Chapter 6: Lilly vs Paige

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"I thought you didn't have work today?" Paige asked as I was getting ready.

"They want me to go and watch now. Doesn't bother me though since I would just be doing nothing," I explain and grab the keys. "You ready to go?" She nods and we head to the arena.


"Fucker! I have a match against the bitch," Paige groans.

"Kill the bitch for me, yeah," I pat her on the shoulder and headed to the locker room.

"Hey Milly," AJ greets me as I walk in and sit next to her.

"Hey, what I miss?" I glanced at the tv and Triple H was exiting the ring.

"Just the normal twenty minute speech he gives every show," We laugh and watch match after match. Soon it's time for the divas match.

"Your challenger from Cincinnati, Ohio...Lilly!" Lilly's music hits and she enters the ring. She has a yellow crop top, yellow shorts, and yellow shoes that shimmer under the light.

"Her opponent, Paige!" Paige enters and they lock up. Paige pushes her off and Lilly jumps on Paige sending her to the ground and starts punching but Paige pushes her off.

Later in the match Paige is about to finish Lilly off when someone's music hits.

It's Deans. My eyes widen and I find myself leaning closer to the tv. Dean distracts Paige which let's Lilly curl Paige up and pin her for the win. Lilly's music hits and she gets out of the ring into Deans arms and they kiss.

"What the hell!" I jump up and scream. "I knew I should have worn my ring gear! I knew some bullshit was going to happen!"

"You're mad because Lilly and Dean kissed?" Natalya asks.

"No, I'm pissed because Dean made Paige lose! Why would he let me win the title then make Paige lose her match?" I sit back down still contemplating whether I should go give Dean a piece of my mind or not. I get back up and find Paige at the curtain.

"I fucking had her! Then Dean comes and distracts me!" She yells.

"I was watching. This will get us back into tag team action. It will probably end up with us against Lilly and Nikki Bella," I tell her. Lilly comes back and I slip out of my heels.

"You bitch!" I launch myself at her but I'm stopped by Dean before I can get my hands around her neck.

"Someone's grouchy," Lilly sneers and I get out of Dean's grip.

"You shouldn't have done that Dean. Who's side are the hell are you on?" I ask him and Lilly latches onto his arm.

"His girlfriend's of course," She says and I look at Dean.

"Stephanie is talking out there now right?" I ask Paige.

"Yup," I tell them to play my music and they do. I grab a mic and make my way to the ring.

"Milly what are you doing?" Stephanie asks once I'm standing a couple feet away from her in the ring. She's probably so surprised because I'm not suppose to be doing anything. I can take a day without pay, won't bother me.

"You will give me a match against Lilly so I can beat her ass or better yet you will give Paige and I a match against her only!"

"You're asking for a two on one handicap match?"

"I think that's what I just said," I clarify.

"Okay, you have you a match. But if you lose, you have to have a title match against Lilly,"

"Fine, but letting you and everyone else know right now...she isn't and never will be the diva I am!" I drop the mic and turn around on my heel and go back up the ramp while the crowd goes nuts.

"Got us a match," I find Paige in catering and sit with her.

"I saw and Lilly was going ballistic so Dean made her go to the locker room since he has a match next and doesn't want her going after you," I laugh.

"Who's Dean facing?"


"Well it's payback time I guess," I walk over to the curtain and wait till Dean has the upper hand against Seth. I tell them to play my music and I head out.

"What are you doing?" Dean yells at me being totally distracted. I see Seth get on the top rope and I smile.

"Payback," Dean furrows his eyebrows and turns around only to get taken out by Seth with a flying elbow. Seth curb stomps Dean and wins. I smile and walk back up the ramp.

Revenge feels good.

You guys liking the book so far? I have tons of plot twists and everything planned! Who do you guys like more...Dilly or Millean? If you guys have better ship names comment below and I'll pick one and dedicate the next chapter too you!!!


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