Chapter 44: Pregnant?

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I woke up with a text message from Brie asking if I wanted to go out for lunch with them around eleven.

"Where are you going?" Dean comes up behind me and wraps his arms around me while I'm finishing up my make up.

"Going out to lunch with Brie and Nikki,"

"I thought you were just pretending to be friends with them?"

"That was what I was going to do but I actually like being friends with the Bella Twins,"

"You don't know how bad I wanna take you right here right now," He mumbles into my ear. I turn around and push him away laughing.

"That's not happening you sex machine,"


"How are you and Dean?" Brie asks once we order.

"Really good,"

"Any action in the bedroom lately?" Nikki smirks at me.

"Yes," I can feel my face hearing up.

"I figured because of that mark on your neck," My hand shoots up to cover the mark making Brie and Nikki laugh at me.

"Did you guys use a condom?" Brie asks. I think back to two nights ago.

"Shit! I don't think we did! Fuck!" I put my face in my hands. I can't get pregnant. If I do my career as a WWE diva is over.

"Let's change the subject," Brie mentions and we all agree. "What the hell is going on with you and Bray?"

"I have no freaking clue! I thought he was suppose to have a feud with just Roman but I guess he's pulling me into it also,"

"You better watch out. He could seriously hurt you,"

"Dean has been by my side almost the whole time we are at the arenas just incase Bray decided to do anything,"

"Aww, that's adorable and cute," Nikki coos.

"Do you think you and Dean will get married?" Brie asks. The waiter brings our food and my mouth starts watering from the delicious sight.

"I don't know. I haven't really thought that far yet,"


I've been thinking about the possibility of me being pregnant all day. I've always wanted kids but I don't want them now. Especially with my career beginning to progress again.

"Are you okay?" Kane asks me.

"Yeah, I'm fine," Kane and Dean have a match tonight. I'd rather be with Dean right now but I have to wait with Kane and Seth.

Dean's music blares and he goes out. Soon Kane goes out and the match starts. It seems like this match has been going on for forever. Mainly because I need to talk to Dean as soon as possible.

"Come on," Seth says. I look at the tv and Dean is about to put Kane away. I sigh as I figure out Seth is dragging me out there with him to change that. He grabs my hand and we walk out. We get down to the ring and Dean is distracted by us. Next thing I know Seth's lips are on mine and the bell is ringing.

I look over at Dean. His eyes show pain. Of course he would be feeling some pain right now. I'm being force to have an on air relationship with someone who was once his brother. Plus he just got beat in his match by Satan's favorite demon.

When we get back behind the curtain I immediately go to catering. Luckily I am the only one here. I put some grapes and strawberries on a plate then sit down.

I can't get this whole possibly being pregnant thing out of my head. I still have about two weeks before I can take a pregnancy test to see if I am or not.

"Hey, what's wrong?" Dean steals a strawberry and sits down beside me.

"We didn't use protection Dean," I look up at him and he looks at me.

"Shit," He whispers. "So you could be..,"

"Yup, if I am my career is over,"

"You could ge-"

"Don't even finish that sentence. I would never take away my unborn child's life just so I could continue being a diva. We don't even know for sure anyways,"

"When can you take a pregnancy test?"

"A week or two,"

"Let's just forget about it right now and focus on work," I agree with Dean and that's exactly what we do. Well, try to do. For the rest of the night I can see it in Dean's eyes that he's totally freaked out. He's not good at relationships and if he has a kid in his life he's gonna be worried about being a bad father.

"I gotta go. Bella's match is next," I tell Dean. I give him a quick kiss then walk out meeting Brie and Nikki at the curtain. Naomi and Tamina go out first.

"I have something to say before we start this match. I wanna give Milly a peice of my mind. Milly, you're just like Seth! You need help with winning your matches and your so full of yourself. The only reason The Authority hasn't stripped that title from you is because you joined them! So Milly, you can count on me going against you for that title at Battleground!" Naomi tosses the mic aside.

"Do you two care if I tell her a piece of my mind?" I ask Brie and Nikki.

"Go for it," They say in unison. I grab a mic and wait.

You can look but you can't touch,
You keep dreaming on the stars above...

"Naomi, you say I'm just like Seth. I take that as a compliment because Seth is the best champion there ever was!" I take the championship off my waist and hoist it up in the air. "And may I remind you that I won this championship with a broken hand in the same match you were in! You had your chance but you gave it away! Now my best friends the Bella Twins are gonna show you why you're not the divas champion,"

Brie and Nikki win the match and the three of us give Naomi and Tamina the loser sign as we walk up the ramp.

I was ready to hug Dean when I came backstage but he wasn't there like normal.

"Is everything alright?" Nikki asks.

"Yeah, I'm just gonna go find Dean," I walk around the corridors for while but still haven't found Dean. I'm ready to give up when I hear him talking to Roman around the corner.

"What are you gonna do if she is pregnant?" I hear Roman ask.

"I don't know. I can't have a kid. It would ruin my life. I didn't even want another relationship after what happened three years ago but I couldn't help it. Milly just stole my heart. But if she's pregnant... like I said, it would ruin my life," A tear rolls down my cheek as I storm out of the arena. Dean is just thinking about his damn selfish self through all this. I know there's still a chance I might not be pregnant but just hearing Dean only worrying about him makes me upset.

He doesn't even care that this could end my whole career.

So what do you guys think about Milly possibly being pregnant? I wanna hear your thoughts so comment please! Also I have a Seth Rollins and Dean Ambrose fan fiction that I might publish. I post the description after this authors note in italics and please let me know if you want me to publish it or not. Please vote if you liked this chapter!

Troublemaker (description):
Winnie grew up watching WWE. Her dream was to be a WWE diva. She applied for Tough Enough making it to the top thirteen and coming out on top. She debuted at NXT becoming the divas NXT champion within a month. Now she is making her big debut on Monday Night RAW and she has a plan. A plan that could get pretty violent.

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