Chapter 45: Suplex City

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~Please Read Author's Note At The End Of The Chapter!~

"Sweet, innocent, Milly. We have stumbles upon each other once again," Bray walks out right in front of me in front of the door to catering.

"What the hell do you want Bray?" His face goes from a creepy smile to seriousness. It has me a little scared.

"I want my sister, Abigail and I have found her," Suddenly I feel a presence behind me and turn around.

"Hello, Milly. You can be our sister, Abigail, we have been longing to find. All you gotta do is BOlieve!" Bo Dallas exclaims.

"I'm not sister Abigail! I don't know why that's in your heads! Now leave me alone!" I shout. I try to move Bo out of the way but he doesn't move.

"That's where you're wrong, Abigail," Bray growls. He grabs me from behind.

"DEAN!" I scream at the top of my lungs. Bo grabs my legs holding them tight so I can't kick anyone and Bray had my arms down covering my mouth. I continued to scream and squirm hoping someone would save me.

"Let her go!" Someone shouts. Two people come and attack Bo and Bray causing them to drop me. I hit the floor hard hitting my head on the wall. My vision starts to become covered with black specks making it hard to see who my rescuers are.

"Shit! Are you okay?" I blink a few times trying to regain my sight fully. I smile and tears start rolling down my face as I throw myself at Dean. He stands up holding me tightly in his arms. "I should have been there when you came back from the match,"

"Dean, don't make this seem like it's your fault. It's actually mine,"

"How is this your fault? It's not like you could of predicted this was gonna happen to you," I sigh and pull away from Dean wiping my cheeks.

"Could you give us a minute, Roman?" He nods and walks away. "I went to go find you after the match. I did find you but you were talking to Roman. I heard everything you said. That your life would be ruined if I was pregnant. You seemed so concerned about your life and it seemed like you didn't give a damn about what would happen to me if I am. I would have to retire, Dean. My career would be over. I got really upset so I stormed off and went to leave but then Bray and Bo Dallas came,"

" Milly, I said those things because I don't wanna end up like my dad and have my son or daughter end up like me. You should know better that I also care about your career too. I love you, Milly. I'm just scared and worried," Dean pulls me back into his arms and I let him.

"I am too, Dean. If it makes you feel any better I doubt I am actually pregnant. Pregnancy problems tend to run in my family,"

"That makes me even more worried because if you are pregnant...who knows what could happen,"

"Let's just put that aside for now and focus on winning your match," I give Dean a weak smile and he returns it.


It's almost time for main event so I'm waiting backstage with The Authority.

"Nervous?" I ask Seth.

"No way. I'll defeat anyone who is thrown in my path," Seth says confidently. That's one thing I dislike about Seth, he's overly confident about himself. Then sometimes his confidence costs him his match. Like his match with J&J. But that was partially Dean's fault also.

The Authority's music starts to blare and we walk out. As Stephanie and Triple H get Seth pumped up I stand their awkwardly. I end up finding a spot on the ring floor that looks very interesting so I stare at it for who knows how long. The thing that brings me out of my trance is the sound of Brock Lesnar's music blaring.

I can't help but let a smirk take over my face. I look over at Kane and he has that same smirk plastered on his face. Before stepping out of the ring I walk up to Seth.

"You got this," He nods and I step out of the ring. I watch as Brock lurks around the ring before getting in and walking slowly up to Seth. Since I'm Seth's on air girlfriend I have to act like I'm worried. I put on my best worried face and keep looking over at Stephanie and Triple H anxiously.

Seth tries to get out of the ring but he's to slow for the beast incarnate. Lesnar delivers Suplex City to Seth. I hurry into the to the ring after Brock is done.

I put Seth's head on my lap stroking his hair away from his face. Then I feel a presence staring down at me. I gulp and slowly look up. Brock is staring down at me and he doesn't look happy.

I slowly get onto me feet and take a step back. He takes on step forward every time I take one step back. My back hits the turnbuckle and I gulp.

"I don't want any trouble here, Brock. I was just-" Before I know it Brock is taking me to Suplex City.


I wake up with my head and neck killing me.

"Hey, she's awake!" I look around and spot Dean heading towards me.

"Hey, how are ya feeling?" He asks in a soft voice. So soft it's almost a whisper.

"Well, my head and neck hurt like hell. Where's the doctor?" I sit up slowly.

"I'm right here. You're very lucky you didn't sprain your neck, Milly. You just have a slight concussion but that should go away within two to four days,"



"Milly," The nurse calls my name. I stand up and follow her.

"Have you been experiencing any pain in your wrist lately?" She asks me ready to write on the clipboard.

"No, not at all," I shake my head slightly.

"That's wonderful. The doctor will be in a little bit. We'll do an X-Ray then go from there to see if your wrist has healed faster than expected. From the information you have given me I would say you have a very good chance at being back in the ring as soon as Friday," She informs me. I thank her and she walks out.

I could be back in the ring within two days if everything is going well. It's been about six weeks since I broke it. That means I'll be back in the ring before Battleground. There won't have to be a divas Battle Royal.

"Hello, Milly," The doctor comes in. He soon X-Rays my wrist and before I know it he's standing before me with the results.

"Is my wrist healed?" I ask. I'm starting to shake a little from being so nervous. He sets down his clipboard and I wait anxiously for his next words.

So it has come to my attention that I got part of the story a little mixed up. Milly's wrist was broken from her Fatal Four Way match. I had gotten that match and the match where she sprained her wrist mixed up. I will definitely go back and fix that when I have the chance. Just wanted to make that clear incase some of you have realized that and were confused.

Thank you guys for almost 5k reads and 60 followers! I know that doesn't seem like anything but to me it is. To me it shows that I'm making progress on here.

I hope you enjoyed the chapter and please take a couple seconds to vote and/or leave a comment! Peace lunatics!

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