Chapter 14: Gym Trouble

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"Get your ugly ass up!" Paige screams as she jumped on top of me.

"What time is it?" I asked as I sat up.

"Almost eleven. Now get up! We are going to the gym and practicing," I listen to Paige and get up. I don't need her putting me in the PTO, Paige Tap Out.

I put my hair in a French braid and throw on a purple sports bra and black shorts.

"Ready?" I asked her. She nodded and we walked down to the gym. Paige and I stretched then immediately went over to an open ring. Which just happened to be beside the ring Dean and Roman are in. At least Lilly isn't here.

"Do the Weeping Willow on me Mills,"

"The what?"

"Weeping Willow. Your signature move," I nodded and got her in position then did the move. "You could have taken it easy," She says as she stands up holding her face.

"Yeah, don't need to injure your best friend," I turn around and Randy was standing there. I jumped through the ropes and he caught me.

"I didn't know you were going to be here," I tell him and he smirks.

"Same to you," He put me down then leaned down and kissed me. "Can I ask you something?"


"Will you be my girlfriend?" He asked and I could feel my face getting hot.

"Yes," He smirked and kissed me again. All of a sudden I'm being jerked back. I turn around and I'm facing Dean.

"What do you want?" I snarl at him.

"Just letting you know you're making a big mistake," He says.


"You heard me,"

"I'm not making a mistake. Randy didn't break my heart when he picked another girl over me while I was in THE FUCKING HOSPITAL!" I screamed the last part.

"I didn't want to hurt you more than I already have,"

"YO-" Suddenly, Dean's lips are on mine.

"YOU ASSHOLE!" Randy yells and pushes Dean off of me then punches him.

I was frozen. I couldn't move or do anything but watch. I was completely confused and terrified. Seconds later Roman got in between Dean and Randy

"Tell me you felt something!" Dean yelled. I shake my head. "Look me in the eyes and tell me you didn't feel anything then," I walk up to him till I'm inches from his face.

"I...I...I can't do this," I shake my head and turn to Randy.

"I think for now we should just stay friends and when you decide who you want then tell me," Randy says then walks off.

"If you had feelings for me then why did you pick Lilly?" I ask Dean turning back to him.

I didn't want to hurt you...,"

"You hurt me a lot more picking her. Do you even like her?"

"No, I broke up with her last night after our promo,"

"Let's just be friends right now. I don't want to get hurt any more right now,"

"Okay, well do you guys wanna join us?" I look over at Paige and she shrugs. Then I look at Roman who is giving me a thumbs up.

"I guess," We headed over to the ring.

"Go grab your title real quick," Paige told me and I did. I came back with it on my shoulder. Paige took it and winked at me.

"This is a Divas Championship title match! Your challenger, Dean Ambrose!" Dean shrugged and decided to play along and I got into character. "And your challenger, Milly!" I got on the outside of the ring and did my scream that Paige and I both do. Then I get back in and into my corner. Roman pretended to ring the bell and Paige got out of the ring.

"Don't go easy on me,"

"Wasn't planning on it short stuff,"

"I'm not short!" I scream and lock up with Dean. He pushed me off but I charge him and clothesline him somehow.

"Shit," He sat up. I hurried up and got up on the top rope and did the Weeping Willow on Dean. I pinned him but he kicked out. "I'm tougher than you think," He smirks and I roll my eyes. We go back and fourth for a little bit but we both start to get tired.

"Just let me win Ambrose,"

"Not a chance," I do a low blow on him and he bends down.

"I have an idea," I grab Dean and do his own move on him, the Dirty Deeds.

"One! Two! Three!" Roman counts and I run over to Paige and grab my title.

"Got ya with your own move Ambrose!" I rub it in his face and he chuckles a little.

"Haha, very funny," He gets up and picks me up.

"What are you doing?" I start freaking out a little bit. He sets me back down and starts laughing.

"It's so easy to freak you out," I grin then jump on him and do AJ Lee's signature, the Black Widow on him.

"Tap bitch!" I yell. He shakes his head then taps out seconds later.

"Damn! How many signature moves do you know?"

"More than you think,"

"I'm starving Mills! Let's go get some food," Paige says and I nod. "Why don't you guys come too," She points to Dean and Roman and they nod. I glare at her and she smiles.

"I'm picking where we go," I say.

"But-," I shoot Dean a glare. "Fine," He groans.


"Why did you invite them to come to lunch with us?" I ask Paige once we walk through the door.

"Well you and Dean were hitting it off and finally talking to each other again,"

"He also made Randy break up with me five minutes after we started dating,"

"We both know you didn't want to be with Randy," I sigh and sit down.

"He was a distraction from Dean and Lilly. He's better off without me anyways,"

"Anyways, what are you going to do about Dean?" She asks and I give her an are-you-serious look. "What! You two just admitted you have feelings for each other then you just fucking friend zoned him!"

"Paige, I don't want to worry about Dean or Randy or anything right now! I may or may not have a Wrestlemania match and if I do it will be a title match and I can't lose to Lilly!" Paige frowns and wraps me in a hug.

"It'll be fine! I hope you have that match so this fucked up storyline can end. Then the one with you and Dean and Seth can start!"

"What!" I scream and stand up.

"Uh oh," Paige looks down and doesn't say anything. I groan and run to the suite Dean and Roman are staying in.

"Why didn't you tell me?" I scream when Dean opens the door.

"About what?"

"The fucking storyline with Seth, you, and I in it!"

"What are you talking about?" My jaw drops. He doesn't have a clue what I'm talking about. Wonderful.

"I'm gonna kill Seth," I murmur.

I'm sorry! I didn't have this completed last night and I didn't want to give you guys a short chapter so I literally just finished it! That's also why it kinda sucks and isn't very good but I promise the next chapter will be better.


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