Chapter 24: Home Sweet Home

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I grab my suit case and walk to the front door of the airport. My younger sister, Nellie is suppose to be waiting outside to take me home.

"Milly!" I look to my right and see Nellie running towards me. I turn and run towards her dropping my bags before we engulf each other in a big hug.

"I missed you so much Nellie!" I exclaim as we pull away and I grab my bags taking them to the car.

"I missed you too! You missed my sixteenth birthday,"

"I'm sorry Nellie,"

"It's fine, I know how busy you WWE wrestlers can be. Anyways, let's talk about you and Ambrose! Or does he go bye Jon?" She asks and I laugh.

"He goes by Dean Ambrose. And him and I aren't in the best situation right now," I admit and she looks at me with a confused face. "He got mad because Randy Orton and Seth Rollins kissed me then he left and came back drunk so I tried telling him we will talk when he's sober and he claimed he was sober then said he was done with me and broke up with me,"

"I'm so sorry Milly! Ugh, I shouldn't have even said anything,"

"It's okay! You didn't know,"

When we pull into the driveway I take a good look at my childhood home. I don't really know why but it seems like I haven't been home in five years instead if just one.

We walk through the front door and not even five seconds later Buster, our chocolate lab is attacking me.

"Hi Buster! Did you miss me?" I say in a baby voice. Buster barked in return.

"Milly you're back," My mom, Luanne says surprised as she walks into the living room.

"I called you and you said that's fine. Plus didn't you watch RAW?"

"I guess I just forgot," My mom isn't being her normal self. She never forgets things like this and there's worry in her eyes.

"Mom, what's going on? This isn't like you," I turn my head towards Nellie who is as confused as I am.

"It's noth-" She's interrupted when a man that is not my father walks out with only jeans on.

"Who the fuck is this?" My confusion turning into anger.

"What the hell have you done mother?" Nellie nearly whispers.

"I'm Neal," The man says and holds out his hand for us to shake.

"Get that fucking hand out of my face!" I say in a harsh voice. Then I turn my attention back to my mom. "You're cheating on dad, aren't you?"

"No she's not. They got divorced soon after you left. No one told you because we didn't want to turn your attention away from your career," Nellie explains, "But I have no clue who this man is,"

"Neal, you better go. I've gotta explain some things to my daughters," Neal nods and kisses my mom then walks out the door.

"I want the whole fucking story now!" I raise my voice.

"Stop cursing! Anyways, your dad and I had some disagreements and then I started seeing Neal. So I divorced your dad because our life together was over. Now Neal and I have been together for two months,"

"So you've been sneaking Neal over and sleeping with him for the past two months and haven't told me!" Nellie shouts.

"I didn't know what you guys would think,"

"I came home to get away from all the messed up shit in my life and I came home to more fucking shit! I'm going to go to my old ro-"

"That room isn't your bedroom anymore. It's my office," My mom interrupts.

"You're staying in my room with me," Nellie whispers. I nod and walk past my mother and walk into Nellie's room.

"Did all hell break loose when I left for WWE?" I ask Nellie and she sighs.

"Basically. Mom and dad started having problems right away and started forgetting about me because they were so busy arguing the whole time. It's like you were the glue that held this family together and once you broke away... everyone else broke too,"

"I'm sorry you had to go through that Nellie. Anyways let's go out for some supper! You can tell me how your first semester of being a junior is so far!" I exclaim and she nods excitedly.

We decided to eat at Taco Bell. We got our food then picked a booth to sit in.

"So any boys?" I wiggle my eyebrows and she laughs.

"Okay, I'll admit. There is this one boy that I really really like," She's starts to blush a little but I don't say anything.

"Go on,"

"But... I'll just start from the beginning. At the beginning of the year I became friends with this girl named Kira and she's a senior. She also happened to be friends with Kyle, who is the boy I like. Well Kyle had feelings for Kira and made it very obvious to everyone. Kira asked of I liked anybody and so I told her I liked Kyle. The next day she suddenly had feelings for Kyle when days before she told me she only saw him as a friend. They started dating and now I hate her guts and he is getting over a broken heart from her,"

"Oh, but he's single so why don't you make a move?"

"They just broke up like a week ago. Plus he barely knows who I am. That would make him think I'm a freak,"

"Well, why don't you try becoming friends with him. Then maybe you guys will start to talk more and develop a friendship that might become a lot more," She takes a bite out of her burrito thinking over what I just suggested. Suddenly a smile appears across her face and I smile in return.

"You're a freaking genius! Is that how you got Dean?" I laugh and roll my eyes starting to feel the heat rise in my cheeks.

"No, Dean actually helped me win my match for the championship. Then stuff progressed from there but there was lots of drama through it all,"

"That's right! You, Dean, and Lilly had a love triangle thing going on for a couple months there. I can't believe you actually made it to the WWE!" She exclaims.

"I can't believe I did it either,"
From now on the chapters will be in either Paige's POV(point of view) or Dean's POV. I'm gonna get away from Milly for a little but and focus on those two for a couple chapters. I might have a chapter in Milly's POV every once in a while but not until Milly comes back to the ring. Which won't be long because time is going to go by fast since there's still so much more that had to happen to in this book.

At the beginning of each chapter I will have who's POV it is in bold and right under I'll have how much time has passed since Milly left in italics.

Enjoy this chapter my fellow lunatics!


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