Chapter 16: Wrestlemania Part Two

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Before I know it it's time for my match. I have vomited twice because I'm so nervous and I can't stop shaking. I go to the curtain and when I get there Dean is already there waiting for me.

"You ready crazy?" Dean asks. I laugh then nod. "Your shaking like crazy!"

"I've puked twice also,"

"Calm down. You'll do fine. Once your music plays listen to the roar of the crowd that's just for you," My music blares and we are signaled to walk out. Dean takes my hand in his and squeezes a little to give me a boost in confidence.

We walk out an I listen to the roar of the crowd just like Dean told me to do. Everyone is going wild and I can't help but go high five some fans and take a picture with one of them.

I climb into the ring and Dean walks over to commentary. Lilly's music blares and there's a mixture of cheering and booing. I guess we know who the crowds favorite is.

I give the ref my belt and he signals for the bell to ring and we lock up. I push her off but she lunges back at me. I move off to the side causing her to run face first into the turnbuckle.

I take a second to think. I could try to end this early and go for the win or I could make her suffer? I decide on option two.

I lunge at Lilly slamming her back into the turnbuckle. I turn her around and kick her in the ribs repeatedly until the ref pulls me back. I try to go after Lily again once she gets up put she kicks me in the face and knocks me too the ground. She pins me and I kick out at one.

She picks me up by my hair and I look at her. She clotheslines me then kicks my ribs until the ref backs her up.

"You think I'm not good enough!" She yells in my face then jumps on me and punched me until the ref backs her up. I roll out of the ring fast and Dean walks over to me.

"You got this Mills! I believe in you!" Dean kisses my forehead and I head back into the ring. I push Lilly away from me as she tries to attack me again.

I can tell she is starting to get tired from beating on me for the past ten minutes and me kicking out at either one or two. I kick out again and she screams in frustration.

"Frustrated that I keep kicking out?" I taunt her. We stare each other down then lock up once again. I push her off and clothesline her. I pick her up then set her up for the Dirty Deeds. I look over at Dean and he smiles. I deliver the Dirty Deeds then set her up for the Weeping Willow.

I climb up to the top rope and look down at her. She's one more blow away from being knocked out. I jump and time seems to slow down. I will either knock her out for good or she'll move and I'll injure myself.

Before I know it I make contact with her and pin her.



"Three!" The crowd yells cheering. I stand up and the ref hands me my belt then raises my hand. Dean comes up, hugs me and spins me around.

"I told you that girl wouldn't lose,"

"Your girl," I whisper. My music blares and I stand on the ropes holding up my belt and celebrating my victory. As we walk up the ramp I high five the fans.

"You did it!" Paige screams and her an AJ hug me.

"I know!"

"Also using Dean's move on her," AJ points out and I roll my eyes.

"I'm just glad that damn storyline is over,"

"Me too," Dean wraps his arm around me.

"Sorry that you didn't win your Intercontinental match," I had totally forgot about Dean's match that was before mine. I had been too worried about my match.

"It's fine. My back does hurt from getting thrown onto a ladder by Luke Harper though,"

"My poor lunatic fringe," I say in a baby voice and he smirks making his dimples show. His dimples alone get me going.

"Let's leave theses two love birds alone," AJ whispers to Paige and they start walking down the corridor.

"I heard that!"

"You were suppose too!" AJ yells back. I roll my eyes. Dean and I watch the rest of Wrestlemania then Dean takes me out to eat.

"Where you wanna go?" He asks me and I think.

"Taco Bell! I love Taco Bell! I use to go there after football games with my cousin and her friends,"

"You went to football games?"

"I was in marching band. I miss marching band a lot. I played the clarinet," I start thinking back to those days. I miss staying up late for the games. I miss having to memorize songs within a week and sometimes less. I miss traveling to football games that are an hour away. I miss everything about marching band.

"You would look cute in one of those uniforms," We pull into the Taco Bell parking lot. It's not too busy so we order and get our food fast. I order two spicy potato soft tacos with nachos and a Dr. Pepper vanilla freeze. Dean gets a Mexican pizza, nachos, and a Mountain Dew freeze.

"I wished I wouldn't of agreed to that storyline," Dean murmurs.

"Me too. If I could reverse time I would. Anyways, how's your back?"

"Hurts but I'll live," We eat the rest of our food with small talk.

"Dean you can't stay with me in my suite," I say as Dean and I stop outside of my door.

"Why not?" He starts to whine and I giggle.

"Because, AJ wouldn't like that and we are staying on second base for a while,"

"Fine," He grumbles.


"What?" I stand on my tip toes to kiss him but still can't reach his lips.

"Lean down! I can't reach your lips," I demand and he chuckles before connecting our lips. I feel him smiling so I smile also.

"Can you stop shoving your tongue down my best friends throat so we can go in and go to bed?" AJ grumbles behind me. We pull apart and Dean glares at her.

"You're a cock blocker," He grumbles back.

"You weren't getting any anyways!"

"AJ! Dean! Stop! I'll be in in a second AJ. I gotta talk to Dean,"

"Someone's in trouble," AJ sings and I glare at her.

"I'll see you tomorrow. AJ was right. You weren't gonna get any," Dean gasps and I giggle. I peck him on the lips then walk inside.

Tonight has been a very good night.

I'm actually in marching band so that's why I had Milly be in it. Enjoy this chapter my fellow lunatics!


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