Chapter 21: Sorry Is Just An Apology

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Dean's POV:

I woke up with an awful headache and the feeling I did something last night that I'm going to regret big time.I reach my arm over on the bed to bring Milly closer to me but it's empty.

"Milly?" I groan and open my eyes. Why isn't she here? I get up and walk out of the room only to be greeted by Roman.

"What the hell did you do last night man?" Roman asks with a look of disapproval on his face.

"Drank the night away last night because Milly told me Seth and Randy kissed her. After that I honestly don't remember anything,"

"Milly came over-"

"What? When? Why didn't yo-"

"Crying. Dean she came over crying because of what your drunk ass did," I stand there in silence. I look at the clock, two in the afternoon. "You accused her of kissing both of them not them kissing her. Then you said you were done with her ass and broke up with her while she begged you to talk about it when you're sober but someone didn't FUCKING LISTEN!" He shouts the last part.

The events from last night start to return in my head. I went to the bar after she told me then got drunk. I spotted Seth and Randy and beat the shit out of both of them while they claimed Milly kissed them. I just don't remember storming over to Milly's and saying whatever I said.

"I gotta go to her,"

"I wouldn't. You broke her heart Dean. Extreme Rules is tomorrow and she doesn't need anymore shit laying on her than there already is. She needs to focus on beating Nikki and coming out of that match as the champ,"

Milly's POV:

I stare at my reflection in the mirror. I look like total crap. I have been crying on and off all day while Paige and I ate junk food and watched Netflix.I walk back into the living room and just then someone knocks on the door.

"Paige, did you invite someone?"

"Nope," She says and pops the 'p'. I open the door and immediately slam it back shut. "Why did you do that?"

"Open up the fucking door Milly!" Dean shouts and Paige face palms herself.

"Why? Are you just going to accuse me of kissing them again? Or maybe this time you'll accuse me of sleeping with them when YOU KNOW I DIDN'T!" My emotions get the best of me and I end up screaming the last part at the top of my lungs. I felt like I'm gonna cry but I don't have any tears left.

"Milly, please open up! I want to talk about what I said last night," Paige gets up and opens the door. I glare at her and she glares back.

"What do you want Dean?" She asks and Dean walks in past her.

"Milly, I am so fucking sorry for what I did and said last night! I was so drunk I don't even remember coming over here after I left the bar,"

"Well I do and you accused me of kissing Seth and Randy! I kept trying to tell you to wait till you're sober but you wouldn't listen! Then you broke up with me Dean," Somehow tears are rolling down my face again. Dean comes forward and grabs my hands in his but I yank them away and back up.

"Dean, I think you should go. She doesn't need this when she has the most important match of her career tomorrow," Paige says.

"Like hell I'll leave! I'm the reason why she feels like she's living in hell and I won't leave till we are together again!"

"Dean, I don't want you back," The words taste like venom coming out of my mouth. But it's true.

"What?" He whispers.

"If you're going to walk out on me then come back drunk just to break up with me whenever something bad happens then I don't wanna be in a relationship with you,"

"Milly, that's not how it's gonna be. Please just give me another chance!" He begs.

"I don't believe in second chances. How I see it is if you get a chance then you do everything to not mess it up. Now please leave," Just then someone knocks on the door and Paige opens it up to Roman.

"Milly, I told him to wait till after Extreme Rules," Roman tells me and I sigh.

"Dean was just leaving anyways," Dean looks at me with hurt in his eyes then follows Roman out the door. I start to shut the door but Dean stops me.

"I'm so so so sorry Milly,"

"Sorry, is just an apology," I shut the door the rest of the way.

"Do you think you're going to take him back?" Paige asks me once I sit back down.

"Honestly, I don't know. I just wanna see how my match tomorrow goes then I'll start worrying about my love life,"

"I really do hope you two work things out. All the divas made up a ship name for you two," I started to blush a little and a small smile crept onto my face.

"Oh really? And what might this ship name be?"

"We came up with Mean, Dilly, and Millean. Everyone says Millean cause it's all of our favorites," I laugh a little and so does Paige.

Dean's POV:

"Roman, I really messed up this time,"

"Yeah you did my brother. What the hell were you thinking last night when you left? You should have just talked to her about what happened and worked through it! Not go and get yourself drunk to where you can't remember what happened you dumb ass!" Roman raises his voice at me.

"Why the hell do you care so much?" My jealousy gets the best of me.

"Because Milly is the best thing that had ever happened to you since you came to the WWE and you know it! We both know what you did with Lilly was just to get under Milly's skin! We're also brothers and I'm just looking out for you," I mentally face palm myself for ever thinking Roman would look at Milly in any other way other than a friend.

"What am I gonna do? You heard her say she doesn't believe in second chances,"

"You screwed this up, Dean. I'm not helping you out of this one,"

"I don't believe in second chances,"

Those words are going to haunt me until I get her back. If I ever get her back. No, no ifs or buts. I will get her back!
I was thinking about making this chapter the Extreme rules chapter but I decided to make you guys wait one more day since I'm mean like that! Yes, it would have been cool to have an Extreme Rules chapter on the day of Extreme Rules but I decided I wanted it on a different day.

Anyways enjoy this chapter and just to remind you guys I do update this book on big WWE events like Wrestlmania, Extreme Rules, Royal Rumble, etc.


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