Chapter 35: Medical Update At RAW

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"I have just been informed that the winner if this match is, Dean Ambrose via disqualification! But still your WWE World Heavyweight Champion, Seth Rollins!" Lillian exclaims. My mouth drops open and I look over at Dean and he's smiling. Why the hell is he smiling?

"Aren't you upset?" I ask him, he nods.

"I know I am the new champion so I'm taking the belt with me," Dean, Roman, and I walk into the crowd and up the stairs. Dean raises the championship.

I was shocked and furious Sunday when Lillian said that. Everyone knows Dean won that championship fair and square but of course something happens that makes Dean's moment get taken away.

"Are you going to RAW tonight?" I ask Dean. I'm at his suite hanging out with him and Roman before RAW tonight.

"Nope. I'm gonna have Roman negotiate a deal with Rollins for a rematch at Money In The Bank in two weeks,"

"I got it all planned out man," Roman says and smirks.

"Nice, wait. Money In The Bank is in two weeks?" I start to freak out a little.

"Uh, yeah,"

"I'm not gonna be able to defend my title. I can't wrestle for seven weeks and if I hurt my wrist before that seven weeks is up I could never wrestle again. What if they strip me of my title?" I try to stay calm and not have a panic attack.

"It's only seven weeks. I don't think they would do that. Not unless you would be out for more than three months," Roman says.

"But that's seven weeks I can't defend my title or even wrestle,"

"Talk to Stephanie tonight before RAW and get the situation all figured out," Dean suggests.

"Okay," I sigh and cuddle into Dean's side. He has the championship laying on his lap and I have mine on my lap.

"You also won that title with a broken wrist last night Millster. You know how pissed the universe would be if they stripped you from your title that you rightfully deserve," Roman makes a point.

"I know they would piss me off," Dean smirks at me. I can't help but laugh.


I knock on The Authority's office door and Triple H opens up.

"Come on in Milly. What can I do for ya?" Triple H gestures for me to come in and I do. I walk in and also see Seth and Kane inside sitting down on the couch. I take a seat on one of the chairs in front of the desk and cross my legs. I look down at my black cast and take a deep breath.

"I went to the doctor this morning and I was told I can't wrestle for seven weeks. So I won't be able to defend my title for seven weeks including Money In The Bank,"

"Could you wrestle at least once? I mean you did just claim the divas championship with a broken wrist," Hunter asks.

"No, if I wrestle at all before the seven weeks is up, I could mess up my wrist and never wrestle again," I explain. I look over at Kane and Seth. They've got a worried look on their faces.

"Milly, I can't have a divas champion that can't defend her title to prove she should be the champion,"

"I understand,"

"I'm gonna have to strip you from your title," I hold back tears that threaten to fall as my fear becomes reality.

"Woah, woah, woah. Hunter, you can't do this. Have her explain to the WWE universe what happened and make her interfere promos, matches, and have her at commentary," Seth suggests.

"I agree with Seth, Hunter. She's been through so much the past couple weeks that she shouldn't be punished for what someone else did to her," Kane says. I'm surprised and very thankful that they are actually on my side. Especially since I haven't been nice to The Authority.

"Fine, you will have promos, interrupt promos, interrupt matches and be on commentary for some matches. But as soon as you're cleared you will defend you title against whoever deserves it in seven weeks," Triple H says. I leave the office still the divas champion. Seth had followed me out and I turn around to him.

"Thanks Seth. For you and Kane saving me from getting stripped of my title,"

"No problem," After a minute of silence, Seth speaks up again. "I still like you Milly. I'm waiting for the day you want me also," I sigh at Seth's confession.

"Seth, I'm with Dean. My feelings for him are so great they're unexplainable,"

"Do you love him?" His question catches me off guard.


"Do you love Dean?"

"Like I said. My feelings are unexplainable for him,"


Oh, whoa, oh, oh, whoa, oh, oh, whoa, oh, oh, whoa.
Oh, whoa, oh, oh, whoa, oh, oh, whoa, oh, oh, whoa.
B-B-B-Be careful making wishes in the dark, dark
Can't be sure when they've hit their mark
And besides in the mean, mean time
I'm just dreaming of tearing you apart...

I walk down to the ring with my title in hand and grab a mic.

"Yesterday at Elimination Chamber I was attacked by Nikki Bella, Paige, and Naomi at the beginning of our match last night. They tried to take me out so they wouldn't have to worry about me. But that didn't work since I am the divas champion. They may have broken my wrist last night, but that didn't stop me from becoming champion for the second time.

"Unfortunately, I'm out for seven weeks due to that injury caused by one of the three divas and I'm wanting to know who it was. So Nikki, Naomi, and Paige. Which one of you broke my wrist?" I wait for someone to come out but no one does. "Come on, I don't bite," Neither of them come out so I decide to end my promo.

"Okay, fine, be cowards. But when I find out who did it, you'll be more than sorry," I give my microphone back and walk up the ramp.

I decided to be nice and double update tonight since I wanna end this book ASAP. At least once a week I'll be double updating so I can start writing the sequel to Perfectly Insane.

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