Chapter 2: Talkity Talk Talk

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"So I was thinking we could go to the gym today then lunch afterwards if ya want," Paige mentions while she watches me do my hair and make up.

"That's fine with me. I need a workout anyways," I finish putting my hair up in a ponytail and look myself over in the mirror. Black yoga shorts and a black sports bra. I was going to put a shirt on put we're going to the gym so why bother?

"You wanna just go to the gym now? It's already quarter till eleven," I ask her and she nods. We grab our gym bags and head down to the gym in the hotel. Yes, this hotel literally has everything.

I look around and see Dolph, Roman, Dean, and Seth in a group over at one of the rings having a practice match.

"Wanna show them what's best for business?" I ask Paige and she grins which is a yes to me. We walk over and get into the ring beside them.

"Ring the bell Paige,"

"Ding, ding, ding!" She says and we lock up. She pushes me off but I get back up and go after her and get her in a submission lock

"Pretend this is a real match. That'll really show them what's best for business," I whisper in her ear and she nods. She elbows me and I let go of her backing away.

We have been fighting for about ten minutes and neither of us have been counted out.

"Forty bucks Paige will win," I hear Dolph bid and then the others join in.

"Forty bucks Milly wins," Roman bids next.

"I'm with Dolph," Rollins comes in. "What about you Ambrose?"

"Well, they're both fucking crazy but...I say forty bucks Milly wins," I smirk. Now I'm going to win. I have Paige to where she's struggling to get up so I climb up on the top rope and do the Weeping Willow on her.

"1! 2! 3!" Roman yells and smacks the ring floor.

"Your new divas champion...Milly!" Dean yells and I go over to them.

"I think Roman and Dean each win forty bucks from each of you losers," I point to Rollins and Ziggler. They groan and hand over the money.

"I heard you guys bidding and decided to have Roman and Dean win some cash," I grinned. All of a sudden I'm being thrown over the top rope and someone catches me.

"This is my house bitch!" I look up at Paige and she has a serious look on her face. Is she really serious? "Nah, I'm just kidding!" She says and a let out a laugh. Then I realize I'm still being held my someone. I look up and my eyes go wide at who had caught me.


"I'll put you down now," He says and sets me gently on the ground. He towers over my short, five foot two inch body.

"Well, he caught you so maybe he's your prince charming," Paige comes up beside me and I roll my eyes.

"Let's go work out,"

"So you make us give up money and we don't get anything in return?" Seth asks and throws his hands up.

"You guys started the bid! I just won for Roman and Dean," I shout back across the gym at him. Paige and I workout for the next hour then go out and get lunch before Smackdown.

"I have a match against Brie Bella," Paige says and I nod.

"I'm going to go and get in my gear. Looks like I have an interview with Renee," I leave and go to the locker room then head over to get my make up and hair done.

"Welcome my special guest...Milly," Renee says and I come into view. "Now Milly, how do you feel about having your match against AJ?"

"Honestly Renee, I feel confident about myself to beat AJ at both matches without any help at all. I am undefeatable and I plan to keep it that way! I have beaten AJ before so who says I can't do it twice more? At the end of this, I will be the divas champion," I walk away and go watch Paige's match against Brie.

I found a tv right as Paige put Brie in her submission lock, making Brie tap out. I walked over to the curtain to congratulate her on her win when I saw Dean with a girl. She looked about my age and has dark brown hair that you could easily get mistaken for black. She turned and I could see she has dark green eyes and her and Dean are holding hands.

"Hey Dean," I walk over to find out who the girl is out of curiosity.

"Hey Milly, this is Lilly. She's trying to get a job as a diva here," He explains and looks at her.

"So are you guys a couple?" I ask and Dean shakes his head. I look down at their connected hands and he follows my gaze and disconnects their hands. Why is he acting so weird?

"I'm just a friend of his. We dated in high school and just recently started talking again,"

"Okay, well, I'm Milly and I hope you can become a diva," I tell her and dismiss myself as Paige comes through the curtain.

"You won! Damn, I think maybe we will end up competing for the title,"

"I'll kick you ass if we ever do. Hey, who's that chick with Dean?" She stops and looks over at them.

"I already checked it out. He's showing her around or something because she's trying to become a diva. She told me they dated in high school,"

"You and him would make a better couple then they ever would. Speak of the devil, he's staring at ya," She winked and started to walk away. I look over and sure enough she's right.

I find Lilly following who ever Dean is looking at. When her eyes land on me she gives me a death glare and tugs on Dean. I look away and walk to the locker room.
Chapter 2!! Also RAW is on tonight! Did any of you watch Fastlane last night? It was amazing! My updating schedule will be on Mondays and Thursdays so the same days as RAW and Smackdown.


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