Chapter 31: Tag Team Partners Or Enemies?

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I've been nervous about Dean ever since he left me in the corridor alone last night. I stayed up half the night hoping he wouldn't come in doing something stupid again. I definitely wouldn't be able to handle that.

"Gym time!" AJ shouts as she walks into the bedroom.

"I have a broken wrist AJ! What am I suppose to do at the gym?" Right after that I immediately face palm myself already knowing what she is gonna say.

"You can run on the treadmill like you always do,"

Called it.

"Yeah, I know. It hit me right after I asked,"

"Then get your ass up bitch!" I get up laughing and AJ slaps my butt as I walk into the bathroom.

Twenty minutes later we are putting our stuff in a locker. We walk out of the locker room and I immediately spot Dean doing bench presses. I decide to not bother him since I don't know his mood and he might still want some space.

I turn on the treadmill and put my head phones on listening too Dirty Little Secret by All-American Rejects.

"So am I your dirty little secret?" I hadn't even realized I was singing along. I stop the treadmill and turn to a smiling Dean. I smile back at him and he engulfs me in a hug.

"Yes, you're my dirty little secret," I say into the crook of his neck. "Are you feeling better?"

"Yeah. I just don't take losing matches very good. Especially losing a career changing match like that one. Anyways, to more important things. How's your wrist?" I look down at the black cast that's covering my wrist.

"It's sore and has been aching but other than that it's fine. It didn't even hurt that bad when it got broke. Probably because of all the adrenaline that was running through my veins," I laugh a little at my last statement and so does Dean.

"Are you gonna still do promos and that kinda stuff during the next four to six weeks?"

"Oh definitely. If I can't wrestle, I'll get into the ring one way or another," After that we finish the rest of our workout.


I put on my ring gear as I'm making a plan in my head for tonight. Paige has a match against Summer Rae tonight on RAW and Stephanie told me I could interrupt the match either making Paige and I partners again or enemies. But before I decide I need to talk to Paige.

I walk around the corridors asking several divas and superstars if they have seen Paige. I walk into catering and see Paige sitting at a table with Dean. She's giggling and caressing his arm while looking at him with lust and need.

I feel the anger rising up inside of me but I keep it contained and try not to seem angry as I casually walk over to them.

"Hey babe," I say to Dean his face lights up when he sees me.

"Hey Mills! What's up?"

"I was just looking for Paige because I need to have a chat with her over our future as a tag team," I explain and look over at Paige. She gets up an I follow her out the door into the corridor.

"What do you want to talk about?" She sneers. I can already tell what my decision is going to be.

"Are you still trying to go after Dean?"

"Uh, obviously. I told you, I won't stop until I get him,"

"You would rather have this get in the way of our friendship and our career together than do this in private?"

"It is in private,"

"News flash Paige! Everyone can see you in there throwing yourself all over him! Not to mention you have kissed him out in the ring on air in front of the whole WWE universe! I don't think that's considered private!" She doesn't say anything. She just looks over at the posters on the wall. I look over too and she's staring at a poster of us together in the ring standing side by side looking like we are about to rip someone's throat out. "I needed to talk to you because Stephanie told me tonight I need to decide whether we stay together or break apart. But I think I already know what I'm gonna do," With that I walk to the locker room and watch RAW.

The divas match is the match right before main event. Paige and Summer come out then my music blares and they both glare at me as I skip down the ramp. Well, Summer glares at me but Paige just has a blank expression that has a hint of...guilt?

"Making her way to commentary, Milly!" Lillian announces and I grab a headset then sit down beside Jerry 'The King' Lawler.

"Nice to have you here tonight Milly," Jerry greets me. The bell rings signaling the match had started.

" It's nice to be here Jerry,"

"Now during Payback Milly you had your wrist broken when you landed on it after Paige rolled out of the way of the Weeping Willow. How is your wrist?"

"It's sore and it aches from time to time. I'll be out for four to six weeks but that's not gonna stop me from getting into the ring. Just because I can't wrestle doesn't mean I'm useless and can't do anything," I turn my attention to the match. Summer had the upper hand and I decide to do something about that.

Summer has Paige on the ground in the corner of the ring. I pull Summer's feet out from under her causing her to fall and hit her head. Paige takes advantage and puts Summer in the PTO, Paige Tap Out. Summer taps and the ref holds Paige's hand up. I roll into the ring and hold her other hand up. Once it's just her and me left in the ring she turns to me and smiles holding her hand out.

I smile back at her and grab her hand.  I pull her towards me delivering a clothesline. I jump on top of her and punch her over and over again. I throw her into the turnbuckle then kick her ribs over and over again. Paige slips out of the ring and I have someone give me a mic.

"Paige, you kissed my lunatic, Dean Ambrose, here in front of the WWE universe then broke my wrist when we are suppose to be best friends. Well when you mess with my life you get the wrath of the Mrs. Lunatic Fringe," The crowd goes crazy and Paige looks at me from the ramp. "Watch your back Paige, because no broken bone will stop me from unleashing the monster inside of me that keeps clawing to get out and claim it's next victim. Right now that victim is you," I drop the mic and my music plays.

Yes I'm upset that Paige and I are enemies but it's for the best. I can't forgive her for what she has done and continues to do. I can't trust someone who's going after my boyfriend just because they're jealous.

I know now some of the WWE universe is gonna hate me but I'll pay that price.

"I'm glad you did what is right for you," Dean hugs me and I gladly cuddle into his chest. I look over to my right and see Paige looking at me. She looks upset and disappointed but soon covers it up with anger. She glares at me then stomps off.

I know I did the right thing.

Happy Memorial Day! Make sure to thank your family members, friends, or strangers for fighting for our country!

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