Chapter 38: Two Can Play This Game

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By the end of the match, Dean has taken a real good beating. Seth Curbstomped Dean giving him the win. No matter how badly I wanted to go to Dean and tell him how sorry I was an if he was alright I couldn't.

I got into the ring and held Seth's other hand up while his music blares throughout the arena. Seth an I looked at each other smiling. Suddenly Seth's lips smash against mine catching me off guard. I quickly recover and push him off of me as I hear everyone gasp. I look Seth dead in the eye and slap him.

Then Dean throws himself at him and beats Seth to the ground. Which starts a massive fight. I run up the ramp with my hand over my mouth as Roman comes out to help Dean. When I run back through the curtain Stephanie and Triple H are there.

"What the hell?" I exclaim not to either one of them in particular.

"Now Milly. I know you never wanted a love storyline with Seth-"

"If this is you guys trying to start a love storyline I'm turning on The Authority!" I shout interrupting Stephanie.

"Milly, this is what's best for business. This is what the WWE universe wants," Triple H tries to reason with me.

Two can play this game.

"Fine, I'll go through with it but you'll be sorry," I walk away going straight to the divas locker room where I find all the divas staring at me in shock. Then all at once, the questions start coming out like bullets in a machine gun.


Tonight is Smackdown and Seth has a match against J&J while their accompanied by Kane. But I also have to reassure the WWE universe I'm still with The Authority, and I have the perfect way of doing so.

"Hey, Milly," AJ comes out from her bedroom looking a little down.

"What's up, AJ?"

"I'm retiring M. I'm going back home to CM Punk tomorrow,"

"What! Why didn't you tell me sooner?"

"Because I didn't know how or even when to tell you with everything that was going on. I'm sorry, Milly," I sigh and wrap my arms around her.

"Tonight we are going out and partying! Wait! Better yet, I'm throwing you a party here!" I exclaim and AJ rolls her eyes.

"Whatever floats your boat M,"

"Text whoever you want to come. Tell them it's right after Smackdown," AJ nods her head and takes out her phone typing away.

After AJ had invited everyone she wanted to invite we head out to the store to get a few things.

"We got everything right?" I ask as we walk off the elevator.

"Snacks and booze. I think that's all we need," We laugh but I stop once I see who's standing in front of our door.

"What the hell are you doing here?"

"I need to talk to you," Seth said.

"I'll be there in a second," I tell AJ and she nods glaring at Seth.

"You got ten seconds," I growl.

"Look, I'm sorry I kissed you last night but it was for the storyline. Also I want to take you out for dinner tomorrow,"

"Already talked to Stephanie and Hunter about that and not a chance," I open the door and was about to close it but Seth kept me from doing so.

"Please," He begs.

"No!" I slam the door in his face and get ready to go tape Smackdown.

"What did he want?" AJ asks as I finish my make up.

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