Chapter 10: Hospital and A Couple Visits

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"Someone needs to come visit me!" I belch out in an awful singing voice. I've been alone ever since Paige left at six yesterday. I start to belch it out again but someone interrupts me.

"Shut up! Your wish has been granted!" Dean says and I laugh a little. "How are ya holding up?"

"I'm fine just my head hurts like hell," Dean sits on the bed beside me.

"Do you remember anything that happened?"

"That Lilly said something about you lying about not wanting to get back together with her or something," I look at Dean and he's staring at the wall. "Dean? Was she right?" He takes a deep breath before looking at me.

"No, she's not right,"

"Then why did you hesitate to answer me?"

"Because right before Smackdown...I kissed Lilly. I didn't mean to but it just happened,"

"It's not like we have feelings for each other so you don't have to think that getting together with Lilly will hurt me. I will be pissed but if you're happy I'm happy,"

"You don't get it do you?"

"What's there to get?"

"I want to stop the storyline! So if I get together wi-"

"The storyline stops once she has a match with me for the title! Sorry Dean but that's not happening for two to three months! Because of that crazy bitch I can't wrestle for two months or maybe more! I can't do the thing I love and if you think going back with Lilly will get you out of the contract then you're a bigger idiot than I thought!"

"I'm upset with myself for kissing Lilly because I was mad at you and wanted to make you jealous! I don't have feelings for Lilly I have feelings for you," He almost whispers the last sentence. I'm so shocked that I don't say anything.

"I thought I had feelings for you too Dean. I do have feelings for you but I need to focus on my career. And do anything I can to destroy Lilly's career," I tell him.

"You will not destroy her career Milly. I won't let you,"

"Pick a god damn girl Dean! You say you have feelings for me then you go and protect or make out with Lilly! You only get one god damn girl! Choose her or me and choose wisely. Choose now," I glare at him. He gets up and leaves. Leaving me sitting in this small room all alone.

"Thought so," I whisper to myself as the tears fall down my face.

"Milly, you can go home now. Just don't do anything that could involve you bumping your head,"

"Okay, thanks," I call Paige and she notices that my voice isn't the same. I tell her to wait till we get home and I'll tell her what happened.


"Okay, spill it Mills," She plops down on the couch and I slowly sit down beside her.

"Dean came to visit me and..."


"He told me he had feelings for me. I told him I have feelings for him too but I want to focus on my career and maybe sabotage Lilly's career. He told me he wouldn't let me so I told him to pick, her," I shake my head and fall apart. Paige immediately hugs me and I cry on her shoulder. "He still chose her over me. Even after what she did," I force out.

"He'll be sorry...very sorry,"


My music blares throughout the arena and I happily walk down the ramp. I have a promo to kick off RAW to inform everyone on what happened Thursday. Apparently it was on tape and the tape had been 'accidentally' leaked.

"As you all know or might know I was attacked after Smackdown. I was taken to the emergency room and had to get twenty stitches and I have a major concussion and a couple other things that I can't-" Lilly's music blares and my jaw clenches. Oh, guess who's with her. That's right, Dean fucking Ambrose.

"Why don't we relive that moment," Lilly enters the ring. Before I can say anything the video is being played. Once the video ended she turned back to me with a smug grin on her face. Suddenly I'm thankful for wearing my ring gear even though I can't fight.

"Looks like I was right,"

"Congratulations! You got a man that dumped your ass once before want a trophy or should I give you a medal?" I hear people start chanting my name and soon enough my name is being chanted by everyone saying it at the same time.

"Shut up! At least my career isn't over," She smugly remarked.

"Actually that's where you're wrong...Lana," People start snickering and I laugh a little myself. "I'm only out for six weeks. You're the one who took your Wrestlemania moment away. I also have another surprise for you but Dean has to get out of the ring," Lilly looks at Dean and tells him to go. "Security, surround Dean," They surround Dean within five seconds and Lilly's face goes pale with realization.

"You can't wrestle though,"

"Since when did I ever listen," Right on cue Paige's music blares and all the divas surround the ring.
I love this chapter! This is my favorite chapter so far and I can't wait to update Thursday. I left this chapter on a cliffhanger but I hope you all don't get mad at me for that. I also wanna thank the people who read my Author Notes instead of just skipping them. I'm having problems in life right now so if I stop updating regularly. Just a warning! Hope you like this chapter!!


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