Chapter 48: It's All My Fault

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I wake up with a major hangover. I slowly sit up which was a terrible idea. My head feels like I'm a pin getting hit with a bowling ball constantly. Someone starts knocking on the door an I groan.

"Stop knocking! I'm coming for goodness sakes!" I shout holding my head in my hands. I slowly make my way to the door and open it to Seth.

"You look terrible,"

"Wow, that line will get you a girl for sure," I say sarcastically rolling my eyes. Seth follows me to the kitchen.

"Sorry. Rough night?" I grab some pills and a glass of water then pop the pills in my mouth and take a sip of my water.

"You have no idea. Have you seen Dean at all?"

"Nope," Seth shakes his head. I groan and plop down in the bed.

"Why are you here anyways?" I say in a moody tone.

"To let you know that some plans are gonna change tonight on RAW,"

"What do you mean?"

"I can't tell you but don't be surprised when you get to the arena tonight and see the schedule," Seth gets up and heads toward the door.

"Wait! Why can't you tell me?"

"Because I can't," With that he closes the door leaving me alone with my thoughts. I look at the clock and it's already noon. Dean left at around three in the morning after our fight and he's still not back. Maybe he's with Roman.

"Man, you look awful," Roman says when he opens the door.

"So I've heard. Anyways, have you seen Dean?"

"No, why?"

"We got in another fight last night and he hasn't came back to our room,"

"Do you need to talk about it?"

"Yeah. At least what I remember," I walk in and Roman hands me a mug with coffee in it.

"So, what happened?"

"I got really drunk and from what I remember Dean came and saw me grinding against other guys. He took me back to the hotel room then the last thing I remember is him basically asking if we are really meant to be together. The sad part is...I don't know if I wanna be together with Dean anymore, Roman,"

"Damn... I don't know what to tell you,"

"It's okay. I just... I don't know. Dean an I have been together for a while. All the arguments we've had we have worked out but this one... this one just feels like it's the end of us," I look at Roman and he has a sad look on his face.

Dean's POV:

"It's okay. I just... I don't know. Milly an I have been together for a while. All the arguments we've had we have worked out but this one... this one just feels like it's the end of us," I had started to open the door to Roman's hotel room. I have the spare key incase of an emergency. I was out all night at some random bench by the road. I had come to Roman's room to tell him what happen an ask what I should do.

I barely opened the door a crack when I heard Milly's voice. I left the door open just a crack so I could hear what she had to say. Now I wish I hadn't. I feel like someone has ripped my heart out of my chest and thrown it away.

I close the door quietly so Milly and Roman can't hear it then make my way to the elevator.

"Fuck!" I growl slamming my fist into the wall. My knuckles are now split and bloody. I push the door open to the stairs. After walking down two stories I sit down and lose it. The tears keep coming an I can't do anything to stop them.

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