher turned back to the board.

"You ass..." I mumbled. I didn't bother looking up.

"I-I'm sorry." Armin said. He sighed when I didn't respond.


The bell rang after what seemed like hours. I packed my stuff up quickly, I just wanted today to be over with.

As I walked away quickly, Mr. Smith grabbed my forearm with a strong grip.

"Mr. Jaeger, come with me." He guided me towards his desk.

Crap. I hated talking to teachers one-on-one, it's so uncomfortable.

"May I ask why you were late to class?" He said, penciling some details in for the next hour.

"I f-forgot my homework." My face felt hot from embarrassment. He looked through his glasses at me.

"That's the second time this week. You need to be more prepared, young man. Now go to your next class, you don't want to be late for that, too." I nodded quickly and fast walked out of there.

I ignored his curt comment a left the classroom quickly.


Glad that was over.

The day dragged by, slowly and painfully. Not to mention the stack of homework I needed to finish.


Levi's POV:

Stupid brat. What's so interesting about him, anyways? He's a twerp that is unintelligent.

It was 4:56pm. I was going to be late for tutoring Eren. He needs my intelligence to guide him in the right direction.

I smirked as I entered my silver Prius, which took a very long time to adjust the surroundings to my liking.

It was a pain in the ass to drive 30 minutes from my apartment to Eren's house, but the kid needed me. And maybe I needed him.

Woah. Wait a second, did I just think that? I must be tired. There's no relationship between us. Nodda. Zilch. Zero. None.


I arrived at his house at 5:15pm. I knock on the door, hearing distant sounds of silverware clinking and plates being stacked.

Eren answers the door.

"Oh." He said quietly. Was he disappointed? Ouch. "Dad, Levi's here. We'll be downstairs studying." Eren let me in and closed the door behind me.

His house was very neat and clean, almost as clean as my apartment.

Scanning the scenery, I see an open room with white walls, half carpeted half wooden flooring, and in the center of the room is a black leather couch. A wooden basket was on the left side of the large couch, holding two or three extra blankets.

Underneath the glass table was where the wooden floor ended. On the table was coasters nicely stacked near the center. Magazines were neatly laid out on the table. The center of the rectangular table held a grey vase with black and white roses.

Looking up, I see flat screen TV with many gaming consoles. The shelf holding these consoles had a mild layer of dust.

It's not as clean as my apartment.

The thought almost made me smile.


"History again?" This was the easiest shit out there! I groaned as Eren's face flushed a mild pink.


"Save your excuses, we're making you the historian." After that comment, Eren kept his mouth shut.

After 30 educational minutes, Eren managed to define and use five vocabulary words in a sentence, and remembered all of the important figures.

"Next?" I yawned. I checked my watch. 5:48pm.

"Science." It was the anatomy of a titan.

"Harder, but still simple to learn." I leaned back on the chair, resting the back of my head on the palms of my hands. I crossed my feet on the desk.

Eren groaned before taking out his worksheets he needed to complete.

"Tch." I rolled my eyes. "It could be worse."


Eren's POV:

"The titans are back."

Everyone was running, but they wouldn't move. My legs, as if I was frozen in place.

Birds flew away from the chaos, as more and more titans came in, grabbing humans.

I woke up with cold sweat all over my body.

It was just a dream, Eren, a dream.

Because titans haven't came since 845. And they won't be coming any time soon.

I went into my bathroom and took a quick shower. I got into the uniform before getting breakfast.

I multitasked eating breakfast and getting my backpack ready for school.

At least it's Friday.

After today, I have three whole days to be lazy. Maybe Levi won't need to tutor me.

If I study hard enough...

Armin was running towards my house, on his way to school? He never stops by my house in the morning, he has to help his grandpa with chores in the morning.

"Hey Ar-" Once he heard my voice, he started talking really fast.

"IthinksomethinghappenedtoMikasa!" He said, panting heavily.

"Woah slow down, what happened?" I looked at Armin taking a deep breath, ready to respond. I awkwardly cleared my throat as Armin caught his breath.

"I think she was kidnapped."


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