Chapter 41: I Love You

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"He's seriously gonna sit there till Seth comes back out isn't he?" Emma asks.

"Yup," I say popping the 'p'. Emma and I are sitting in catering along with Brie and Nattie. Sheamus comes out and I mentally face palm myself.

"Isn't it hard to not turn on The Authority and go back to Dean on camera? Especially with the feud between him and Seth," Nattie asks as we watch Dean and Sheamus's match.

"I wanted to turn on The Authority so bad last night at Money In The Bank. Especially now that I have to act like Seth and I are in a relationship for the storyline. Dean has told me how bad it hurts him an it hurts me too,"

"Have you guys gotten down and dirty in the bedroom yet?" Emma says nudging my shoulder. If I were drinking water or any liquid for that matter, I would have done a spit take.

"No, we have not. I'm not ready yet,"

"You guys have been dating for almost three months!" Nattie exclaims.

"Yeah, my friend get engaged after her and her boyfriend dated for three months," Brie says.

"I'm just not ready yet," Dean ends up winning his match against Sheamus thanks to Randy Orton for the distraction.

"Time for us to go win our two on one handicap match with Paige. You gonna be at ringside?" Nikki asks as her and Brie get up.

"No, I gotta little surprise for everyone," I say with an evil grin on my face. Nikki and Brie eye me suspiciously then walk out.

About half way through the match Paige has gained momentum and has taken out both Nikki and Brie.

Oh, whoa, oh, oh, whoa, oh, oh, whoa, oh, oh, whoa.
Oh, whoa, oh, oh, whoa, oh, oh, whoa, oh, oh, whoa.
B-B-B-Be careful making wishes in the dark, dark
Can't be sure when they've hit their mark
And besides in the mean, mean time
I'm just dreaming of tearing you apart...

I skip down the ramp with the divas title on my shoulder and walk over to the commentary table.

"Hold this," I say to Michael Cole. I turn around and get into the ring. Paige and I stare at each other. I look over at the Bellas and their looking at me confused. I look back over at Paige and stick my hand out. She looks at my hand unsure if it's to become partners again. She walks forward and grabs my hand. Suddenly I pull her towards me and Dirty Deeds her.

I get out of the ring grabbing my title then go over to Brie as Nikki gives Paige the Rack Attack and pins her for a 3 count winning the match.

"I thought you were turning on us back there," Nikki says as we walk to the divas locker room.

"Do you really think I would ever become allies or partners with Paige after everything she's done to me?"

"True, true..," We walk into the divas locker room and watch Dean's promo with Kane. I laugh at how Dean is throwing darts at a picture of Seth. At the end of his promo I walk out and go find him.

"There's my lunatic fringe," I coo as I find Dean walking to catering.

"There's my insane diva," He coos back causing us both to laugh. "You don't know how badly I wanna fuck you whenever I see you in your ring gear," I giggle and Dean kisses me.

"How's your knee?"

"Achey but other than that it's pretty good. Now let's go watch and see who's gonna be Seth's next opponent," We walk to catering and do what all the other superstars are doing. Seeing who the next challenger is against Seth Rollins.

Dean and I both sigh as Triple H says it's definitely not gonna be Dean. Seth's music blares and he walks down to the ring. He grabs a mic then turns to Stephanie and Triple H.

I cuddle into Dean's side and he rests his head on mine. Then we wait. As Triple H is talking to Seth saying how he showed everyone he could beat Dean all by himself. Triple H pauses and Seth tells him he's ready to find out who his next challenger is.

"I know who it is," I whisper to my self and Dean gives me a confused look. Then someone's music blares and Dean smirks at me and I smirk back.

Brock Lesnar circles the ring as him and Seth stare each other down. You can see how nervous Seth is as Brock makes his way inside the ring walks up to him staring at him. Seth quickly gets out of the ring and slowly walks up the ramp.

Dean and I high five each other. Brock Lesnar is back and ready to take the championship from Rollins.


I decided to spend the night at Roman's and Dean's suite since I'm lonely being by myself every night.

"You know Roman is gone," Dean whispers in my ear. I giggle and turn to Dean. I have been thinking about having sex with Dean a lot lately. I've decided I am ready.

I quickly get on Dean's lap straddling him. His hands go to my waist pushing me closer to him.

"Are you sure you're ready?" He asks with a concerned expression.

"I've thought about this long and hard. I love you so much Dean an I'm ready to show you," Dean stands up causing me to squeal. He chuckles walking into the bedroom. He slams me down on the bed and smashes his lips onto mine. My hands go up to his hair tugging a little. He presses himself onto me causing us both to moan.

He moves from my lips to my neck sucking hard making sure to leave a mark. I grab the bottom of his shirt lifting it up taking his shirt off of him and throw it onto the ground. Slowly the rest of out clothes find their own spot on the floor.

I think back to when Dean and I first met. It was very awkward at first since we didn't really know each other and Roman and Seth kept trying to get us to talk to each other. I think back to when Dean came out during my first divas championship match with AJ helping me win and helping me get my first title reign.

Right now I am happy to say I'm in love with the lunatic fringe from Cincinnati, Ohio, Dean Ambrose.

Double update! I tried to get this written before RAW ended but I realized that wasn't going to happen so I added some of the events from RAW into this chapter.

Also, I live 2 hours from where Cleveland! I was so close yet so far away! When I first started becoming a fan of Dean Ambrose I had no clue he was from Ohio also. It's a very small world.

Anyways, hope you like this chapter and please vote! Till Thursday my lunatics!

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