Chapter 12: Double Trouble

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The Bella Twins are walking towards me but I don't back up, I stand my ground. The three of us are handed microphones and Nikki starts talking.

"You think you being part of The Authority won't keep us from kicking your ass after what you did to Lilly?"

"Stuff it Barbie. She needed to be put in her place. Especially since she was after the divas title. We all know she's a newbie and too weak to take my title,"

"You messed with our best friend Milly," Brie cuts in.

"If you guys even think about stripping me from my title I'll have you twins going out on stretchers," I turn to Nikki and grin. "I'll have those so called boobs of yours looking like deflated balloons and I'm sure Brie wouldn't mind helping me after what you did to her match against Stephanie at Summer Slam," I laugh and walk the rest of the way up the ramp. Nikki is yelling absurd things to me but I can't make out what she's saying since she's thrown the mic.

"Dude that was epic!" Roman exclaims and high fives me. "I really loved the part when you called Nikki's boobs deflated balloons! I was laughing so hard I started to cry,"

"Thanks Rome," I laugh a little. I go to the locker room to find Paige but ran into Brie instead.

"Hey Milly. Just letting you know...Nikki is the one holding a grudge against you because of Lilly. I honestly don't give a fuck about her and find her to be a bitch myself. So if this whole thing gets made into a storyline I might just have to go against Nikki. But she won't be doing anything to you for a while since you can't wrestle for a couple weeks," She says and I'm in complete shock. I'm actually liked by one of the Bella twins.

"I'm surprised I'm liked by one of you two," I say and we both laugh. "Have you seen Paige?" Brie tells me she saw Paige walking down a random corridor. I start walking down random corridors and end up running into Cesaro.

"Hey, can I take that offer yet?" It takes me a minute to think of what he was referencing too but once I remember I punch him in the arm.

"You're a fucking loser. Anyways, have you seen Paige?"

"She was running around looking for you. I think she went towards the curtain," I run to the curtain and finally catched up to her.

"Mills! I've been looking for you everywhere! I loved what you said to Nikki!" She hugs me and I hug her back.


"So...there's this party at the bar down the street tonight for all the divas and superstars...,"

"You want me to go. I have a date with Randy but I guess I can see if he wants to go there instead,"

"Yay! Okay, we should go the show is about over," We head out and suddenly I'm anxious and excited for my date with Orton.


"Jeans, a plain black shirt, and your hair in a ponytail? Ugh, let me fix you up," Paige complained about my appearance. Frankly I didn't think I looked that bad.

She came back in with some clothes and threw 'em at me and told me to put them on. I did and looked at myself in the mirror.

"I can't wear this black crop top and a black skirt that stops mid thigh,"

" you look hot!" I looked in the mirror and scanned my body again. Paige had taken my hair out of the ponytail and it sat in nice long black waves. I likes this outfit a lot more now.

"It looks like I'm asking for it," I say looking at how much cleavage this crop top shows.

"Then put these black ripped skinny jeans on," I did as she said and looked myself over in the mirror for what seemed like the hundredth time.

"I like this better. Let's go,"

"Did you call Randy?"

"Yeah, he was already planning on taking me there," I assure her and we leave for the party.

When we get there it's all hot, stuffy, and there's more strangers here than superstars and divas.

You here yet?

Nope, be there in twenty. Had something come up.

"Where's Randy?" Paige asks me.

"He'll be here in twenty. Come on, let's go get a drink," We go over to the bartender and Paige gets us a drink that I have never heard of before.

"So your birthday is on the same day as Wrestlemania!" Paige exclaims.

"You're right. I haven't been thinking of that lately,"

"I never knew you were born on March twenty-ninth," Cesaro says behind me.

" you know," I tell him.

"Why don't I give you an early birthday present tonight?"

"The day I fuck you, well wait...that day will never come!" I push him away and Paige laughs.

"Is he giving you a hard time?" I turn back around and see Randy. Wearing jeans and a black shirt.

"He can wear jeans and a black shirt but I can't?" I ask Paige and she rolls her eyes.

"Have fun you two. But not too much fun!" Paige winks at me and walks over to Nattie.

"So what is this I hear about your birthday being on the same day as Wrestlemania?"

"Yes, it is but I don't want everyone making a big deal about it. I probably won't even be able to fight anyways,"

"I saw what happened. When's your next appointment?"

"This Tuesday,"

"Maybe your injuries aren't as bad as they think,"

"I hope. I was so excited for my match against Lilly,"

"Well, The Viper will be there at your appointment with you,"

"You don't have to!"

"But I want to support you,"

"You're really trying aren't you?"

"Yes I am," We dance for a little bit and eat and talk some more. The night is going by fast but I'm still having a blast.

"I'll be right back," I tell Randy and head over to the restrooms.

"Well, you moved on quickly," Lilly stops me when I come back out.

"What do you want from me? You have Dean now and don't have to worry about him wanting me and not you so leave me the fuck alone!"

"I may have Dean but I know you're just using Orton to distract you from Dean,"

"You're so full of shit by trying to ruin my life here that you can't even see that you're making yourself look bad!" Lilly throws a punch but I block her and punch her sending her to the floor. I walk away and go back to Randy.

"You okay? I saw what happened over there," He asks.

"I'm fine, she just won't leave me alone and it's getting pretty old,"

"Don't worry, I'm coming back to the ring in about a week from Monday so I can protect you,"

"Thanks Randy," The rest of the date was a lot of fun. We danced and talked and danced some more. I did catch Dean watching and shooting daggers at Randy with his eyes as Lilly was attached to his arm and she stared at me. Why don't they want me to be happy?
How do you guys like the chapter? I also made a new cover for the book and I love it! Plus since tonight is Wrestlemania I decided to do a special update! It sucks that I can't watch Wrestlemania but I really hope Dean wins the Intercontinental Championship tonight!!!


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