Chapter 22: Extreme Rules

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I stare down at my divas championship belt, tracing the letters. I'm so afraid of losing my title tonight.

"Milly, we gotta start getting ready," Paige walks in and sits down beside me on my bed.

"I'm afraid Paige,"

"Milly, you are a lunatic in the ring. Nikki is the one who should be scared, not you," She tries to cheer me up. She pulls me along and we get our gear on and do our makeup along with our hair.

Once our hair is straightened we grab our bags and head to the car. I have my belt around my waist. I wanna savor every moment I have with it tonight.

"Try not to stress to much tonight, okay?" Paige tells me when we park. I nod and we grab our stuff.

There are tons of people waiting at the door so Paige and I decide to do some autographs. I start signing papers when I spot Dean doing the same thing right beside me.

"Can I get a picture with you and Dean?" A fan asks me. He looks over and I give a slight nod to the fan. Dean and I take the picture without saying a word to each other. After signing a couple more papers, Paige and I head inside.

"I'm gonna go talk to Stephanie and Hunter," I tell Paige.


"To see if you can walk out with me instead of Dean," She nods and I go to The Authority's office.

"Is there something I can do for you Milly?" Stephanie is the only one in the office.

"Umm, yeah, there is actually,"

"Well, go ahead,"

"I was wondering if Paige can walk out to the ring with me tonight,"

"Why not Dean?"

"Uh, well... We aren't really together right now..."

"I'm sorry to hear that Milly. But this is work and acting. Not real life. Dean is still going to walk down there with you and be on the side. I can't have my divas and superstars real lives affecting anything in the ring,"

"I understand," I walk out of the office and sigh. I really don't want to face Dean tonight.

"Hey," I look up and see Dean in front of me. Fucking wonderful.

"What do you want,"

"Just to see of you are okay,"

"Well I'm not," I walk past him and into catering. I find Paige at a table with Emma, Roman, and Dolph Ziggler. I pull up a chair and sit beside Paige.

"Well?" She asks.

"Nope," She pats my back and gives me a sympathetic look.

"Ready for your match tonight Millster?" Roman asks and I touch my belt.

"More ready than I'll ever be,"

"You're going to come out of that match as the champion, Milly. I know you will," Dolph says.

"Thanks Dolph," I look up at the tv and Dean is in his Chicago Street Fight match with Harper. I look away then look back a couple minutes later and Harper is driving away from the arena in a black truck.

"What the hell?" I say and everyone looks.

"How the hell does that happen?" Dolph says.

"What if he's not back by the time I have to walk out?"

"Then I guess Paige can walk out with you?" Roman says but it comes out more like a question.

By the time it's time for me to go walk out Dean is still not back. I take Paige with me to the curtain and see Seth standing there with J&J.

"I'm walking you out since Dean isn't here," He explains and I nod my head.

"Good luck," Paige says then walks away. My music plays and we walk out. I take my belt off and hold it up in the air while walking down the ramp.

The Bella's walk out and the bell rings. Nikki and I lock up and she pushes me back. I charge at her but she clothes lines me. I get up only to be knocked down again. This time I get up and duck when she goes for a third clothes line.

She comes back and I drop kick her in the face. We go at each other for the next ten minutes. I have Nikki down and in position for the Weeping Willow. I start to climb the ropes when I spot Seth on the side of the ring.

"What the hell are you doing!" I yell. He jumps back and puts his hands in the air. I turn around only to be punched, then Nikki does her signature move on me. Next thing I know the bell is ringing and Nikki's music is blaring.


"Your new divas champion, Nikki Bella!" Sasha announces. I sit up and Nikki and Brie are walking up the ramp celebrating. Seth comes up beside me and puts a hand on my shoulder.

"GET OFF OF ME!" I scream and Seth stumbles back. "YOU'RE THE REASON WHY I LOST!" I scream again and the crowd goes 'oh'.

"I didn't intend for yo-" I interrupt him by not slapping his face. I punched him in the face.

"Give me a fucking mic!" I shout and the person obliges. "You made me lose my title Seth. Now I'm going to make you lose something valuable. Me! I am done with you and the fucking Authority! Now you can kiss me ARSE!" I throw the mic at his chest and walk up the ramp with tears threatening to fall. The crowd is going nuts and cheering for me.

"Milly," Paige is waiting for me with her arms out to hug me. I go in her arms and completely break down. I had that title for two months and I lost it.

"I'm so sorry," She whispers and I pull away. I wipe my eyes and shake my head.

"Don't be. I let Seth distract me when I shouldn't have," We walk back to catering.

"I'm sorry about your lost Millster," Roman says and hugs me. I don't say anything. I turn my attention to the tv where Luke Harper and Dean are back and fighting in the ring.

Dean bursts through the chairs and delivers the Dirty Deeds to Harper giving Dean the win.

Well, at least one of us won.
Here you go! I'm so happy Dean one his match last night! Same with Neville! I wished Randy would have won though but I guess you can't always get what you want.

Enjoy my fellow lunatics!


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