Chapter 47: Are We Meant To Be?

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"How did Dean go from kissing you one second too hating everyone and everything the next?" Emma asks when I finished telling her what happened at catering after my match.

"That's what I was wondering!" I haven't seen Dean since Smackdown last night. I've sent him multiple texts and made several calls to him but he hasn't answered any texts or calls which frustrates me a lot.

"Well, let's forget about Dean today and go to the mall!" Emma grabs my hand pulling me off the couch. I grab my purse and slip on my shoes.

Twenty minutes later we park and head inside. The first store we go into is Hot Topic.

"They have a Motionless In White t-shirt!" I squeal grabbing a shirt in my size.

"You like those kind of bands?" Emma says disgusted.

"Uh, yeah. They have the good music," Two hours later we have gone through all the stores we want and decide to stop at a pretzel place in the mall.

"I got the pretzels!" I exclaim and set them down in front of Emma. I sit across from Emma and immediately freeze at what I see in a far corner behind her.

Bray, Bo Dallas, and Luke Harper are in the corner watching Emma and I. Emma turns around to see what I'm staring at.

"Emma, let's go," I whisper. She turns back to me and nods. We gather our bags and food quickly then practically run out of there.

"Why the hell were they stalking us!" She exclaims expecting me to know.

"I don't know! He thinks I'm his Abigail or something. I usually just tell him to fuck off and leave but I'm not taking any chances when it's three against two,"

"Why aren't you taking this seriously! He could seriously hurt you!" She shouts at me.

"Emma, calm down! Bray is just trying to scare me. Now let's to back to the hotel and watch a movie or something then hit the bar," She slowly nods but keeps a worries look on her face.


"Where are you going?" Dean grumbles.

"To the bar. Now what's your problem? You have been in a bad mood since Smackdown,"

"Has Bray been bothering you since him and Bo attacked you?"

"No, not at all," I say in a cheery voice which was a bad idea because now he knows I'm lying to him.


"Yes," I sigh. He starts pacing back and forth clenching his fist together so hard his knuckles are turning white. "Dean, calm down. He's not gonna do anything to me,"

"BULLSHIT! I know how Bray works and he's not gonna leave you alone until he's satisfied!" He shouts at me.

"I can take care of myself! I'm not a damn child!" I grab my purse and slam the door shut. I stop and take a deep breath as I hear something shatter.

"Let's go out now," I tell Emma when she opens the door.

"What's wrong? Did you and Dean fight?"

"Yeah, I'll tell you on the way there," Emma and I walk to the bar down the street an I tell her why Dean an I fought.

"I'm kinda on his side, Milly. I mean you have played off this thing like it's no big deal,"

"Whatever. I need a drink," We sit on the bar stools in front of the bartender.

"What can I get you two?"

"Sour cherry vodka please," I tell him.


"Staying sober tonight?"

"I have a feeling I'm gonna have to and help you get back to the hotel room,"

"You're feeling is probably right," I down my first drink in under a minute. Two hours later I'm so drunk I can't see straight.

"Milly, you have drank way too much," Emma exclaims.

"Can I get another?" I ask the bartender.

"No! You don't need to consume anymore alcohol!"

"Yes I do! You're the one that doesn't need anymore alcohol," I slur and practically fall off the bar stool.

"Let's go home, Milly," Emma tries to pull me towards the door but I refuse.

"No! I wanna dance!"

"Stop acting like a little kid! Now let's go!" I push her away and rush into the crowd of people dancing. I move my hips to the music not caring who I'm pressing myself against. Next thing I know I'm being hoisted onto someone's shoulder and being carried out of the bar.

"Put me down! My boyfriend can kick your ass!"

"I am your boyfriend crazy. Now stop screaming before someone calls the cops," Dean says.

"How'd you know which bar I was at? And why did you get me?"

"I guessed and second, Emma texted me saying you're drunk as fuck and I needed to come get you,"

"Fucking bitch," I mutter. We walk into the hotel and up to our room. Dean carries me into the bathroom and sets me in the bath tub.

"Dean, why did you-" I'm cut off by freezing cold water on me. I scream until the water is shut off. "What the hell!"

"Are you sober enough now to tell me why the hell you were grinding against guys that aren't me? Are you sober enough to tell me why you're so damn drunk?" Dean shouts. He stares at me waiting for an answer. I look away from him and stare at the shower floor. "You can't. You fucking can't tell me why. You know what, maybe we aren't meant to be together, Milly,"

"Don't you dare pull this shit on me! Why can you go and get drunk and I can't?"

"I WASN'T RUBBING MY ASS AGAINST OTHER GUYS DICKS!" He shouts then walks out of the bathroom slamming the door and then the hotel room door.

I make my way to the bed tripping about a thousand times. Tears start running down my cheeks as I think over the events of tonight.

Do I really wanna be with Dean? Are we really meant to be together?

Do you guys think Dean and Milly are gonna stay together? Comment your opinions if ya like!

IMPORTANT!!!! I will not be updating on July 13,16,19, and 20!! I will be I vacation in Michigan. If I do somehow get internet I might update but that's very unlikely. I hope you guys aren't too mad about that.

I love you my lunatics! Thank you for all the reads and votes! Keep it up so we can get this book to the top!

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