Chapter 36: Option A or Option B?

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"Think anyone is gonna come forward tonight?"

"Doubt it. If anyone does though my money's on Paige," AJ says.

"I agree with AJ. You have recently made Paige your enemy. She might want revenge for that," Emma says. AJ had invited Emma over since she never gets to talk to her and they're really close. I've never really talked to Emma so it's nice I have another friend.

"Yeah, sometimes I feel like I shouldn't of split Paige an I because we have been together since NXT. But then she'll go an flirt with Dean an it makes me wanna rip out her throat,"

"Wait, why is Paige flirting with Dean?" Emma asks.

"She's claiming she's liked Dean since NXT an is finally making a move on him,"

"He already has you! That's low," Emma exclaims and I nod my head.

"Have you told Dean you love him yet?" AJ asks.

"No, now are you gonna question me like Seth did?"

"Wait, when did you start talking to Seth?"

"When I went to tell Hunter about my wrist. Seth and Kane helped me keep my title. But then when I walked out Seth came out to and said how he still likes me and asked if I loved Dean,"

"Since when did Seth like you?" Emma asks. "I'm sorry! I don't mean it like that!"

"It's fine Emma. I know what you mean. He has ever since NXT when we first talked before. I guess you could say we had a thing but then he got debuted with The Shield and we stopped talking and whatever we had vanished into thin air. We've only talked like twice since. Well, other than that stupid storyline that he tried to get to happen. We didn't even talk when Dean, Roman, and Seth used to come over to hang out for a while," I couldn't tell them the whole story with Seth an I without crying my eyes out. I know I have Dean now but what Seth did still hurts me.

"How come you never told me any of this?" AJ exclaims.

"I guess I just sorta forgot about it," I shrug it off.

"Do you love Dean?" AJ repeats her question from earlier. I take a deep breath and look them both in the eyes.

"Milly!" I turn around to see who yelled my name and findSeth jogging towards me.

"Uh, hey Seth,"

"Triple H and Stephanie want to see you, Dean, and I now,"

"For what?" He shrugs. We find Dean and head straight to The Authority's office. The whole walk to the office Dean has me pressed up against his side with his arm around me. I caught Seth looking out of the corner of his eye and he looked hurt. Big time.

"Please sit. We have something to discuss," Stephanie says. The three of us sit down and diverse our attention to Stephanie and Hunter.

"Milly we want you to become part of The Authority and become best friends with the Bella Twins since Paige and them hate each other," Before I can say I single word Dean cuts in.

"Like hell she's gonna become part of The Authority!"

"Dean, this is her choice. Plus she'll still be able to work for the next seven weeks,"

"I'm gonna have to end me and Dean's onscreen love storyline?" I ask. I honestly don't want to do that but I still wanna work for the next seven weeks.

"Unfortunately, yes,"

"Why is Rollins here?" Dean cuts in obviously angry.

"We want Milly to betray you for Seth," Hunter says. Dean gets up and walks out the door slamming it shut.

"I'm sorry about Dean,"

"It's fine. Now you don't have to tell us what your are going to decide right now. You have to decide by main event though. Because Dean and Seth are gonna have a match. You get to decide who will win that match and what the next step in your career will become," I look at Seth. He's looking at the floor avoiding me.

I walk out of the office and immediately find AJ. I find AJ sitting with Emma at a table in catering.

"Hey M,"

"I'm so fucked," I groan and they give me questioning looks. "I get to pick whether I wanna keep the storyline I have with Dean going or turn on him ending our onscreen relationship and go join The Authority possibly becoming Seth's onscreen girlfriend,"

"You can't go to The Authority, Milly," AJ demands.

"If I do I'll be able to work for the next seven weeks but if I don't, who knows. Maybe they'll actually make me give up my title,"

"Just pick which ever option you think will be the best in the long run," Emma suggests and I nod.

Three hours later I'm standing behind the curtain waiting for Dean to get here.

"Dean, I'm walking out with you," I tell him. He smirks and grabs my hand. His music starts to blare and we walk down the ramp holding hands. The crowd goes crazy. It's hard not to just give in and smile but I can't break character.

Seth's music starts and he walks out with J&J by his sides. He looks over at me giving me a look saying you-have-to-decide-now. I look away and give Dean a good luck kiss.

"You okay?" He asks me.

"I'm fine. Now go be a lunatic and win this," He smirks and the bell rings.

For most of the match they go back and forth but then Dean gets the upper hand for good. He gets onto the second rope. I take a deep breath and walk over to him. He gets ready to jump and I grab his foot causing him to fall and hit his head on the ring floor. Seth takes advantage and gives Dean the Curbstomp.

"Milly just turned on Ambrose and gave Rollins the win!" Michael Cole exclaims. Dean rolls our of the ring an I crawl in. I hold up Seth's other hand. The crowd starts booing and chanting 'You sold out!' I hate it but I need to stay working so I'm not sitting alone or in the locker room just watching.

We walk back behind the curtain and immediately run up to Dean.

"Dean, please hear me out on this," I beg. He stands up straight looking disappointed and furious.

"Go ahead. Tell me why you turned your back on me out there,"

"I need to stay working for the next seven weeks. This gave me an opportunity too. I also can't have Stephanie and Hunter deciding they're going to make me give up my title and have a Battle Royal for it at Money In The Bank. Trust me I didn't want to but I had to for the greater good,"

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"I didn't know what you would say. I didn't want you to flip out,"

"Hey Ambrose! Where's my fucking championship?" Seth barges in. Dean looks up looking like he's gonna kill him.

"It's somewhere safe and far away from you," Dean growls.

"Seth, please go away. I'm having a private conversation with my boyfriend," I can see the pang of hurt that hits Seth when I referred to Dean as my boyfriend but he quickly recovers and walks away.

"Please don't be mad Dean," I look up at him. He towers over my five foot body and sighs.

"I can't be mad at you. I'm just disappointed I guess. How long are you gonna stay with The Authority?"

"I don't know. I don't like being yelled at that I sold out and all but I don't know,"

"Just promise you'll turn on them soon," Dean begs. I honestly don't know if I'll ever turn on The Authority. I think I might like being with them and becoming friends with the Bellas. I've never even talked to them once so it'll be interesting how this will go.

"I promise,"

Sorry I didn't update earlier, I was at a ball game up town. I know you guys probably hate me right now but trust me, next chapter you're gonna love it!

Please vote if you liked this chapter an I hope you do my fellow lunatics!

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